unaiwho.docx version queens 70th 6/6 help pilot unai guide and 2020s metagood- top 100 people helping Guterres roadmap UN2.0 -more details codesmeta.com economistun.com - questions chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
editor note Fazle Abed designed Brac world's largest ngo partner round values of Freire- brazilian educator/author of pedagogy of oppressed. The UN is in 7th year of being leg by Portguese-speaking Guterres (former prime minister of Portugal and UN Regugee assistance leader)
Special Reports
2 summits are scheduled Barcelona May 2022 and NY at Un General Assembly Sept (chaired by Costa Rica academic personally chosen by Guterres). While the digital Roadmap for the whole o UN 2.0 is now in its 5th year of improving - see codematters.com - education roadmaps have been slow coming. However in December Guterres (year 7 into leading United Nations) headline the first ever UNESCO report on education is not fit for purpose of younger half of world ever being Sustainability Generation
update may 2022 chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
Writing in real time as we virtually monito0r Barcelona events Ms15-22 we will mainly add some 2 page files starting with
111To team barcelona--------------------------------regarding
Female tech segment of UNITWIN breaks free from vice chancellors to twin universities wishing to lead education revolution round gender , tech and culture - western supreme court judges need not apply
=================================one week to go - barcelona radical report coming
This time, we are fortunate to take the opportunity to present the new Report in the framework of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022). This Report will be officially presented and launched on Friday 20th of May from 9:30 to 11:00am (CEST) at the main auditorium of the WHEC2022 (attendance at the Conference has already been limited and closed).
GUNi is working on new upcoming presentations to make the Report and its valuable content known and to promote further dialogue, thinking and action for the transformation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) towards 2030.
In the hope that this new GUNi Report becomes a useful tool for reflection and for strengthening systems and HEIs around the world, this “special edition” comes with a distinctive feature. The Report has been designed to serve as a living document in an online format that will be enhanced over the next four years through an open portal, with new articles, interviews, videos and podcasts. Starting next Friday 20th, this website will be open and available to the public: https://www.guni-call4action.org
We invite you all to share the Report and its online platform and to encourage your colleagues to join the project presenting new materials, content and ideas to boost the transformation of HEIs.
Thank you once more for your commitment to GUNi.
Very sincerely,
Josep M. Vilalta
Director, Global University Network for innovation (GUNi)
UN selects spanish tongue to pilot 2 education revolutions in 2022 - Freire alumni hip hip..
by chris macrae
May 12, 2022
unaiwho.docx version queens 70th 6/6 help pilot unai guide and 2020s metagood- top 100 people helping Guterres roadmap UN2.0 -more details codesmeta.com economistun.com - questions chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
editor note Fazle Abed designed Brac world's largest ngo partner round values of Freire- brazilian educator/author of pedagogy of oppressed. The UN is in 7th year of being leg by Portguese-speaking Guterres (former prime minister of Portugal and UN Regugee assistance leader)
Special Reports
2 summits are scheduled Barcelona May 2022 and NY at Un General Assembly Sept (chaired by Costa Rica academic personally chosen by Guterres). While the digital Roadmap for the whole o UN 2.0 is now in its 5th year of improving - see codematters.com - education roadmaps have been slow coming. However in December Guterres (year 7 into leading United Nations) headline the first ever UNESCO report on education is not fit for purpose of younger half of world ever being Sustainability Generation
update may 2022 chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
Writing in real time as we virtually monito0r Barcelona events Ms15-22 we will mainly add some 2 page files starting with
111To team barcelona--------------------------------regarding
Female tech segment of UNITWIN breaks free from vice chancellors to twin universities wishing to lead education revolution round gender , tech and culture - western supreme court judges need not apply
=================================one week to go - barcelona radical report coming
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to communicate the publication of the 8th GUNi Report entitled "New Visions for Higher Education towards 2030".
This time, we are fortunate to take the opportunity to present the new Report in the framework of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022). This Report will be officially presented and launched on Friday 20th of May from 9:30 to 11:00am (CEST) at the main auditorium of the WHEC2022 (attendance at the Conference has already been limited and closed).
GUNi is working on new upcoming presentations to make the Report and its valuable content known and to promote further dialogue, thinking and action for the transformation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) towards 2030.
In the hope that this new GUNi Report becomes a useful tool for reflection and for strengthening systems and HEIs around the world, this “special edition” comes with a distinctive feature. The Report has been designed to serve as a living document in an online format that will be enhanced over the next four years through an open portal, with new articles, interviews, videos and podcasts. Starting next Friday 20th, this website will be open and available to the public: https://www.guni-call4action.org
We invite you all to share the Report and its online platform and to encourage your colleagues to join the project presenting new materials, content and ideas to boost the transformation of HEIs.
Thank you once more for your commitment to GUNi.
Very sincerely,
Josep M. Vilalta
Director, Global University Network for innovation (GUNi)
The 8th GUNi Higher Education in the World Report will be accessible online and will be enhanced over the next four years
GUNi Partners: