ED: Graduate students and I travelled to bangladesh 16 times during Fazle Abed's last of 5 decades designing solutions to empower 1 billion village women to build community and end poverty- this also corresponded to the first decade of my father (norman macrae's) partnering - mapping bangladesh development economics was a project he kicked off at his last public birthday party st james with 40 socially concerned young londoners and muhammad yunus; we soon merged father and yunus case studies with adam smith scholars at glasgow university celebrating annual adam smith moral sentiments summits in june - 2023 sees a biggie the 265th summit/cooperation
during his 80th birthday asian graduates including a Harrison Owen alumn were asked to come back and open space but then their visas were cancelled due to the terror attack in dhaka that summer- meanwhile fazle Abed inspired 9 leading educators to report to a year 1 review at UN HQ NY of sdgs that teaching their practice was impossible to realise effectively with millennials unless the un designed total change in education and egov now called https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work d-Guterres Digital Cooperation Roadmapping
In nov 2019 I was due to go to hong kong to attend celebration of fazle abed by former co-foiunder of tencent Charles and his htpp://yidanprize.org - the riots stoped that and Abed died; fortutately a kind hong konger forgave my cancelling meeting her as part of my journey and so I got to follow jeanne lim's progress from ceo of hanson's sophia UN humanoid envoy to her meta=verse avatar "daughter" of sophia (Zbee) www.beingai.com- this is one of the most joyful starts metaverse design i can imagine
so whild covid shut us down huige amounts of tiem have been spent on virtual designs none more so that that linkedin in by asian new yorker croiti saraf
===========================JAN 2023 upd
Over least 12 months have talked to people designing metaverse to maximise millennials changing education and connect positive emotional intel some of call womens kindness (one ny billionnaire is launching her next leap on kindness on valentines day) with the help of my favorite recording studio in NY
NY first became my fav place in USA when 9 brave educators (eg world bank jim kim) in 2016 told the UN hq that the sdgs were unteachable without change to every way learning time is spent - that has become https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work Before this the UN had nothing for me coming from 4 generations of diaspora scots who prefer not to spend life's time on top down system design
another asian new yorker https://www.k20educators.com/ is in my searches a mile ahead in designing virtual spaces so you don't need to be tied to costs (and silos) of physical conference centres or lectures driven by costly certificates -
she has designed in about 4 best of meta-tools - eg augmented reality, game designs, blockchain to own what fashion or solutions you create or open source;
AND open space
so short question who might want to chat with her (of course you are welcome to contact her direct) but my new york friends are trying to linkin a calendar of stuff through 2023 where we aim to help communities take back the UN (or at least youth scalling sdg solutions across communities)
so as one example march 21 to 25 has first water-sanitation-habitat summit at hq for 20 yeras and i know jack sim from singapore who is number1 in telling stories on value of toilets; jack's own story includes selling his 40 companies in 1999 and spending the last 23 years or cooperation solutions BOP Hub
most of our new york meta- diary links in something asians are doing because they have for many reasons not seen the web as dominated by advertising;
long version can open space support k20 metaverse education and 50 years of development solutions mapped by end poverty's 1billiongirls
by chris macrae
Feb 2, 2023
ED: Graduate students and I travelled to bangladesh 16 times during Fazle Abed's last of 5 decades designing solutions to empower 1 billion village women to build community and end poverty- this also corresponded to the first decade of my father (norman macrae's) partnering - mapping bangladesh development economics was a project he kicked off at his last public birthday party st james with 40 socially concerned young londoners and muhammad yunus; we soon merged father and yunus case studies with adam smith scholars at glasgow university celebrating annual adam smith moral sentiments summits in june - 2023 sees a biggie the 265th summit/cooperation
during his 80th birthday asian graduates including a Harrison Owen alumn were asked to come back and open space but then their visas were cancelled due to the terror attack in dhaka that summer- meanwhile fazle Abed inspired 9 leading educators to report to a year 1 review at UN HQ NY of sdgs that teaching their practice was impossible to realise effectively with millennials unless the un designed total change in education and egov now called https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work d-Guterres Digital Cooperation Roadmapping
In nov 2019 I was due to go to hong kong to attend celebration of fazle abed by former co-foiunder of tencent Charles and his htpp://yidanprize.org - the riots stoped that and Abed died; fortutately a kind hong konger forgave my cancelling meeting her as part of my journey and so I got to follow jeanne lim's progress from ceo of hanson's sophia UN humanoid envoy to her meta=verse avatar "daughter" of sophia (Zbee) www.beingai.com- this is one of the most joyful starts metaverse design i can imagine
so whild covid shut us down huige amounts of tiem have been spent on virtual designs none more so that that linkedin in by asian new yorker croiti saraf
===========================JAN 2023 upd
EconomistDiary.com mediating 100 times more tech/decade 1951+ & asia gir...