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Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech
sir fazle here's a doc - how would you turn it into a viral video or a few slides or other collaboration stimulus of valuing investment in youth/girls as sustainability goals generation- who are the peer networks you most want to share it with- please help us question 2 different things- the people you know who you can share it with; the people you would dream of sharing it with -what actions would you first intend resulting from the intelligence you mediate
girls empowerment and jobs-educational solutions designed with those born with least opportunities - more job creators like sir fazle start here
more on xi jinping - start here
our 3rd world record job creator is jack ma -help ma change a whole market!!
So far Jack Ma has devoted his life to two main questions
How could young chinese people learning English change the future of a chinese city (Hangzhou)?
How to pioneer use of the worldwide web in china to help peoples and communities create jobs?
Jack comes from a family of traveling entertianers whom China’s cultural revolution did not exactly favor. This may help to explain his burning curiosity and joy of co-creating now that “anything’s possible”. He wants his extraordinary energies as an action learner and mentor to education, environment’s most urgent innovation compasses together with intergenerational health and happjness challenges.
With sir fazle and xi jinping, Jack Ma offers youth the opportunity to celebrate being the most productive and sustainable generation. If Sir Fazle and Xi Jinping are the place leaders youth need to celebrate most, then Jack Ma offers the opportunity to connect local and global in worldwide trade spaces. Now that people around the world are spending 1000 times more on communications technologies than in 1946, its critical that tech wizards and place leaders unite youth around maps that lead to the best of local and global
While transparent place leaders cant afford to have "favorite" businessmen , the knowhow networks of jinping and ma need to have extraordinary overlaps given how innovation of IR$ happens determines livelihood possibilities
if you like wrjc jinping you may like cheng li's book on jinping explains how 2017 becomes critical years as jinping chooses top team for next 5 yeras - watch out for what skils specific co-leades bring also inside china, supercities and regions depend on brilaint eladers differentiating that city - find examples tsinghua is critical colege campus for public servants and lead busiensssmen informing each others; as are tech summit worldwide summits that jinping actively particiupates in clarify leaders in other regions that msot want to win-win with china canada- trudeau pms from chile and argentina russia's putin korea's jae-in help clarify list |
if you like ma you may like satoshi and other lead inovators of blockchain for sustainability generation - eg tapcsott , branson ma cahisrs china entreprenehur network- search out nations most conscious busienssmen- some partner with ma on specific futures such as futrure of green , future of universities- search them out -also look for which eladers want their sectir to maximise sme livelihoods who else is developing digital in ways that create world record jobs- liu of may not be job psecific but he is segmenting specific win-win gtrades ecommerce ;portals can be best at world summit overlaps - ma helped make 2016 g20 famous as opportunity to revalue youth and sme's future economies; he launched ewtp for free trade of smes; national leaders of malaysia and argentina first to partner; canada's trudeau has been great china friend in g20 and both to ma and jinpings innovation goals ma helps lead varuous education for jobs summits and youth entrepreneur knowledeg spaces eg UNCTad- search; map back top 10 technolgies of IR4 - which does ma need a best partner in ; who are youths other best partners by each tech |
breaking news on which global summits youth (the hlaf of the world aged under 30) can trust most - urgent contributions from girls networks across china- any reporting errors solely
Invited to help
Belt Road Forum -
Created and chief implementor ver furst 5 years 2013-2017 and curiculum mapping most critical two 2017-2019
AIIB annual governors summit integrating all delegate nations (81 and rising in 2017) in transparent collaboration -see also greenbigbangclub
Created from 2015 and helped choose lean implementation leadership team and timely choice of annual place hosts
Invited to play role balancing equality of 5 voices while China is (and needs to continue to be) benchmark of every growth innovation
WEF in Davos and in China
Invited to double up the relevance of which years in future history post-industrial revolution leaps forward from incision of unexpected places
The coming of platform summits celebrating big data small role both in global 2.0 and industrial rev 4.0
This summit space (needing to be led by practice entrepreneurs) is very fragmented but china’s practice leaders (eg how fiferent jack ma is from wext coast internet capitalist) is integral wherever leapfrogging is studied to benfit maximum diversity of global village societies
China helped create vefore Xi leadership of china since 2012
You tell us
China G20 Hangzhou Consensus 2016
Germany G20 Hamburg Lack of Consensus
Argentina G20 2018
Huge opportunity for girls and bootom uo trust networks to bridge china g20 and learn from germany as an accidenta detour
India G20 2019
Huge opportunity –eg digital platform capabilities out of nidia afre second only to china
Views: 577
Forget the moon race, the next decade's srace to sustain peoples and mother earth is the hugest entrepreneurial and development chalenge humanitgy has ever faced. Exciting times to be alive provided we transparently value the reality that 21st C is about economies of develoopijng people not of consuming up things the way the carbonise indsutrila era assumed was the only goal to audit
Sustainability's greatest human developments have 2 wholly unique characteritics:
massive collaboration that is linked to intergenerational map of purpose
valuation models that are exponential rising over time not extractive each quarter
Millennials are blessed that in Bangladesh and China they have 2 nations that have over 40 years of experience of demonstrating these professional requirements allbeit from very different resource bases but the same crisis - two of the world's 8 most populous nations being trapped in systems which left their peoples in completely underdeveloped states of being.
Goal 17
When your place starts out inh tfe worfld with next to no assets other than hunders or even thousands of millions of people's lives to develop, you need to be the most trusted bottom-up partnering network over a long period of time, or have some very loyal invetsment friends. The first explains how sir fazle abed ended poverty; the second explain how china raced from a billion underdeleoped poeple to the most exciting human interests story ever seen. Sir Fazle started in a region of the world hit by a typhhon disaster that global relief organsaitins coldnt reach. He became their trusted conector and bridge bottom up relief and recovery empowering people in the communities to devfelop their own resilience capacity. China once it had confidence in trusting its peoples to be the hardest workoing in the worfld -if given the opportunity to grow commerce from the ground up - could look to the chiense diapora - tge 3rd richest in te world of the mid 1970s, and a netwirk who tyrned out to be both the most briliant tgraders and the designers of infratsructure for win-win trading.
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E2 empowered the world's poorest vilage mothers not only to end poverty but to build the rural nation of bangladesh. Through a mixture of education, financial service and professionals who gave their expertise to desitgning bottom-up markets, sit fazle designed development networks to invest in 8 million mothers livelihhods, and their imoacts on other 30 million family members including next generation livelihoods. Over te first 25 yeras of BRAC more that a hudnered microfranchsies were deleoped innovating markets for the poor in all relevant food security crops, maternal and infant health, livelihood education, poultry, milk, crafts and more. Banglades became the first rural wide lab for mobile leapfroging models - sir fazle's has become the laregst cashless bank in the world.
G2 famine killing over 50 million chinese in the 1960s and many millions of people during the early years of bangaldesh as a new nation was the rfeason why china totally cghanged its ruling systems in the 1960s. The whole purpose of chiense leadership was focused on ensuring rural people never starved again. The 2 big innovations: crop science applied to tghe prfoducitivity of rice which both sir fazle and chiense agricultural experts partered round; china's barefoot doctors networks
The food security value chais that brac went on to redesign during its forst two decades of serving rural moters included:
G3 China's barefoot doctors networks around 1970 wenjt to live inj rural areas to serve that populace. Sir Fazle was inspired by this idea but found that Bangldesh didnt have ebough qualified to serve the citeis let alone ones who would be prepared to live inh vilages without electricity of other infrsatructure. So he first targeted te number 1 disease killing infants - diarrhea was killing quarter on ifnants of bangaldesh in 1970s. The oral rehydration action learning franchoise was the first ever to scale rural bangladesh- it needed a lot of rehearsal since it required personal coaching to every rural mother (most ilietare). It soon becamse clear that therfe were other basic inafnta an dmother cures that a vilage paraworlker could be trained to deliver and make a susstainable livelihood out of serving. Brac's first hudnered thosand microfrachose comprise such para-heath networkers
goal 6 and 14 relatiobships with water are int4eresting
lack of drinking water is a killer for poor people, as are the sanitation challeges
With growing economies and populations, water scarcity is intensifying and proliferating to new parts of the planet. Ensuring there is enough water to grow food, turn energy turbines, quench the thirst of our cities is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Some 2.1 billion people don’t have access to water suitable for drinking and are exposed to disease and malnourishment as a result. This is nothing short of an emergency. Yesterday at the United Nations, I joined leaders from several countries to discuss how we can accelerate progress on this goal. This video explains why we must do so now.
equally we now know thyat many island nations are going to be te first to be obliterated by any further breach of climate harmony
then agan nations with blue economyies - ie nations whuch are not landlocked have in many other ways huge advantages
the blue economjy ande how to rfesponsibly colaborate around it bing one of the 4 main agendas tabled when china hosted brics business summit in 2017
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101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-
please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann
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