2humaneconomics.docx download 2 page doc click through guide to world's most applied sustainability networks
1 financial services to end poverty - goal 1
2 food last mile services to end famine
3 health last mile services to end unnecessary deaths of children a...
4 lifelong livelihood teaching and learning
5 inclusive and resilient communities - prepped for disaster and re...
post olympics updates:
- brief on 20 year dialogue- which 100 asian universities can sustain the world?
naosaka.com -let's explore how youth and most trusted coaches can take back practising adolescent and mental heath with economistsports.net and take back consequences of global summits at www.economistdiary.com
uniting japan, glasgow and bangladesh sdg youth in 260th year of machine maps by adam smith and james watt - related reference 10th year of adam smith scholars journal on only asian solution can save 2020s humanity
is it possible for youth to help un scale digitally as well as on ground - start with guterres twitter-designed organigram
abedmooc.com- a digitally tagged case library abed's legacy 6 by 6 alumni networks : 4 education,3 last mile health, 2 ending starvation, 1 ending poverty, 5 celebrating 100% collaborative/sdg productive communities; 17 everything other collaboration worthy of sdg generation innovating including humanising machine intel deeply and diversely in line with nature - not all versions latest= if something interests you most ask me chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
yidan6.pptx 4.6 legacy of luminaries of education can solve any sdg crisis
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82-72 foundations of billion women 6-dimensional nation building
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chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk writes: ever since president kennedy asked the head-fed to explore dad's 1962 survey in the economist, my diaspora scots family has compiled economistdiary ie 60 years -dedicated to our lifelong hero sir fazle abed who partner dec 2019- how did two thirds of humans -asians- end poverty spun by white empires during first 185 years of humans and machines - glasgow nov 2021 is last best chance for what glasgow university watt and smith intended to start up - the sustainable advance of all lives matter |
rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to nominate a summit or a HUNIcorn- ie startup network too valuabLe for all lives matter for investors to exit or politicians to quarrel
. change? summit 2021 EconomistDiary.. ?climate action nov glasgow 1 2 ?education dubai dec rewired partners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x1 ?education qatar dec wise laureaes abed & 6 5 4 3 2 1 ?education hk dec yidan luminaries abed & 8 76 5 4 3 2 1 ?education paris non varkey mn teacher 5 4 3 2 1 ? aiforgood year round virtual geneva un - ops edu earth health ... bidenuni picks virtual earth day summit april - see recording biden june in europe -g7 cornwall : brussels bureacratics ............................. |
25 hunicorns by abed health HUNIcornsHH! Oral rehydration saves half of infants lives in humid villages increases village mothers lives 20 years;HH2 together with nationwide vccination network and- HH3 village doordash 10 basic non-prescription drugs served by para-health village mothers -main partners unicef , barefoot china medics hh4 tuberculosis and last mile ID partners kim gates soros education hunicorns 1 lifelong 2 primary partner brit and commonwealth aid, 3 teen 4 university 5 internet partner japans number 2 cellular company 6 solar 7 early childhood partner lego, yidan, cambridgeu finance hunicorns abed changed aid- 80% of brac funds grow and grow their outreach microfranchising businesses village mothers profit with unlike charity that often needs refunding; ultra is one finacial grant targeting 15% poorest graduation into ruing their own business partners cgap, nobel economist 2019 mit poverty lab; bkash is world's largrest cashless bank in number of customers; cit bank serves second generation villagers in city and their small interprices; brac international in netherlands systemises affordable remiittances as well as international brac hunicorns food security unicorns- rice science ends starvation; veggie science gives vitamins infants need to prevent stunting; poultry and dairy design nation market leadership whilst value chain maximises livelihoods of villagers ... meta since 1972 person to person meta tech partners legacy - can 100 universities share their sustainability alumni's massive collabprations /innovations advancing human lot can 100 million dollar climate bridge fund be designed round community piloted solutions across 10 countries https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-muhammad-musa-4638a8105_global-co... |
Economist Alphabet A ai aid B bank black C D diary E F food future G green H health ... L learning M maps P poor R refugee S sports W women water webs U UN university Y youth
Economist Place alphabet Africa America Asean Asia Bangla Europe Japan Russia Scotland Singapore in association with ecop26.com XGlasgow.com Games of WorldRecordJobs 2025report EntrepreneurialRevolution Astra.place
marketsreality.com trilliondollaraudits.com ask any ceo who comes to cop26 to clarify most sustainable purpose his sector leadership could celebrate
although maps of goal 1 ending poverty face many detailed challenges - if we could design a world in which every next girl/boy born has a good chance at life and livelihood - we'd be heading in win-win directions on all sustainability goals out of every community worldwide-
asians are over two third of world's people- after that about 13% are white, and 13% african ..
and at end of world war 2 over 80% on asia's continent had been left out of the machine age started by scotlands smith and watt-mainly because of how london had ruled so many waves during era of colonisation- with no access to electricity grids all development had to be linked in communally person to person- in poorest village asia most cultures left women to community build villages whilst strongest sons might work in city or abroad remitting back to the village
this index has taken 10 years looking at a lot of different projects empowering bangladesh village women -it can offer a detailed way of building very deep data connections/system flows if you value that sort of approach
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
in this compendium of rural human/economic development, we try to put some numbers showing how huge the bottom billion person economy built by half a billion womens empowerment is - but please note gravitational solutions such as oral rehydration saving up to a third of infants lives in humid villages involved education but almost no cost as a cure- so financially they don't show up in macroeconomic views of world progress- more generally almost all parenting work has zero recognition among macroeconomists who track GDPs; nor do their numbers track what we are doing to nature - so in effect the more carbonised GGP grows- the more nature is destroyed; if you can help us correct numbers we welcome that- but please note any errors are mine alone- they do not weaken the value of understanding the solutions mapped- also while these solutions could be applied in ay part of asia where dense populatinos share very little resources; it happens that in numerical terms most of this progress was done by bangladeshi and chinese village women- most times when they faced the next deep community challenge - they shared solutions freely- however there is a big difference- chinese villagers over time could rely on huge wealth being crated in coastal china whereas bangladeshi women have not over the last 45 years; this means that if you want to look for the deepest solutions you monitor what bangladesh women invented and svaled; but if you want to verify how over 800 million people advanced beyond 1$ a day poverty you need to study other opportunities china enjoyed that bangladesh did not
meanwhile most of the asian women end poverty miracle is next to no carbon but no credits for that have been given by those who designed globalisation up to 2020 -covid crisis year; also in real communities eg mothers take turn in looking after each others kids- these free but vital exchanges dont show up in monetary economies; we start the countdown in 1975-part 1 to late 1990s involves person to person trust networking with no tech; part 2 involves chances to leap when partners test micro-solar or mobiles
hg wells - civilisation is a race between education and disaster |
economistdiary.com today asians are nearer 70% of human race than 50% IN 1977- imagine what hell the world would be in without asia rising, beyond the colonial age which climaxed in world war 2 round currencies/trading maps of 7 white empires (uk us canada france italy germany russia totaling less than 8% of human race) plus japan -industrial revolution 1 and the atlantic hemisphere driven by english mindset had left almost all of continental asia out of 185 years of access to electricity grids and other machines started up by glasgow's smith and watt in 1760 -comments? any errors mine alone- chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk economistfuture.com
Journalists, mediators and public servants should never be pessimistic about human growth exponentials -this has been a recurring lesson with each leap in 20th c media- because politicians get a choice what apps are licensed | it would have been easy to get depressed - kissinger had called bangladeshi villagers a basket case- 3 by one million disasters- cyclone, war, famine had challenges brac's grassroots village women networks but as you can see from this 1977 optimism that circles of women could lift up the sky was pervasive |
chris macrae
yidan prize the most exciting of all transformation summits for edu?
tencent co-founder charles yidan did something a bit different when he committed 100 million dollars to education transformation - like other summits he aimed to offrr an annual celebration out of his hong kong headquarters but he would also spend the next year both hosting regional celebrations of the most recent laureates, listening to next nominees and building various panels - here is his luminaries panel launched april 2021 - 15 brilliant system wide leaders of what to change in education 13 personally represented - two represented by nominees- can you think of any active panel quite like this/ tell us if you can
Apr 25, 2021
chris macrae
Aug 16, 2021
chris macrae
please share this 7 oct edusummit free virtually- its hosted out of cambridge by same network as celebrated fazle abed yidan prize europe - it positions itself as one of last edu summits before cop26 concerned with students 21-22- added bonus princess from netherlands the country which hosts bracs international headquarters; by the way yidan 2021 laureates will be announce week before - we then get 4 months to (re)nominate 2022 https://yidanprize.org/events/creating-an-equitable-future-through-...edusummitoct7.pptx
abedmooc 4.6 yidan/abed luminaries -where sustainabilty greaters fans of youth discuss whats education got to do with extinctio or sustainability
Sep 2, 2021