BRAC net, world youth community and Open Learning Campus
Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech
MUhammad Yunus corectly celebratyed museum races- everyuwhere has a need to end poverty- and should commemorate achioevement of this with an educational museum - and more of this wold be cplaborative than competitive
most sdgs can benefit from the idea to museum race where ther have a clear goal
(note other gopals like 17 are diferent in tyope- eg by benchmarkin g how partbersjhiops work)
Its a huge mistake to deport belt roiad mapping seprte from valaution goals of the sustainability generation. Perhaps the biggest reason for this is our spevies faces extinctuon unless we can design valuation of youth to be a wiun-winj currencyu in very way that papre currency has become zero-sum at beat. we have know this was a fundamental shift needed by metrics professions since 1972- .. There should be a special place in hell for buerucrats who deny this
There are several westren daytabases- many have their own agenda
csis has a large database reconnecting asia and tends to fioce fit 6 pathways shown here -its strange that routes that are already operational like the 26 nations railways - the whole breadth of eurasia and not valued by csis - nor is there an overall appreciation of win-win trade routes need building to reverse all the conflicts that the era of colonisation caused- also ideas ;like article circle countries needing to get together round polar bel; road if climate is to be fixed seem outside the ken of this american (largely hostile institute to china)
there is the larouche report - this shows a "dream" world of how every contient could be connecyrd- larouche started debating this in the 1990s - its overall valuation is biassed in the exactly opposite waay to csis
both seem to miss the point that if we are going to invest in youth being the ssutainability generatiobn then small enterprsie negtworks are going to need ways to connect given that 90% of glopbal gtrade is shipped- trade mapping is a missing curriculum that merits replacing separate topics like geography and history - most clountries need to start with tghe question do we have acces to one supoerportt- is that shared with neighbors; what is both the infastructure and the trust connections needed to make sure we use this opportunity to celebrate win-win trades
belt roads fkits naturally into annual suummits between c,lusters of nationa leaders - we profil up to 20 summits diaries- another source of data is looking to see who makes statre visits to presdident xi, what strategic cooperations they sign- belt road becomes a natural way of cross-examoing what partnerships make the most win-win sense
probably belt road only comes second as an overall cooperation agenda between national leaders- digital revolytion comes first- from next to no global internet companies inj 2005 , the 3 massive ecosystems of alibaba baidu and tencent not only lead the world in what they choose to do but have hubed together many of the 5 million sgtartups in 2017- china has half a billion under 30s- unlike the dotocm book and nust in usa around 2000- corporations in chjina have never been trapoped in being loaded with "brick" assets- clicks lead the way any corporation in china sees marlet opportunities
china requiores suoercities to clarify 4 value models -
1 what their uniqueness ios versus other elading citries
2 how that uniquness contributes to natioan sgtrategy
3 how that supercity is reponsible for hearltnag and vilage conections
4 which neighors win-win trades it conne cts
at the same time cities are seen as lab for testoing idedas that all supercities will need in going green, in sharing transport
if you look at livelihhod of under 30s - over 80% ned worldwide replication- how do we renew every community? how do we renew planet? what aare the leapfrog opportunities now that about 20 different tecnolgies will conv erhe around g5
irrepsective of top down political anaalysis, youth everywhere can gain from frioendly exchnages with chiense youth because thats the ponly way they are going to be the sustainability generation - and wherever the west cpommercialised digital around advertising and fake models instead of eductaion models where youth action learn- the western mindset is going to put our species at risk of extinction - ad isnt going to come close to such contyexts as:
what do half the woprld peopel who live cloisest to each othert need
what do all the huge underpopulated regions of eursaia have in common
what do the vast majoority of 200 nations who afre coming with urgent development need value priotising that is diferent from the richest nations on earth
Views: 35
101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-
please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann
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