happy 25 to brac and digital world of poorest billions

click pic for brac 2014 story of bkash 2012-4

the all time laureate of the economist's entrepreneurial revolution genre is SIR FAZLE ABED

download from summer 2021


if our one pager doesnt fit your printer ask chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk for alternative formats

 this offers a guide to 30-36 of humanity's greatest collaborations in sustaining families and children- we welcome your nominations -our guide links hundreds of cases and partnerships which are indexed at www.abedmooc.com


NEW DOWNLOAD starting Glasgow Cop26 November on road to Guterres UNSummitFuture 2023 -are these the 36 most exciting COLLABORATIONS of SDG GENERATION? (As tech wizards do their thing with Artificial Intel how do we make sure BRAC COLLABS deep data mapping is included?)

you can download one page ppt abedgamechanges.pptx with links to 36 of the most collaborative partnerships empowering billion women to build sdg asia 

You can compare abed with are other top51 world class jobs players of human advancement- - search by player's name eg ABED GRANT NIGHTINGALE STANFORD SMITH NEUMANN EINSTEIN GANDHI  ATTENBOROUGH SCHWAB FEI-FEI LI  YIDAN

japanese silicon valley friends of abed helped him launch bracnet in 1996 - while its true that the combination of solar and mobile changed the possibility of developing places previously excluded from electricity grids i am not so sure whether dr yunus telephone girls were the biggest story-

- back in 1996 brac already had nation wide service/supply chain organisations in 5 dimemesions -the rural agricultural and cratsfs ones being called brac 3nterprises - health food security education partering plarforms as well as finance- it wanted to digitalise the information dewspearely -when you think about recording transacrions such as supplying 50 cents birthing kits (the current wholesale proce of brac's kit for village mifwifes) the amount of manual record keeping needed heroic work by every staff member of brac - it was only the hardest working service staff i have ever seen that could manually record such data-

as you can see from the 2014 report reproducedbelow digitaliising brac's launch of city bank aimed at supporting particularly 2nd generation vilage families. and small eterprises was a huge project for bracnet

yes its true for a decade the best village franchise a women could get was to be the mobile phone box and walking yellow pages for the 60 people she met weekly in her brac circle - but once everyone started to get phones its not clear where that led grameen - (yes indeed grameen phone was bangladesh's biggest company but two thirds owned by telenor most of its business was no different than any other mobile operator to get a nations first licence - yes the first licence it got underpaid the governmet by about 100 fold because some consultant had got the size for mobile customers 100 times wrong!)

i  first visited grameen in 2007 and the idea of bank a billion cashless was absolutely yunus main desire we smapled 10000 dvds of his leadership team interviews who were all revved up around that belief the week in 2008 that the nobel judges came to celebrate yunus and bangladesh youth -if you will pay for postage i can send you a dvd chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk as we kypt 1000 for libaries 

- i talked for houts to his tech director kazi islam (whome abed had headhunted from working with ck prahalad in michigan prof of bottom billion marketing) who desperatly wanred to achieve yunus dream but what happened at brac was steadily different

it wasnt until 2012 that brac had found all the partners for launhiing cashless banking for a billion unbanked or underbanked - the model bill gates has endorsed as the wizardry of fintech for the poor only rivaled (possibly by what went on in china around jack ma's alipay - a model now controversial as china does want american stockmarkets to own its rural digital banking) - and as the attached 2014 report even this launch was as much about internal supply chain records now going digital omstead of manual

if you think i am wrong in my reporting - i suugest you look at the partners of bkash - many started with yunus but moved over to brac as they wanted to lojg term improve tech and co-create; they even broight in the founding tech wizard from kenya's mpesawhich arguable wqas nearer to being a stand alone consumer financial service but even mpesa is complicated owned by vodaphone foundation and with safari parterships orinally being rhe sypply chain?

From early 1960s my father's (Norman Macrae) Asia Rising surveys offered distinctive future capitalism models (rural keynes for villages, supercity multi-win trade for hi-tech sme value chains) in The Economist argued that the 60+% of humans who are Asian and had been colonised due to way white empires applied engines - from 1972 fathers' entrepreneurial revolution & future history series debated why all communities would need bottom-up microfranchising to balance big government and big corporation if we want every community next child is born into to be a place where youth livelihoods thrive

the all time laureate of the economist's entrepreneurial revolution genre is SIR FAZLE ABED

download from summer 2021


if our one pager doesnt fit your printer ask chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk for alternative formats

 this offers a guide to 30-36 of humanity's greatest collaborations in sustaining families and children- we welcome your nominations -our guide links hundreds of cas4s and partnerships which are indexed at www.abedmooc.com


NEW DOWNLOAD starting Glasgow Cop26 November on riod to Guterres UNSummitFuture 2023 -are these the 36 most exciting COLLABORATIONS of SDG GENERATION? (As tech wizards do their thing with Artificial Intel how do we make sure BRAC COLLABS deep data mapping is included?)

you can download one page ppt bedgamechanges.pptx with links to 36 of the most collaborative partnerships empowering billion women to build sdg asia 

You can compare abed with are other top51 world class jobs players of human advancement- - search by player's name eg ABED GRANT NIGHTINGALE STANFORD SMITH NEUMANN EINSTEIN GANDHI  ATTENBOROUGH SCHWAB FEI-FEI LI  YIDAN

here is a summary of the main economics stories connecting abed glasgow ; help us tell other stories on how abed formed the world's largest ngo partnership , and who is multiplying his legacy where - after 50 years of empowering asiam women villagers from 1972 and responding to worldwide partnerships through university and internet from 1996 , sir fazle died 20 dec 2019

story 1 after going as teen from east pakitan to study naval engineering at adma smith galsgow's university, abed cmlmmbed to be leading asian ceo for royal dutch shell; but in 1970 when a cyclone killed a million of his compatriotsd he decided to end his contract with shell- by 1972 he was spendong his life savings of 15000 poinds building 15000 homes for 100000 vilagers; while oxfam ranked this the most effective project ever seen- abed was mortified- as soon as he walked through vilages he found mothers dying every week of starvation and infants dying of lack of clean water- so he sdtarted designing micrfrancise busiensses vilage moters could make profits from while solving last mile health and food security needs; he now had a metavilage lab to find partners and test vilage busienss solutions; tahts how he started connecting partners across all 5 dinemsions - health, food, finance , education 100% productivity of women-empowered communities- in bangladesh vilages in 1992 meant no electrivcity grids ; all networks person to person; for teh first 25 yeras all brac partnerships needed to want to pilot solutions to end this extreme poverty

story 2 chiense vilagers faced similat chalenges and need for women to be as productive as men; while there were no financial positions in each other , solutions of brac and china were open sourced - ultimately the vast majority of all extreme poverty in asia well over a billion people came from etehse exchnages; abed said he was lucky - the chiense wanted solutions like oral rehydration that his country's cholera lab had discovered but not known how to get illiterate mothers to appluy- brac's employye number 3 was the wife of a chiense american whose main job in early 1970s was to transfer last mile health solutions to china; in the late 1970s UNICEY announced yera of chiold compoetitions- brac enetered oral rehydration and won the main prize funding to scale nationwide ; james grant went on to extend brac franchised solutions on oral rehydration and conteunental scale vaccination as unicef's biggest achievement of the 1980s as well as brac's; in this way brac had within 13 years of startup scaled across almost all of rural bangladesh and its knowhow was shared across china villages; strangely because india and myanmar were historically opponents to muslims models of rural keynesiansm first reported in The Economist as invented by Japan , Taiwan, Korea south developed bangladesh and china but not so much India and Myanmar or west pakistan the other major peoples of the south asia coastline west of asean

3 game of 2 halves - from 1996 solar and mobile started to connect villages- so abed could extend collaboration platforms for second half of his 25 yeras- who wanted to partner with digital solution ; how could universities join in? it is not always well understood that abed had 4 different value chain partnerships to lead on behalf of womens sustained livelihoods

1 village

100k villages

national leader

global leadership

during 1986-2008 abed focused on designing 14 nation leading enterprisies and agricultural nation like bangladesh needs to integrate around the poorest as well as other natioal leaading institutions brac university, brac bank; he had been asked to share his solutions worldwide probably as early as 2000 by mrs steve jobs; but he needed to take time to find the optimal second brac international headquaretrs (a bangladesh ngo cant fundraise for international services); after piloting offices parterships in usa and Uk he settled for netherlands as his main HQ - there are a lot of reasons why this became an optimal choice- how many can you thinks of - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

abed's last 12 yeras - 2007-2019 is when i was privileged to visit bangladesh up to twice a year - so the global collabs he formed in his last 12 years particularly the goal of 100 asian university partnerships each designing at least one huge scaling solutions all asian grads could share are a focal interest of abedmooc as are the final collab platforms bottom right which abed asked friends to make his legacy

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    chris macrae

    bkash lessons learned

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    chris macrae

    asian development bank facilitates multiple summits for asians and word to learn from women empowerment's 2 greatest cases of ending extreme poverty 2010-171 - china and bangladesh


    major poverty report https://web.archive.org/web/20131014155201/http://www.ifpri.org/sit...

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    chris macrae

    All%20%28for%20book%20binding%29%209x6.pdf download 3+ years of inspirational speecehes of vice chancellor vincent chang charged with fazle abed's most precious collaboration legacy brac university; challenging time abed died of brain cancer dec 2019; then covid hit; now putins war threated food markets oif the poorest meanwhile brac uni studnts lok to form the wprld most exciting sustainability goals partnerships or platforms - vibcent's trem may end from march 2023 - if you have hi level questions on whats next i alwys recommend son shameran abed (abed interconncetd 5 value chians in helping women build nation through every vailage up


    food security

    100k community building by women


    while the education and health stories amaze me most from 16 trips to nbangaldesh the opportunity to match lead tech partners ofen depends on finance'sleaps - that's where shameran is responsible for the whole in ways that none of the rest of abed's family seem likely to have such long expereinces in

    to understand current top 30 colaboration of women brac and sdgs - please look at www.abedmooc.com