BRAC net, world youth community and Open Learning Campus

Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech

help edit presentations of sir fazle abed and xi jinping and jack ma as #1 world record job creators

sir fazle here's a doc - how would you turn it into a viral video or a few slides or other collaboration stimulus of valuing investment in youth/girls as sustainability goals generation- who are the peer networks you most want to share it with- please help us question 2 different things- the people you know who you can share  it with; the people you would dream of sharing it with -what actions would you first intend resulting from the intelligence you mediate

girls empowerment and jobs-educational solutions designed with those born with least opportunities - more job creators like sir fazle start here

more on xi jinping - start here

our 3rd world record job creator is jack ma -help ma change a whole market!!

So far Jack Ma has devoted his life to two main questions

How could young chinese people learning English change the future of a chinese city (Hangzhou)?

How to pioneer use of the worldwide web in china to help peoples and communities create jobs?


Jack comes from a family of traveling entertianers whom China’s cultural revolution did not exactly favor. This may help to explain his burning curiosity and joy of  co-creating now that “anything’s possible”. He wants his extraordinary energies as an action learner and mentor to education, environment’s most urgent innovation compasses together with intergenerational health and happjness challenges.


With sir fazle and xi jinping, Jack Ma offers youth the opportunity to celebrate being the most productive and sustainable generation. If Sir Fazle and Xi Jinping are the place leaders youth need to celebrate most, then Jack Ma offers the opportunity to connect local and global in worldwide trade spaces. Now that people around the world are spending 1000 times more on communications technologies than in 1946, its critical that tech wizards and place leaders unite youth around maps that lead to the best of local and global 

While transparent place leaders cant afford to have "favorite" businessmen , the knowhow networks of jinping and ma need to have extraordinary overlaps given how innovation of IR$ happens determines livelihood possibilities


if you like wrjc jinping you may like

cheng li's book on jinping explains how 2017 becomes critical years as jinping chooses top team for next 5 yeras - watch out for what skils specific co-leades bring

also inside china, supercities and regions depend on brilaint eladers differentiating that city - find examples

tsinghua is critical colege campus for public servants and lead busiensssmen informing each others; as are tech summit

worldwide summits that jinping actively particiupates in clarify leaders in other regions that msot want to win-win with china

canada- trudeau

pms from chile and argentina

russia's putin

korea's jae-in

help clarify list

if you like ma you may like

satoshi and other lead inovators of blockchain for sustainability generation - eg tapcsott , branson

ma cahisrs china entreprenehur network- search out nations most conscious busienssmen- some partner with ma on specific futures such as futrure of green , future of universities- search them out -also look for which eladers want their sectir to maximise sme livelihoods

who else is developing digital in ways that create world record jobs- liu of may not be job psecific but he is segmenting specific win-win gtrades ecommerce ;portals can be best at

world summit overlaps - ma helped make 2016 g20 famous as opportunity to revalue youth and sme's future economies; he launched ewtp for free trade of smes; national leaders of malaysia and argentina first to partner; 

canada's trudeau has been great china friend in g20 and both to ma and jinpings innovation goals

ma helps lead varuous education for jobs summits and youth entrepreneur knowledeg spaces eg UNCTad- search; map back top 10 technolgies of IR4 - which does ma need a best partner in ; who are youths other best partners by each tech


breaking news on which global summits youth (the hlaf of the world aged under 30) can trust most - urgent contributions from girls networks across china- any reporting errors solely

jinping is our world's twin number 1 record jobs creator as only person (leading family) who can turn biggest summits of policy leaders of 80 or more nations onto local youth actions round 17 s-goals and big tech small instead of bad media chat
here are some of key summits to put on every student diary concerned with mapping next 2 years with correct info and so in networks that can be the solution not the problem-
if course all of this needs searching continuously for good news- particularly in chinese and english
and its a moving diary with changes everywhere that trump and jinping and whomever is your regions most critical leader go - either to peacefully co-exist or to blow up in a regional disaster such as korea's northern peninsula! in an age of hi-connectivity , leaders around the world should be collaborating so that no place ever feels that isolated
other ideas: why wouldnt 2 leaders say jinping and merkel start a survey of their nations biggest corporations- which commit their purpose as aligned to a climate or other sustainability goal; would they join in being audited and celebrated annually at a g20 - this could become a sustainability mba curriculum freely distributed on a mooc platform- once 2 national leaders start this others could be invited - until we know which 20 nations design biggest corporations to be the most sustainable ones (this is not what hapens currenltly wherever a corporation is mainly led by one sided quartely extraction of profits insetad of all round trust-flows integrating do no sustinability harm to our future generations)
 Lets itemise some of the other summit networks which most urgently need xi Jinping world record jobs mediation skills -related blogs chinathanks and sinowtp and economistlearning
Invited to help
Belt Road Forum -
Created and chief implementor ver furst 5 years 2013-2017 and curiculum mapping most critical two 2017-2019
AIIB annual governors summit integrating all delegate nations (81 and rising in 2017) in transparent collaboration -see also greenbigbangclub
Created from 2015 and helped choose lean implementation leadership team and timely choice of annual place hosts
Invited to play role balancing equality of 5 voices while China is (and needs to continue to be) benchmark of every growth innovation
WEF in Davos and in China
Invited to double up the relevance of which years in future history post-industrial revolution leaps forward from incision of unexpected places
The coming of platform summits celebrating big data small role both in global 2.0 and industrial rev 4.0
This summit space (needing to be led by practice entrepreneurs) is very fragmented but china’s practice leaders (eg how fiferent jack ma is from wext coast internet capitalist) is integral wherever leapfrogging is studied to benfit maximum diversity of global village societies
China helped create vefore Xi leadership of china since 2012
You tell us
One note before this chapters sumit review
Since 1930 my family has been involved in mediating question – which of the world’s biigest organizations are expoentialuy compounding biggest risks to human sustainability and can partners be found to be in time to make life criticakl transformation
Expometial picture
This responsibility emerged from grandfather working in britisch councils in places highly impacted by the badwill of Hitler and Stalin, As a teenager my father spent his summer holidays inside consuls of such hi risk places. Therefore during hos half centiory role at The Economist of mediating end poverty, he had the advantage of knowing befire anyone else which big organsiation (eg Hitler and stalin inspired places) citiozens should not let their elected officials not to appease. At the same time Norma was over decades ahead of others in asking is the coming of this new media going to be tranfoprmable from hi-risk to pro-youth oppotunity the way he was mentored to do by Keynes. In particular could ever dumbing down aspect of the tv age be tirned into the smartest time for 7 bilion people to be empowered,
The G20 was born around 2 huge questions
Could addition of 13 nations in 365 days summit proces help 7 (and new and old media people) which had consciously or unconsciousl spun big’s geatest risks in rush to go global map actionable ways beyond exponentially colapiing system
How did China as the E1 of the 21st C fit into all the 20th centiry multilateral and other structures whose founding DNA didn’t have the remotest feel let alone optimitoc reasonomind of  consequences foir human race of Chian’s toptal transforma since lated 1960s.
You need to make your own mind up on various G20 jigsaws
At formation which g7 countrues (eg china) truly wanted a G20 with worldpossible of china the big new win-win connectoir . If you think some cloiuntreis hated that which were they.
Which of the new countries:
Wanted to partner china from te getgo iun the g20
Wanted to partner the big nations of the 20th century knowingly or unknowlingly blocking china’s and asia pacific’s role of 21st c leader
Which nations were preoccupied by their own issues (and rightfully so in that they  political instability at home)
If you have made several suitable jigsaws perhaps by challenge compasses – eg climate, education , health , finance – you might want to add to each jigsaw other nations most at risk of being ignored for the ir leapfroginhg potential. So from chapter 1 you can see the gilrs build nation capabilities of bangladshes is not only excluded from G7 and G20
but at risk of being sidelined in and of cluster of nations –either tryiong to win-win with India the hugest poplutaion in development flux, orthe stans particularly ; Pakistan was landlocked and other borders have often been carelessly been left as legacies of empires rush to disappear from places. Ironically most of the greatest solutions in eduvcation and lealth come form really small nations (norway, new zealnand, dubai)- where te nation is small enough for even the top leaders to be knlown by every community. In the case of climate, the places with the most extreme challenges in need of hi-trust long-term development partners are not much to be seen in G20 unless a member nation adopts them for purpose of transforming the network from elderly talk to pro-youth walk
IF you look at the G20 as a network of networks concerned with above hi-risk issues, timiomh of where g20 is hoted and prepared for 365 days has exytrorndinary consequences
China G20 Hangzhou Consensus 2016
Germany G20 Hamburg Lack of Consensus
Argentina G20 2018
Huge opportunity for girls and bootom uo trust networks to bridge china g20 and learn from germany as an accidenta detour
India G20 2019
Huge opportunity –eg digital platform capabilities out of nidia afre second only to china
Of course to be trusted in his mediation role with united countries of c.limate and sustainability gaols , Xi Jinping cant publicly stae what we have just written. And it is intended to provde context for collaboration debates out reaching to ever deeper cultural diversity. This is one reason why cultural diversity is sop ctiriical in every summit that jnping does have more founders control of , as does our emblem of expoentioal crisis. In the chiense language crisis include yins and yangs, last chance sto leapfrog in ways that eg the English lagiage doesn’t. When chiense youth ask that 10 times moré affordable ways of learning te English lanbgiage are made available oyr research show they mean 2 things that academic language teaching is worst at:
Quick scial confidence joys – eg using a foeeigners language to build friendships around which life involves especially now that any millennial is likely to need to be virtually productive
Very deep meaning which only youth can bridge between cultures –chartering the drama of world trade around sustainability goals to bring together  peoples even where history has engulfed peoples in wars (both across borders and by spinning internal underclasses which all te richest tacitly or directly (eg slavery) abused. Note one of the ironies of the last 150 years and the increasing dependence on the construct of nation is that boundaries were often drawn to separate people who could get on as one. The whole world of under 30s needs to make the argument that there will be more and more failed nations (and all the terrir and lost sustainabilty that implies) unless we come to terms with enemies of elder generation now need to be the friends that milennials dare to facilitate, transslate and linkin round genuinely win-win trading maps

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  1. "alas poor germany -how host dismal leadership summit" -love youth franciscan g20 argentina 2018 be great

No less a brain than Albert Einstein ranked mankind’s chances of surviving the 21st C as odds against. His main concern was technology would accelerate so fast that a time would come when nations everywhere would need to simultaneously transform to a higher order system than that they were ruled by. So professins granted a monopoly by society to rule would become the main problem wherever they failed to valued new ways for humans to be productive, and their zero sum credit systems including paper currency risked locking peoples into bureaucracies that deceived themselves that they were too big to fail

In other words the happiest and freest system of democracy for entering 21st century might be opposite to that for entering 20th C.

Of course Einstein had reasons to be pessimistic – he lived through a time of world wars. To escape Hitler he had needed to become an immigrant of the United States. His greatest cultural hero was Mahatma Gandhi and how he facilitated conflicts in maasively peaceful ways – quote

This book makes the hypothesis that livelihoods are the most basic human right. And that we can search out way above zero-sum maps of trade. We invite you to help (our next generation) to keep searching for world record jib creators- providing some early examples to consider trusting most. Our heroes re not so much individuals to celebrate as being in the middle of extraordinary overlapping networks that it is worth linkin into and becoming a practicing alumni of.

Before we introduce world record job creators lets review 3 major dynamics of the first industrial revolution

IR 1 unleashed thousands then millions times more power than man or horse could produce. However this power (emerging from carbon hungry steam engines) was designed round big get bigger pressures. When countries that led the world with this power ran out of carbon and other resources they either used empires or wars to extract resources from other countries. Thus IR1 accidentally caused wars and resulted in opportunities to innovate being extremely uneven geographically. Some places peoples lives progressed hundreds of time beyond subsistence level while others remained trapped in poverty. As recently as 1969 when one segment of humans were arcing to the moon, fully a third of people lived in places without electricity grids

IR1 changed the way peoples communicated in 2 main ways; transportation infrastructures made people mobile and caused rushes from rural to city. Wherever investments in infrastructure were too little capital cities risked becoming epicenters of inequity. Slums would spiral causing ill health physically and mentally. Costs of health and safety spiral as does the trust and hope next generation need to be sustain motherv earth

Tech revolutions are intimately connected with human revolution caused by new media for massively propagating ideas. History demonstrates a societal risk associated with every form of new media. The risk is a few badwillled (or at best arrogant) people make first use of this new power. Society’s trust cultures and transparency are eroded unless the masses quickly catch up with smart ways to use the media. Note Hitler only needed the advantage of an audio tape recorder in addition to radio to massively propagate his badwill while opponents had to make every speech live. We calculate that in 2016 man was spending 1000 times more on communcations technologies than 1946. This scale of local tp global change is something every person not just Einstein needs help to navigate. There is a positive way of putting this.

In the middle of the second millennium sudden appreciation that the world was round stimulated what was then the greatest age of advances in human knowledge. As the 21st C comes of age can world record job creators guide us to the best of timess not the worst of times.

If you like sir fazle consider


Paul farmer -founded with jim kim his chief of development for over 20 years - this duo became the most energised of all medical people to bottom-up health exchanges and became world famous for demonstrating what last mile health can do while fighting the injustices of global health.  Farmer has long lived a double livelihood as head of infectious diseases  in Boston's Brigham Womens Hospital boston, and running last mile health services out of Haiti and other places. He has seen the practice in Haiti develop from the remote village outpost he founded age 24 to  mirebalais hospital centre. When a massive earthquake hit Haiti over a decade ago it destroyed the nation;s main training hospital and Paul and his friends fundraised to build Mirebalais from scratch . Inspired by this African friends have built  a new centre  co-sponsored by kigame out of rwanda with the goal of both developing the nation's health service and providing a model that all africa can adopt, Fortunately this regional base was already mature enough to become one of Africa's key mobilisation networks in the battle against Ebola.While there are experts (and world class medical trainees) distributed around around farmer at Partners in Health the vast majority of 15000 now employed are last mile para-health servants. Typically they specialise in specific treatments instead of the costs and time of achieving all round qualifications. For example in the battle against multidrug resistant tuberculosis one of farmers and kim's biggest disease specific solution franchises  - a health worker is needed to daily visit for a year to patient- so as not to catch this disease it is best to employ local workers immune because they previously survived this disease, In the poorest quarter of the world, tens if not hundreds of millions of last mile health servant jobs could be created if education and health systems were designed around last mile  and rural service specialists instead of the professional standardisation that rich nations healthcare takes for granted.

As undergrads both farmer and kim anthropologists - strong supporters of franciscan "accompaniment" and the POP model that celebrates the professional who spends time living and learning with the poorest or most in need in environments where most of the population is  eg not served by electricitry grids or running water

For decades now their catholivc mentor has been gutterez- see eg farmer on hope   

Jim kim- launched his 6 years so far at world bank ... ... with a plea that young professionals of every type apply similar bottom up changes to their profession that farmer and he had demonstarted with health - more here  As Jim was completing his first year at the world bank, Francis became the new Pope. They met to form a mutual  count on me declaration to worldwide networks of Preferential Option Poor.  

Students back in boston inspired by farmer and kim have also formed   

Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network

We are a network of over 5,000 young professionals united across 160 countries. We work online and on the ground in over 15 cities on 6 continents. Its an extraordinary network and compliments the focus of paul farmer which has been famously about infectious diseases

Leana wen -is baltimore, and probably US gutsiest public health adminstrator - she keynoted at world bank's inaugural summit for 300 youth  in development summer 2016. Listen to Leana Wen and start listing every missing curriculum of health and well being from US schools. Co-keynoting with Leana at the youth in development summit was George Patton from Austrlia- with The Lancet  he has scoped the core components of adolescent health that could be the major peer to peer curriculum of adolescence social networking. Some of these appreneticeships in wellbeing can be practused by boys and girils together- other eg menstrual health (a curriculum michele obama says his her life's main goal to distribute) need girls clubs (a demand that BRAC internationalwas the first to meet in the developing world). As recently as spring 2017, unhabitat the main agencs responsible for valuing goal 11 sustainable cities and communities admitted that focusing only on green metrics was erroneous - the  most valiud metric of sustainable city is ratings on feel safe surveyed among girls aged 10-13

Baltimore is US's original social justice city where 4 black girls were the furst to win a case law putting the 13th amendment end salary into action. They invested the proceeds in faith and educational communities whose most famous alumn Thurgood Marshall became a supreme court Judge. Today these communities are served by Al Hathaway. America desperately needs its francican inspired development leaders to cross-fertilise their action learning networks internationally and inside USA. 45 minutes from DC the planet's the most top-down city, why couldn't Baltimore-DC become the sustainability's generational paradigm of blending the best of bottom-up and top-down. Sports franchise owner Ted Leonsis is demanding his sportstars outreach to Baltimore to advance the idea that bu 2030 Baltimore-DC becomes a 25 million person conurbation in which every family flourishes. Ted's logic -and his tech friends eg at the 1776 hub co-founded by Steve Case - goes further. If Baltimore-DC doesnt become one of the top 10 superconurbations that worldwide youth value- does USA have any future as a leader of the sustainability generation's world of freedom and happiness. Baltimore has a black-american inspired coding network JUICE led by Jayfus Doswell looking for partnerships in how coding can POP the world. (see jack ma's parallel orbit out of detroit as gateway2017 , read up on don tapscott's latest briefing of blockchain pos the world attached, see jack ma on why money isnt the answer on education revolution half of youth need to be emplyable, read jeffrey sach's analysis on how congresses federal spending priorities on army, old, and bailing out bankrup banks means that there is negative federal budget to invest in youth or any innovation linked into sustainability goals, ask why the us media is designed round hatred campaigns of any national leader who asks americans whether they would like small enterprises and youth to explore win-win trades aligned to 199 nations maps of sustaiability with motherearth (or health societies generate wealthy ones not vice versa)

in pre-digital days larry brilliant led grassroots  intelligence webs needed to  end last case of smallpox; he also one of humanity's deepest connector of ending unnecessary blindness as this video shows - it tells about his friend who foubded aravind for one of the most dramatic cases of explicit microfrachising (#E's effective, efficiency, expandabiluty) outside of brac's world- (just to add some notes to  the video on aravinds costs and staffing; aravind depends on 2 main staff- cataract surgeons who are paid a competive rate but expecetd to do 3 times more operations than any other institution- patiesntservice and scheduling staff - aravind trains up  village girls in 6 weeks- whiole tehy are paid about 3 times less than fully qualified nurses being an aravind heroine is a great livelihood for a girl from the villages- overall aravind's cost to patients are about a third lower than  anywhere else for those who can afford to pay- every paying customer sponsors 2 free operations); this is how  aravind distributes the benefits of creating 10 times more value than any service franchise in its market)  

at a ted conference larry's wish to develp digotal mapping tools to minimise plagues and other risks caught the eyes of google who appointed him first ceo of



Youth Founder of serve china villages


Difference between james grant unccef and todays


Eva vertes

Flying doctornigeria

Cultures michael palin

Pope frrancis

Founder tata

Fpunders sc Johnson

Paul polka

Nurjahan begum



Founder teach for America

Madhav India

Taddy blecher

Neville willams

Ed resor

Pih last mile health partners

Bedy yang

Kenya coding school


Ingrid munro

Wangaari maathai

Alumni of gandhi or montesooru schools

Notre dame prof


Givedirectly –other founders of conditional cash transfer (bottom up aid distribution)


Quadirs/legatum/abdul latif

Jica- japan ambassabor

Rice experts





whos helping redesign global2.0 summits linking eladership decisions with youth action networks

-see chinas 2016 s-goals charter


g20 - which national leaders in addition to jinping  see g20 for this purpose trudeau (also sherpa network), probably macron, pm argentina

belt road pm argentina chile   ; ethiopia kenya;; italy greece; korea jae-in japan abe

aiib many similar to belt raoid but with actions specific to future of investment banking also more specific 


World Record Job Creator 2


Our nomination for WRJC2 is the person who we believe the half of the world under 30s can trust most in hosting the world’s most dramatic meetings (and connection processes) with big decision makers on how to move for global 1.0 to global 2.0 . Let’s try and build these terms wonder visions youth could unite round


Global 1.0 worst of local and worst of global

Global 2.0 best of ,local and global

Example of best-best : hopefully we  could agree that if there is a killer disease and one drug has been invented to cure it then the best would be if everyone could access the cure.

At another level of detail it is appropriate to ask what is the cost of such a policy. This goes back to understanding exactly what was the innovation chain of the drug (often charities do a lot but then pass it over to corporate for commercialsiation). Probably nobody has worked more on how to make life saving cures equitable to both world citizens and inventors than jim  kim (chapter 1) backed up by teams of global health researchers associated with eg Harvard’s michael porter and other value chain mapmakers .

Example of worst-worst : the sort of big banking crises that spun to 2008 = arguably the peak of global 1.0

In our view. Most human beings can agree on a direction from worst to best whilst not sharing exactly the same definitions of best. What does need to be factored in are goals that urgently define a generation’s lives and livelihhod because nature of other forces will not give us a second chance. In this book we believe all 3 generations (half under 30, parents and grand parents) should take sustainability goals seriously. Maybe not all 17 goals as researched by the united nations but that does not give us any economic or social reason for failing to unite round

End poverty

End people dying before tjheir tome

End possibility that a child can be born into a place where there isn’t a fair chance to develop her livihood – eg due to war or lack of access to energy, basic health, livelihood-linked education. Always check out whats happening to girls because often their opportunities lag boys- how can changing this be a leap forward towards global2.0


Our Nomination for World Reocrd Job Creator 2 is Xi Jinping.

Some references on how jinping values youth


See his book on rejuvenation of china


Note how interprets many sustainability goals as collaboration goals which only generate livelihoods for chiense youth when they do with other youth – see endorsements of this approach – eg the head of the UN commentary on how belt road forum was a turning point in history – linking action solutions to goals that Un summits often chat about


Note pressures on china that make it logical to ssume it needs to take a world elad – eg half of the worlds people live on 10% of land within 3000 miles of Beijing -0 this makes their uses of natural resources more urgent leverage. Additionally note how many elders in china depend in their children livelihoods not the politicized social safety nets in many western nations. Also always look at how national populations vary – while half of the world’;s people are under 30 – in some rich nations this change to half are over 45; while in some African nations this changes to half are under 20! We interpret this as meaning that education needs to be epicentral to successful collaborations designing global 2.0 When you listen to Chinese media its questions on the future of education are among the smartest and constructively toughest; conversely american media’s questions on education do not seem to value youth.


Look at how often jinpings with different national leaders discuss so what youth solutions would you like to discuss




 Our way of testing this nomination is to catalogue and the main summits which xi hosts during each diary year (or help c-founds). We seek to focus on ways in which jobs action networks  including those that educators are directly empowered to embrace. All too often the history of world leaders summits has seen its duty as merely making speeches on the media- we aim to assess where did a summit process see its decision-making turned into jobs-creating education 

If you are under 30, interested in global impacts and not chinese then the 5 first ideas your mind uses to interpret what world possible opportunites to linkin with china may be among the most influential viewpoints of your life and livelihood.


We strongly recommend the debating exercise of what 5 ways to explore china to any young person interested in contributing to te sustainability generation. We will deliberately make an extremely optimistic, some would say controversial list, because world record job creation needs be joyful as well as extremely innovative, and at lest to some extent Xi Jinping represents all these open ways of celebrating humanity and moter earth


1 China more than other country is now the best one to make firneds with socilay and economically. China has the largest population –over one fifth. Depending on how you count things, Chin may already have the largest trading economy. Because of the bad banking that  other big nations got caught up in during the first decade of this century, China has far more wealth to invest in youth and future visions than anywhere else. Yet because the economic growth has been so fast , China isn’t included in many traditional  world leaders meeting eg the G7 and doesn’t get a seat proportionate to its decision-making importance in other famous multilateral organsiations from the united nations to the world bank to the IMF which were  designed  after world war 2 to try to facilitate calmer ways to progressing the human lot.  In consequence Xi Jinping has inherited a responsibility both to value ever summit of nations China is in the middle of and has taken the lead in starting up worldwide summits that didnt exist before his ten year term which started in 2012


2 China is so big that it cant afford one standard development strategy – it needs a diversity of strategies that win-win together. Probably China’s leaders are pretty happy about how the major east coast cities are thriving, and there it may be a case of making sure hi-0trust world class market leaders continue to improve reflecting what skills their sector needs each city to prioritise. China’s biggest development concern is likely to ge its landlocked Western cities. They couldn’t use the superport model the east coast supercities used and their foreign neighbors are often poor and culturally fragmented. Thios is why many of the summits jinping has founded involve maps that put these regions of china at the epicenter of searching foir win-win trading pssoibilities


3 For various reasons that are worth reflecting on, opportunities for the Chinese to ask what can be done with the internet came 10 years later than most of the rest of the world. And even to 2008, only 3 major destination webs were common – the so-called BAT (Baidu Alibaba Ten cent). Thos makes the ecosystems of startups, the very purposes of spending time  or money on the internet intriguingly different from US West coast which people outside of China may still see as the source of debates on what is the digital world for


4 In China the voice of small eneterprises in any markets sector impacted by digital remains open whereas in USA most market sectors are dominated by big corporations The consequence is that when we explore a summit that China helps co-creeate there is much more likely to be digital and small entrepreneurial voices. For example, in the west many people look at futures such as artificial intelligence or industrial revolution 4 as implying competition between machine and man for work. China doesn’t accept this- it would argue that IR4 can be mapped back as a time of exciting youth livelihoods for al who are prepared to work hard and have sufficient diverse co-worldrs networks.


5 All of the above make it likely that whomever are your nations most frendly trading partners, China’s may look very different. But we think China is pretty pragmatic. It wants win-win partners wherever it spends time cultivating exchanges. It doesn’t have any of the legacies of industrial revolution 1 empire. When for example China began its maps of investment across the continents of Africa or S America there weren’t really any no go nations because of China’s behaviours during industrial revolution 1. Perhaps most extraordinary of all-while China was a major world trading partner before the industrial revolution it then withdrew behind the great wall. The whole of China has really only come out to the world in 1976. We see that as meaning the mainland Chinese abroad is often an adventurous sort still wondering what the world has to offer. But note all the time, the Chinese diaspora have always been supertraders wherever they see a win-win   

CHINESE President Xi Jinping on Friday delivered a speech at the 12th Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies.

The following is the full text of the speech:

Promoting Openness and Inclusiveness

To Achieve Interconnected Growth

Statement on the State of the Global Economy by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the G20 Hamburg Summit

Hamburg, 7 July 2017

Chancellor Merkel,

Dear colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to be with you in Hamburg, the City of Bridges, to discuss ways of building a bridge of cooperation to advance our shared prosperity. First of all, I express heartfelt appreciation to you, Chancellor Merkel, and the German government for your warm hospitality.

The global economy is showing signs of moving in the right direction. The related international organizations forecast that it will grow by 3.5 percent this year, the best performance that we have seen in several years. This would not be possible without the efforts of the G20. On the other hand, the global economy is still plagued by deep-seated problems and faces many uncertainties and destabilizing factors.

Facing such challenges, the G20 agreed in Hangzhou last year on the path forward: building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy. This year, building on the theme of the Hangzhou Summit, the Hamburg Summit has made "Shaping an Interconnected World" its theme. What we need to do now is to work together to translate our vision into action. With this in mind, I wish to state the following:

Firstly, we should stay committed to building an open global economy. This commitment of the G20 to build open economies saw us through the global financial crisis, and this commitment is vital to reenergizing the global economy. Various international organizations have revised upward forecast for this year's global growth, mainly because of a projected 2.4 percent growth for global trade and 5 percent growth for global investment. We must remain committed to openness and mutual benefit for all so as to increase the size of the global economic "pie". As the world's major economies, we should and must lead the way, support the multilateral trading system, observe the jointly established rules and, through consultation, seek all-win solutions to common challenges we face.

Secondly, we should foster new sources of growth for the global economy. Innovation, more than anything else, is such a new source of growth. Research shows that 95 percent of the world's businesses are now closely linked with the Internet, and the global economy is transitioning toward a digital economy. This means we should boost cooperation in digital economy and the new industrial revolution and jointly develop new technologies, new industries, new business models and new products. Another source of growth derives from making greater efforts to address the issue of development and implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and such efforts will both benefit developing countries and generate business and investment opportunities for developed countries. In other words, this will be a win-win game for all. At the Hangzhou Summit last year, we reached important consensus on innovation and development. This momentum of cooperation created has been sustained this year under the German chairmanship of G20. Going forward, we should see that more substantial and concrete outcomes are delivered.

Thirdly, we should work together to achieve more inclusive global growth. Currently, global economic growth is not balanced, and technological advances work against job creation. According to the projection of the World Economic Forum, artificial intelligence will take away more than 5 million jobs in the world by 2020. The G20 has an important mission, which is to reaffirm the vision of pursuing inclusive growth agreed upon at the Hangzhou Summit last year, and strike a balance between fairness and efficiency, between capital and labor, and between technology and employment. To achieve this goal, we must ensure synergy between economic and social policies, address the mismatch between industrial upgrading and knowledge and skills, and ensure more equitable income distribution. The G20 needs to place more importance on cooperation in education, training, employment, business start-up and wealth distribution-related mechanisms, as progress on these fronts will make economic globalization work better.

Fourthly, we should continue improving global economic governance. In the wake of the global financial crisis, the G20 has done a lot to improve macroeconomic policy coordination, reform international financial institutions, tighten international financial regulation and combat tax avoidance, thus ensuring financial market stability and recovery. We should build on these achievements. In particular, we should strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies, forestall risks in financial markets and develop financial inclusion and green finance to make the financial sector truly drive the development of the real economy.

China recently hosted a successful Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. Acting in the spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the forum participants achieved fruitful outcomes in terms of boosting the connectivity of policies, infrastructure, trade, finance and people. Guided by a new vision of governance, we built a new platform of cooperation to tap into new sources of growth. The commitment of the Belt and Road Forum is highly compatible with the goal of the G20.

A German saying goes to the effect that, "Those who work alone, add; those who work together, multiply." In this spirit, let us work together to promote interconnected growth for shared prosperity and build toward a global community with a shared future.

Thank you.

this is quite an interesting web where about 40 countries have shared what they say they are doing on goals - of course it could all be stories not reality but at least you can compare side by side who siad what

i suggest youth exchanges should compare their country's declaration with china's which is currently as follows

2016 National Voluntary Reviews at the High-level Political Forum

In September 2015, H.E. Xi Jinping, President of China, attended the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit and joined other leaders in endorsing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, providing guidance to national development of member states and international development cooperation in the next 15 years.

As the largest developing countries in the world, China has always place development as the first priority. The 13th Five-Year Plan was reviewed and approved by the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress in March 2016, defining the development concept featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development. In the coming years, China will pursue innovative development and improve the quality and efficiency of development. Coordinated development will be promoted to form a balanced structure of development. China will pursue green development by promoting a green and low-carbon development model and lifestyle, protecting ecological system. It will make great efforts to deepen opening-up, thus realizing win-win cooperation. Shared development will be facilitated to improve people’s well being. China will seek coordinated development in the economic, political, cultural, social and ecological fields in order to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects as planned.

China attaches great importance to implementation of the 2030 Agenda and believes that the principles of Peaceful Development, Win-win Cooperation, Integration and Coordination, Inclusiveness and Openness, Sovereignty and Voluntary Action, as well as “Common but Differentiated Responsibilities”, should be followed in building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, establishing all-round partnership, and achieving economic, social and environmental development in a balanced manner. Countries should be encouraged to formulate their domestic development strategies and take measures to implement the 2030 Agenda in accordance with national conditions and respective characteristics, while the means of implementation should be allowed to be differentiated, due to diversified national conditions and respective capabilities.

China suggests that 9 key areas should be prioritized in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. These areas are:

  • Eradicating poverty and hunger through targeted measures to alleviate and eliminate poverty, and enhancing agricultural production capacities and food security.
  • Implementing innovation-driven development strategies and generating momentum for sustainable, healthy and stable economic growth.
  • Advancing industrialization to inject impetus to coordinated development between urban and rural areas and among the three dimensions of sustainable development.
  • Improving social security and social services to ensure equal access to basic public services.
  • Safeguarding equity and social justice to improve people’s well-being and promoting all-round human development.
  • Protecting the environment and building protective barriers for eco-security.
  • Addressing climate change actively and integrating climate change response into national development strategies.
  • Promoting efficient utilization of resources and sustainable energy.
  • Improving national governance and ensuring economic and social development in line with the rule of law.

Implementing the 2030 Agenda is a systemic project. The international community needs to provide sound support from five dimensions including:

  • Strengthening capacity building of countries so as to improve institution building, increase public resources, and generate internal growth momentum.
  • Creating an enabling international environment for development, building a balanced, win-win and inclusive multilateral trading system and improving global economic governance.
  • Engaging with all stakeholders and working towards a more equitable and balanced global partnership for development.
  • Promoting coordination mechanism and incorporating development policy into global macroeconomic policy coordination.
  • Improving follow-up and review by conducting regular reviews of global implementation progress while review of national implementation would be done according to respective national conditions and the principle of voluntary action.

2016 is the first year of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China has made great efforts in its implementation, linking the 2030 Agenda with domestic mid-and-long term development strategies. The domestic coordination mechanism for the implementation, comprised of 43 government departments, has been established to guarantee the implementation. Great efforts has been be made to publicize the 2030 Agenda nationwide in order to mobilize domestic resources, raise public awareness, and creating favorable social environment for the implementation. China will also strengthen inter-sector policy coordination, review and revise relevant laws and regulations to provide policy and legislative guarantee for the implementation. In the next 5 years, China is determined to lift all the 55.75 million rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty, and to double its GDP and people's per capita income of 2010. China has already released the Position Paper on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which reflects China’s views on the principles, priorities, policies and progress made in the implementation of the 2030 agenda. The position paper has been circulated as an UN General Assembly document to member states in April. China will also issue its national plan of implementing the 2030 Agenda this year and share its development experience with other countries.

As the G20 Presidency this year, China puts development issues at the heart of the G20 agenda, and lists Inclusive and Interconnected Development as one of the four key agenda items. With China’s efforts, G20 has placed the issue of development in a prominent position in its global macro policy framework for the first time, to optimize development policy coordination. It is the first time that G20 members has jointly drafted a collective action plan on the 2030 Agenda to inject political impetus into the global implementation progress on the 2030 Agenda. And it is also the first time that G20 has discussed the issues of Supporting Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries to actively respond to demands of developing countries, especially African countries. China has also convened outreach dialogues with non-G20 countries and invited the largest numbers of development countries in G20 history to participate in all activities this year, to ensure that G20’s actions meet outside expectations.

As a responsible and large developing country, China will continue to actively take part in global development cooperation. It has provided support for more than 120 developing countries in achieving MDGs. In the future, China will deepen South-South cooperation to help other developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda. China is currently implementing the measures announced by President Xi Jinping during his attendance at UN Summits Marking the 70th Anniversary, providing other developing countries with support in financing, technology and capacity building. China is making preparations for the Assistance Fund for South-South Cooperation, which will be put into operation as soon as possible. The Academy of South-South Cooperation and Development has been established and starts global enrollment in 2016, which will provide developing countries with opportunities for doctor’s degree and master’s degree education and short-term training. China has signed agreements on China-UN Peace and Development Fund with the UN and the fund will be put into operation in 2016 to finance projects concerning peace and development. China will carry forward the Belt and Road Initiative and promote the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank and other institutions to play greater roles with a view to making contribution to global development.

Looking ahead, China will shoulder the responsibility of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, follow a development path featuring mutual benefit, win-win results and common development, and work with all countries to build a better future of sustainable development for all mankind.

as you know jack ma is transforming the olympics- please see who is helping him in tokyo- it would make sense if the female governor of tokyo is because they are both on the education commission


things to look for


1 how to continue arts/cultures and spirits eg zen/tao expo before and after olympics- friends in rome wanted to do lot on that too; before the tokyo olympics the biggest worldwide event is g20 argentina next summer (this is the franciscan- bottom up event that any student 2017/2018 has best chance to network under 30s into) - if that doesnt tip global 2.0 towards bottom up girl empowerment partnerships and leapfrog possibilities for digital (big data small) it will never happen - maurice and camilo understand latin cultures 100 times moire than the rest of us circulated- of course we need more connections 


hiro and atsu introduced me to someone 2 years ago who was trying to chnage sprts to include everyone


in washington dc very big is head of the special olympics (where will his team first meet ma's)- his other huge network has spent 25 years on emotional learning (as you know ma calls that LQ or Q of love but they are the same idea networks on revolutionising why we need teachers who love theoir students enough to get rid of all the traps from very bad student unions to costly and jobless degree certificate monopolies) - i am trying to understand which wise networks link that in


ma has indicated that from 2020 he will mainly focus on 3 areas 

happjness and health



before that he has to sort out who he trusts with blockchain, big data small apps and other hi-tech dynamics of humanising an AI world


how do we make sure that anyone we could know in tokyo is tracking how to help his projects as they emerge


there is also the question as to whether ban ki-moon will be appointed to a new position in ioc responsible for ethics;


the announcement of both 2024 and 2028 olympics at same time in september is also part of ma's doing as he has clarified he is partnering olympics for 8 years as it shutles to LA and paris


as always finding way into partnering some of jack ma's projects is critical to amy; i am not happy that back in dc we have connected with under armor and leonsis and the chinese tech networks that advise the governor of maryland and supported by eg ben carson yet -; i assumed baltimore people would do that but now realise its likely i will have to


as you may know the epicentre em;powering youth to experiment in education was qatar- due to the political crisis there they have to relay on their 2 conference location partners madrid and beijing - probably i am the only person who doesnt work for qatar to have attended both events- however yuxuan is the uber networker of wise under 30s as amy can explain; we are still struggling with how to include all of sir fazle's knowhow 5 years after he spent 4 hours briefing 25 people at japan embassy in dhaka on the help he most wanted- again i am very frustrated that so few people really care about sir fazle- it comes down to 17 years of clintons and others promoting the less relevant part of bangladesh around muhamamd yunius and microcreditsummit which lost all of its integrity to the same big banking foes that have destroyed youth opportunities in all once wealthy western nations


the new book on how bankrupt usa is ever to invest in youth by jeffrey scahs is worth reading as is anyine who can advise amy on whetrher to gtry and get into any of jeffrey scahs projects when she starts at columbia university next months


so there is a lot to collaborate around i assume people will check with amy if they want deep practical details that concern her chinese peers most


if anyone knows place leaders who want to join in the worlds number 1 green places networks, that is led lout of korea bu the governor of the island that was the host of aiib 2017- fortunately 2 brits (one of whom my family know well) are extremely influential in aiib - indeed they are probably the last british voice to have any influence on anything thats as fast moving as jack ma and xi jinping in this brexited world


thanks chris 


help edit presentations of sir fazle abed and xi jinping and jack m...

sir fazle here's a doc - how would you turn it into a viral video or a few slides or other collaboration stimulus of valuing investment in…

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world's largest skills training family



Ma’s tour to changing markets so every young person enjoys great livelihood opps


Please note – all editorial improvements to tour welcome; goal is all hard working youth (especially girls who history excluded) can expect to enjoy these opportunities


MA1 Markets where shops were key

In some ways these were the simplest for ma’s digital wizards to web into  first digital platforms. In the west digi-commerce started round eg amazon and ebay. However from the getgo, ma was interested in a twist- digital yellow pages- what sme business networks could also be linkedin


MA2 By 2000 sustainability’s worlds biggest question: what was the most scaleable human purpose of universal connectivity by text mobile. Bangladesh and kenya’s greatest end poverty entrepreneurs were convinced : bank a billion unbanked. Mpesa won the race as first to scale out of kenya – its model of cashless banking is now world largest in Bangladesh. All of this showed that financial services could be returned to credit everyone starting with the hard working poorest. Fortunately Jack Ma’s timing was exquisite. He created alipay out of the ashes of big banks burnt by sub-prime, and basing his market on smart mobile connectivity. Not only did alipay become china’s main marketmaker of digital cash transactions but big-data-small-analysis enabled ant financial to become the worlds’s first social credit ratings epicenter


MA3 Because of china capitalism unique evolution- effectively only 3 internet companies were licensed through 2000s – the big 3 have become “cloud” /platform etc ecosystems for all sorts of start ups and markets for apps. Moreover, digital assets are regarded in china as more valuable to grow productive human futures with than bricks assets


MA4 This leaves a lot of tough markets that jack- and his alumni and partners - is interested in changing including

Entertainment media


Health services

Green services


MA5 Many of these will depend on whether place governments agree that big data small wizards are essential to social blockchains


There are some markets ma would probably be wise never to get into unless there is some smart analysis that becomes the markets main value driver – eg planes, big ships, trains. These may be the last markets that nations quarrel over as it doesn’t make sense for every nation to compete to build planes. Meanwhile jobs and sustainability of all of our youth depends on the markets that jack and his friends inspire everyone to collaboratively build. Worldwide youth “must” be the biggest and best economy of the 21st century dwarfing the big national markets of 20th C. We say “must” because sustainability deadlines cannot be achieved locally let alone globally without all hardworking youth enjoying great livelihoods.


Parallel reference: why infrastructures markets are a special case – which governments need to help citizens as well as digital wizards map everywhere

if you ,like jack ma you may like

blockchain creator satoshi or educator don tapscot

quadir family who did most to pioneer village phones - and with research nets at mit, dubai (legatum) and in parallel abdul latif have linked eg mpesa type coding so that bangladesh now has biggest text mobile bank

the uae's Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi (United Arab Emirates) - the lady who made uae ports digitally smart

give directly investments in conditional cash transfer

governor of tokyo and fellow edu commissioner  Yuriko Koike (Japan) expect commonality of interests regarding tokyo olympics 2020- the head of the special olympics whose other lifelong pursuit is future of children's emotional learning

choosing who's who at china's entrepreneur club

help us clarify how world record job creators are also developing 21st c lead economies

diary of un upcoming meets


2017 World Water Week: World Water Week is the annual focal point for the world’s water issues, bringing together experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators, and young professionals from a range of sectors and countries. In 2017, World Water Week will address the theme of “Water and Waste – Reduce and Reuse.” dates: 27 August -1 September 2017  location: Stockholm, Sweden  contact: Stockholm International Water Institutewww:

Fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress: Organized by the Government of Chile, IMPAC4 will focus on the theme, “MPAs: Bringing the ocean and people together.” The Congress will convene scientists and practitioners to discuss topics relevant to MPAs, including conservation, ecology, fisheries, climate change, monitoring, enforcement and management tools, and communication and education. dates: 4-8 September 2017 location: La Serena-Coquimbo, Chileemail: www:

22nd Session of UN World Tourism Organization General Assembly: The 22nd UNWTO General Assembly will take place during the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, as designated by UNGA (A/RES/70/193). The International Year aims to support a change in policies, business practices, and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector that can contribute to the SDGs. dates: 4-9 September 2017 location: Chengdu, Chinacontact: UNWTO phone: +34-91-567-8100 fax +34-91-571-37-33 email: www:

UNGA High-level Meeting on UN-Habitat: UNGA President Peter Thomson will convene this High-level Meeting to discuss the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the position of the UN Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT). The event is expected to bring together mayors, community administrators, city resilience leaders, and other stakeholders to focus on implementation of SDG 11. dates: 5-6 September 2017  location: UN Headquarters  New York contact: UNGA President’s Office  www:

72nd Session of the UN General Assembly: UNGA 72 will convene at UN Headquarters on 12 September 2017. The General Debate will open on 19 September 2017. dates: 12-25 September 2017  location: UN Headquarters, New York contact: UNGA President’s Office www:

Climate Week NYC 2017: The 9th annual Climate Week NYC will take place during the UNGA General Debate. It will showcase the role that non-state actors are playing in ensuring the successful implementation of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of the SDGs. dates: 18-24 September 2017  location: New York City, US  contact: The Climate Group email: info@theclimategroup.orgwww:

Fifth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD): The Fifth Annual ICSD will take place on the theme, “The World in 2050: Looking Ahead for Sustainable Development.” The 27 conference topics will cover all 17 SDGs and a number of cross-cutting issues, including data, the role of universities in achieving the SDGs, and the arts as a tool to raise awareness of the SDGs. dates: 18-19 September 2017 location: Columbia University, New York City, US contact: ICSD email: www:

International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Actors and Implementation: This conference is aimed at creating a permanent and multidisciplinary knowledge network on the implementation of the SDGs. It will be organized by the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi), an international network created in 1999 and supported by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN University (UNU) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP). dates: 18-19 September 2017 location:Barcelona, Spain contact: GUNI/ACUP phone: +34-93-581-7099 email: www:

UN Private Sector Forum 2017: The 2017 Forum will focus on the theme of “Financing the 2030 Agenda.” The annual Forum aims to bring the voice of business to intergovernmental debates, and to enable CEOs, heads of state and government, and UN and civil society leaders to explore partnerships. date: 18 September 2017 location: New York City, US contact: UNPSF Secretariat email:unpsf@unglobalcompact.orgwww:

Global Compact Leaders’ Summit 2017: The 2017 Summit aims to inspire leadership for the SDGs. It will chart the way ahead for increased public-private collaboration, unveil the UN Global Compact’s latest intelligence from Action Platforms, generate engagement opportunities around the SDGs, and celebrate ambitious leaders and innovators from around the world with 2017 Pioneers, Project Breakthrough, and the Global Opportunity Explorer. date: 21 September 2017location: New York City, US contact: UN Global Compact email: www:

World Health Summit: The ninth World Health Summit will address “Science – Innovation – Policies.” Central topics to be addressed include: Health Policy in the G7/G20; Global Health Security; Healthy and Resilient Cities; Vaccination and Eradicating Disease; New Frontiers in Health Services; and Big Data for Health Governance. dates: 15-17 October 2017  location: Berlin, Germany www:

Third Meeting of the UN Environment Assembly: UNEA 3 will be held, on an exceptional basis, from 4-6 December 2017, with the high-level segment taking place on 5-6 December, and the Open Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives from 29 November to 1 December. dates: 4-6 December 2017  location: Nairobi, Kenya contact: Jorge Laguna-Celis, Secretary of Governing Bodies  phone: +254-20-7623431 email: www:

Eleventh World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference: The topmost decision-making body of the WTO, the Ministerial Conference, usually meets every two years. The conference will bring together all members of the WTO and can make decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements.dates: 10-13 December 2017 location: Buenos Aires, Argentina contact: WTO Secretariat phone: +41-22-739-5111 email: www:

First Global Conference of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax: The members of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax (UN, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Bank Group) will hold their first Global Conference on the theme of “Taxation and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” to take forward the global dialogue on the role of tax in achieving the SDGs, and to seek country insights on relevant challenges and opportunities. The conference will use as an input the work developed by Platform members, both jointly and separately, in connection with the themes covered in the conference. dates: 14-16 February 2018  location: UN Headquarters, New Yorkwww:

World Water Forum 2018: The World Water Forum is the world’s largest water event that gathers international stakeholders every three years and aims to set water firmly on the international agenda. The World Water Forum is organized by the World Water Council, an international multi-stakeholder platform that aims to promote awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, to facilitate the efficient conservation, protection, development, planning, management and use of water in all its dimensions on an environmentally sustainable basis for the benefit of all life on earth. dates: 18-23 March 2018 location: Brasilia, Brazil contact: World Water Council phone: +33-4-91-99-41-00 email: wwc@worldwatercouncil.orgwww:

Annual ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (FfD Forum): This Forum addresses the follow-up and review of Financing for Development Conference outcomes and the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. dates: 23-26 April 2018 location: UN Headquarters, New York contact: UNDESA email: www:

HLPF 2018: The sixth HLPF, convening under the auspices of ECOSOC, will address the theme of “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies.” The Forum will also review Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, and 15, as well as Goal 17, which is reviewed every year. dates: July 2018 [tentativelocation: UN Headquarters, New York contact: UNDESA email: www:

For additional meetings, see

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KERRY GLASGOWIS HUMANITY'S LAST BEST CHANCE - Join search for Sustainaabilty's Curricula

101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970

Dear Robert - you kindly asked for a short email so that you could see if there is a CGTN anchor in east coast who might confidentially share views with my expectation of how only Asian young women cultural movements (parenting and community depth but amplified by transparent tech in life shaping markets eg health, food, nature..) can return sustainability to all of us
three of my father's main surveys in The Economist 1962-1977 explain imo where future history will take us (and so why younger half of world need friendship/sustainable adaptation with Chinese youth -both on mainland and diaspora)
 1962 consider japan approved by JF Kennedy: argued good news - 2 new economic models were emerging through japan korea south and taiwan relevant to all Asia Rising (nrxt to link the whole trading/supply chains of the far east coast down through hong kong and cross-seas at singapore)
1 rural keynsianism ie 100% productivity in village first of all food security- borlaug alumni ending starvation
2 supercity costal trade models which designed hi-tech borderless sme value chains- to build a 20 million person capital or an 8 million person superport you needed the same advances in engineering - partly why this second economic model was win-win for first time since engines begun Glasgow 1760 ; potentially able to leverage tech giant leaps 100 times ahead; the big opportunity von neumann had gifted us - knowhow action networking multiply value application unlike consuming up things
1976 entrepreneurial revolution -translated into italian by prodi - argued that future globalisation big politics big corporate would need to be triangularised by community scaled sme networks- this was both how innovation advancing human lot begins and also the only way to end poverty in the sense of 21st C being such that next girl born can thrive because every community taps in diversity/safety/ valuing child and health as conditions out of which intergenerational economic growth can spring
in 1977 fathers survey of china - argued that there was now great hope that china had found the system designs that would empower a billion people to escape from extreme poverty but ultimately education of the one child generation (its tech for human capabilities) would be pivotal ( parallel 1977 survey looked at the futures of half the world's people ie east of iran)
best chris macrae + 1 240 316 8157 washington DC
 - we are in midst of unprecedented exponential change (dad from 1960s called death of distance) the  tech legacy of von neumann (dad was his biographer due to luckily meeting him in his final years including neumann's scoping of brain science (ie ai and human i) research which he asked yale to continue in his last lecture series). Exponential risks of extinction track to  mainly western top-down errors at crossroads of tech  over last 60 years (as well as non transparent geonomic mapping of how to reconcile what mainly 10 white empires had monopoly done with machines 1760-1945 and embedded in finance - see eg keynes last chapter of general theory of money); so our 2020s destiny is conditioned by quite simple local time-stamped details but ones that have compounded so that root cause and consequence need exact opposite of academic silos- so I hope there are some simple mapping points we can agree sustainability and chinese anchors in particular are now urgently in the middle of
Both my father at the economist and I (eg co-authoring 1984 book 2025 report, retranslated to 1993 sweden's new vikings) have argued sustainability in early 21st c will depend mostly on how asians as 65% of humans advance and how von neumann (or moores law) 100 times more tech every decade from 1960s is valued by society and business.
My father (awarded Japan's Order of Rising Sun and one time scriptwriter for Prince Charles trips to Japan) had served as teen allied bomber command burma campaign - he therefore had google maps in his head 50 years ahead of most media people, and also believed the world needed peace (dad was only journalist at messina birth of EU ) ; from 1960 his Asian inclusion arguments were almost coincidental to Ezra Vogel who knew much more about Japan=China last 2000 years ( additionally  cultural consciousness of silk road's eastern dynamics not golden rule of Western Whites) and peter drucker's view of organisational systems
(none of the 10 people at the economist my father had mentored continued his work past 1993- 2 key friends died early; then the web turned against education-journalism when west coast ventures got taken over by advertising/commerce instead of permitting 2 webs - one hi-trust educational; the other blah blah. sell sell .sex sell. viral trivial and hate politicking)
although i had worked mainly in the far east eg with unilever because of family responsibilities I never got to china until i started bumping into chinese female graduates at un launch of sdgs in 2015- I got in 8 visits to beijing -guided by them around tsinghua, china centre of globalisation, a chinese elder Ying Lowrey who had worked on smes in usa for 25 years but was not jack ma's biographer in 2015 just as his fintech models (taobao not alibaba) were empowering villagers integration into supply chains; there was a fantastic global edutech conference dec 2016 in Tsinghua region (also 3 briefings by Romano Prodi to students) that I attended connected with  great womens education hero bangladesh's fazle abed;  Abed spent much of hs last decade hosting events with chinese and other asian ambassadors; unite university graduates around sdg projects the world needed in every community but which had first been massively demonstrated in asia - if you like a version of schwarzman scholars but inclusive of places linking all deepest sustainability goals challenges 
and i personally feel learnt a lot from 3 people broadcasting from cgtn you and the 2 ladies liu xin and  tian wei (they always seemed to do balanced interviews even in the middle of trump's hatred campaigns), through them I also became a fan of father and daughter Jin at AIIB ; i attended korea's annual general meet 2017 of aiib; it was fascinating watching bankers for 60 countries each coming up with excuses as to why they would not lead on infrastructure investments (even though the supercity economic model depends on that)
Being a diaspora scot and a mathematician borders (managers who maximise externalisation of risks) scare me; especially rise of nationalist ones ;   it is pretty clear historically that london trapped most of asia in colomisdation ; then bankrupted by world war 2 rushed to independence without the un or anyone helping redesign top-down systems ; this all crashed into bangladesh the first bottom up collaboration women lab ; ironically on health, food security, education bangladesh and chinese village women empowerment depended on sharing almost every village microfranchise between 1972 and 2000 especially on last mile health networking
in dads editing of 2025 from 1984 he had called for massive human awareness by 2001 of mans biggest risk being discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations; he suggested that eg public broadcast media could host a reality tv end poverty entrepreneur competition just as digital media was scaling to be as impactful as mass media
that didnt happen and pretty much every mess - reactions to 9/11, failure to do ai of epidemics as priority from 2005 instead of autonomous cars, failure to end long-term carbon investments, subprime has been rooted in the west not having either government nor big corporate systems necessary to collaboratively value Asian SDG innovations especially with 5g
I am not smart enough to understand how to thread all the politics now going on but in the event that any cgtn journalist wants to chat especially in dc where we could meet I do not see humans preventing extinction without maximising chinese youth (particularly womens dreams); due to covid we lost plans japan had to relaunch value of female athletes - so this and other ways japan and china and korea might have regained joint consciousness look as if they are being lost- in other words both cultural and education networks (not correctly valued by gdp news headlines) may still be our best chance at asian women empowerment saving us all from extinction but that needs off the record brainstorming as I have no idea what a cgtn journalist is free to cover now that trump has turned 75% of americans into seeing china as the enemy instead of looking at what asian policies of usa hurt humans (eg afghanistan is surely a human wrong caused mostly by usa); a; being a diaspora scot i have this naive idea that we need to celebrate happiness of all peoples an stop using media to spiral hatred across nations but I expect that isnt something an anchor can host generally but for example if an anchor really loves ending covid everywhere then at least in that market she needs to want to help united peoples, transparency of deep data etc

2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-

please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain  locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around   adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi

help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann


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