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Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech
We'd be interested in you have any cases that compare with Bangladesh - However the education success story of Bangladesh is seldom told in a simple way because there is a massive confusion between micro-credit and microeducation caused by those who fundraise for microcredit separately from microeducation. Also the story has 2 halves - the 25 years before 1996 being the pre-digital phase which the birth of Bangaldesh in 1971 had to navigate |
Extracts from World Record Guide to Job Creation
Chapter Education
E1 informal primary school system values students and parents most in the world. It was for this reason WISE's inaugural laureates of education voted for Sir Fazle Abed. BRAC's schools today are the educational network Gandhi and Montessori would recognise as closest to their vocational vision. How did this happen? When Bangladesh was born, the government dindt have enough resources -let alone relationships with teachers - to do schools in villages. So BRAC invented bottom-up primary schooling as the third of its first 3 villagers grassroots privitsations- which started with bottom-up disaster relief and bottom-up para-health workers (see oral rehydration h1). While BRAC primary graduates perform way above national average on literacy tests BRAC is also able to develop missing curricula including the cross-cultural joyful peer to peer learning circles associated with classical montesorri
E2 One of the most interesting missing curricula of primary is financial literacy. The benchmark primary curriculum for this Aflatoun was developed out of an Indian orphanage. One of its most massive national scaling partners is BRAC in Bangladesh. BRAC has known from the start of replicating village schools that being the publisher of its curricula texts has an empowering impact by and with youth beyond the remit of any financial calculation
E3 Village Mothers demand primary-secondary vocational relevance to Bangladesh rural schooling. The great microcredit banks of Bangladesh provided previously unbanked village mothers with the trust as well as the finance to rebuild communities through their income generation. The culture the village mothers signed up to was while we try to move ourselves beyond the poverty line, move ourt children way beyond it by breaking generations of illiteracy. The bridge beyond the literacy goals of primary is actioned in secondary scholarships - an innovation of grameeen bank members. This is how Grameen Bank has emerged as an example of girl power investment banking and education as well as poorest village mothers banking. Grameen relationships with its 8 million mothers also connect with which of their girls are most capable to change the world through eg nearly free nursing college and which of their sons will be the greatest job creating entrepreneurs.
Could the future of health markets be designed to : maximise new job creation
* maximise affordable access to health care*maximise active life expectancies all over the world
H1 Oral Rehydration. In humid poor countries, one out of 5 infants die from extreme diarrhea unless mothers know about oral rehydration- mixing boiled water, sugar and salts in the correct proportion. The mother who applies this cure in time save lives. A national health laboratory in Calcutta invented oral rehydration in the 1960s but didnt know how to share this good news with the poorest illiterate families who could most value multiply with it. Bangladesh was born as poorest new 100+ million nation in 1971, That decade was to see the planting of what Keynsians see as the greatest economic miracle- empowering villagers to end poverty. Both of Bangladesh's job creating banks for the poor- Grameen and BRAC - scaled hi-trust grassroots womens networking by sharing this knowhow first. . As well as the immediate joy of saving an infant's live consider impacts. Bangladesh developed the most valuable womens social networks out of sharing (life-criticial) knowhow that multiplies value in use - an abundant economic dynamic of collaboration which has exactly opposite communal consequences from the dismal assumption that economics is conditioned by scarcities patterned by separately consuming up things. Furthermore when the risk of infants dying is minimised, the cultural pressure on mothers to bare lots of children reduces. This increases maternal health and the human capacity to be an income generating woman provided barefoot banking circles are locally accesible (see banking and education chapters for more on how community sustainability is designed around the 3 most trusted locals being health servant, teacher servant and banking servant)
H2 Infant nutrition, the sustainable economist's other number 1 passion. Medical experts know that the nutrition an infant gets during the first 1000 days determines not only health prospects of the being but physical brain development. The cultural norms of Bangladesh villages in the mid 1970s did not allow men from outside a village to talk to village mothers. While Grameen's female teams spent 7 years ascertaining village mothers top 16 wishes (called the 16 decisions) , Dr Muhammad Yunus spent time with the children, He noticed many turned blind at night. Medical friends explained this meant that the children had a chronic lack of vitamins. This resulted in the first non-financial service of Grameen Bank being carrot seeds. Developing a vegetable garden alongside each banking centre of 60 poorest women became a 16 decision. Later when Dr Yunus was to invenet the sustainable economic model of global social business partnerships, nutrition was to be the first knowhow a globally resourced company (Danone) was to partner with village mothers - who became local manufacturers and salesforce for the most yummy vitamin-fortified yogurt (grameen shokti) children have ever been served. Soon Chinese partnerships extended this healthy social business service space into yummy vitamin-fortified cereal bars.
Up until the end of the 20th century , village in the developing world is a synonym for having no infrastucture- no on-grid electricity, no running water or sewrage systems, nor roads, no phones or telecommunications
Staring in Bangladesh in 1996, mobile telecoms became first opportunity for village economies to leapfrog city infrastructure (of wired phones and Information technology). The greatest end poverty races ever linkin to this. For example banking is being designed to be cashless except for the last mile of transactions. Expect elearning curricula to be beamed in by satellite and tele-professions staring with celebrating what tele-medical apps,. 3-d printing promises local micro manufacturing possibilities. In parallel, it is already clear that most off grid villages will find leapfrogging to solar energy doubly more economical- ie cheaper than connecting a village to national grid, none of the costs of carbon footprints
queries on publication status of world record book of job creators welcome washington dc 301 881 1655
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101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-
please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann
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