BRAC net, world youth community and Open Learning Campus

Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech

Ma-Lee - book club of readers of Ma trilogy by professor lowrey Tsingua

welcome - this is the most urgent forum space of august 2016 - expect it to changeout of all recognition - to participate please make sure you are doing at least one of these things

  • reading the first book in lowrey trilogy - the ali baba way
  • one of the other do nows listed below

- if you are not a member of this ning- ask for membership invite- then you can subscribe to this forum's updates and collaborate with and the 50000 Global stuydent exchanges of 016-017 making opportuinities of the Sustainabiliuty Goal generation actionable and nearly free for under 30s to learn to do

related references

MOOC: ValuingYouth

portal for student alumni of ALiresearch

World Record Jobs: 5000 Global Yoyth Opportunity 2016-17: eg this ning's win-win quests between alumni of Ma and Lee

10 sites of china leaders quest class of 2016 -eg visit changsha city where mao grew up and today's metahub of quarter of a billion girls livelihood search

visit beijing's mooc building but only after friending active alumni of tsinghua lowrey's aliresearch circles

helping china's quarer a billion girls livelihood movement with research lowrey needs so her seciond book helps friend of jack ma or of sir fale abed understand each other

pereparing to make the 18th september summit at the un caled by the edcuatuion commission the most gamechanging event leapfroging coders have ever linked in - the un or anywhere

Jack Ma - Stop Complaining And You Can Find Opportunities. || Jack Ma Interview

Published on Jun 19, 2015

Jack Ma - Stop Complaining And You Can Find Opportunities.Jack Ma 2015 
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►" Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."
__Jack Ma

"I try to make myself happy, no, because I know that if I'm not happy, my colleagues are not happy and my shareholders are not happy and my customers are not happy. "
__Jack Ma 

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Ten days in bangladesh and china resulted in slices of  great good fortune. Interview with sir fazle abed revealed connections he wants most in world is with jack ma's taobao vuilage ecommerce movements . This is now  the number 1 job creating intervention in our world ofd post-indsutrial revolution. 
Meanwhile in China we found the lady most trusted by Jack Ma to link in millions of students. Lowrey now leads relevant bottom up entrepreneur currcicula out of Tsinghua - Yuxuan's Alma Mater, and is mentored by Columbia Uni's Nobel Lauteate of Small Entreprise economics. 
The Extraordinary Ying Lowrey: in 60s one of china's barefoot doctors; ... in 00s worked for US office of advocacy us small busineess adninistraion  -is mentored by noble economics lautreate columbia universsty edmund phelps; since 2012 returned to china tsinghua university to be ma's main connector with students and transparent bioghrapher of how his coding systems work; she co-founded us-china entrepreneurs assoiciation and was vice president of san diego chinsese association - her doctiorate in economics was from duke university - she graduated in maths from wuhan university - more at Ma-Lee - book club of readers lof Ma trilogy by professor lowrey Ts...  - i would suggest coordnating inquiries to lowrey through yuxuan that way we can maximise other connecftions we have been advoied to make through tsinghua including johns wolfram alumn there and the former presient of brookings introduction to brookings at tsingua

charmingly most of lowreys triilogy of books on jack ma are co-edited chapter by chapter by different students- yuxuan can you ask any of the folowing students to contact you = Chen Liang, Fang Ruonai, Xiang Songlin, Dong Youying, Huang Lingling, Quan Tao, San Xiaoyn, Kang Lili

 if they have time so we can work out how to multiply their connecdtiosn with ali researchers and Changsha hub of QuarterBillionGirls (QBG)

here is an extract of a chapter co-written by lowrey and students

GRASSROOTS STARTUPS ARE WAY TO EXPAND EMPLOYMNET - chapter 8 of The Ali Baba Way by Sun Xiaoyu. Xiang Songlin, and Ying Lowrey 


Ever since Thomas Moore described Utiopia around 1500, people have never stopped aspiring to and criticizing such a Utoipia. IN Chinese, the term is synonomous with a kind of fantasy land. If there is a utopia in the labkir market, what kind of work would people do there?


Since the time Ali Baba was founded it has consistently maintaiined a low barrier to entry for people who create startups on its platform. It doesnt charge fees for listing a storefront. It conducts routine training of store owners, public self-policing, convenient supply-chain services, and grassroots financing that is based on integrity capital. These things have enormously lowered the risks of starting up a biusiness. They have made it possible for a large number of people who have little expereibce and no capital and who otherwise would not have been able to start their own buisnesses. Star comoanies have been founded by an extrordinary range of people from students to handicapped people to formerly unemployed people to rural immigrant workers. Their sucecss stories have encpouraged even more people to start up their own businesses which is pulling up employment figures of socuety at large. Ali Baba has therefore created jobs of a whole new kind in the new economy.These are different from old forms of employment in distinct way -internet employment has provided jobs in particular to vulnerable segments of the population. It has served as a force for more equal employment opportunities  and improving social equality in general. The Taobao net e-commerce platform could indeed be called a utopia of real world employment markets.


in China of 2011: e-commerce entered a new stage of fast paced and scaled up growth that can be seen notably in 3 specific respects. First websites grew expoenetially in the area of B2C and consumer C2C e-commerce. Second, small and microenterprise use of e-commerce expanded rapidly. Third a large group of enterprises engaged in traditional forms of goods curculation now began a powerful entry into the realm of e-commecrce. In 2013 China's ecommerce exceeded 10 trillion RMB or 12.5% of GDP. It is projected to grow annualy at rate of 35%.

================= more on urgent connections of next 6 weeks race to sustainabiloity
As any reader of Keynes last chapter of General Theory knows, pre-digital economists locked in what future is possible to generate out of any place in expoentially spiraling ways. Therefore this mail is first in a short series on why it is mathematically consistent to argue that borderless sustainability istelf depends more on youth in developing ma and sir fazle friendship than anything the UN on its own can do. Of course our young chienese friends would welcome fixing personal tours to china to anyone who wants to connect their work and optionally become an intercity ambassador to QuarterBillionGirls (if you are conversant with John Von Neumann's worldview its highly likely that he would propose the motion that the 4 most valuable languages every under 30 now needs to speak are chinese, english, ma's system language and abed's system  language). In open spacing this logic, QBG seeks to be  China's leading peer to peer sustainability livelihoods/opportunity network. Back in spring at Sir Fazle 80th burthday party, an agreement was proivisionally made with sir fazle abed's family to offer leaders similar suistaiability adventire eearning tours round brac.  
Our global girls movements will be issuning tons of reserach and opportunity learning sightings proving the friendship hypotheses of this mail but right now we invite you to help to form a small group of people who will make this happen from west to east, and east to west. 
Basically the Ma-Abed meeting wont hapen in time without us helping make it happen - and the deadline is septmber 18 (still to be chcked but  because on this date the UN's definitive moveneyt on future of education will be launched; jack ma is a commissioner of the report; gordon brown (un envoy) team have asked for our help linking in sir fazle who by accident they left out from promoting top 30 educational revolutionariues
The un launch of education commissioon is free to attend - sunday night of 18 september - detail below. I phoned john kiehl yesterday We have agreed this coming week to work out which of his friends and new york contacts wants as direct connection with ma alumni or abed alumni or both- and how this interfaces with his search for extreme coding (mit, wolfram, marinez ... etc) and system conflict resolution champions (beck including mackey and beck's most active husband and wife team based in san diego - note lowrey also served there and her main economic mentor is the nobel peace laureate for small engterprise economy at Columbia U).

Message body

Great and we would be honored to have Sir Fazle attend the event - he is more than welcomed and our communications team can work with him for an op-ed or web feature as well around launch time 


Dear Professor Lowrey


Yuxuan and Amy's Friends (eg John Kiehl New York, Ian Ryder UK,::  Mostofa Dubai and Bangladesh, Maurice Rome, Vatucan University Youth) and I are trying to work out how to maximise win-wins between pro-youth markets designed by Jack Ma and Sir Fazle Abed


the education commission -launch at UN on 18 september appears to be a huge opportunity


If you (or your New York economics friends) see how this or other spaces can empower young people's opportunities to help linkin and celebrate such world record job creators. please tell me at any time. 


Outside of Bangladesh, I cannot recall a meeting as inspiring as that with you last weekend.


- China and Female Capitalism must-needs save youth's global village planet 


sincerely chris macrae 

PS Regarding your urgent work finishing book on financial inclusion relevant to Ali Baba, rural ecommerce designers and others concerned with poverty-alleviation by girls job creation, Sir Fazle Abed's son Shameran directs BRAC across its microfinance systems.   Reference BRAC 2015 report and English-language contributions to the book produced to celebrate Sir Fazle Abed's 80th birthday.

Dr Ying Lowrey

Book 1 Ali Baba Way

Book 2 Financial Inclusion


Includes TaoBao Platform

Big data for small enterprise

Biannual entrepreneur summit Beijing

(Rural development interests track bvack tio being a barefoot doctor in the 1960s)


From 2012 Economics Prof, School of Social Sciences Tsinghua

Deputy Directir Tsingua Center for Chiense Entrepreneurs

Senior Researcher Tsinghua Institute of Innovation Development


Resarch interestrs include economics of innovation and entrepreneurship in the internert and platform economy, modern microfinance marker, business demographics,…


Previously in Washington D C senior economist, office id advocacy, Small Busineess Administration –also teaching courses at GWU as assistant oprofessor and San Diegio State University as instructional professor

Co-founder United States- China Entrepreneurs Assiciation

Vice President San Diego Chinese Association



Professor Baumol and I have organized annual meetings on entrepreneurship held by the Amerucan Association of Economics, and in 2008 he came ti China to participate in symposiums at Hangzou and Wuhan. He introduced me to several nobe laureates in economics incding Professor Phelps at Columbia


In 2013 Professor Phelps book : Mass Flourishing – How grassroots Innovartion Createwd jobs, challenge and change confirmed my resiolve to study grassroots innovation and entrepreneurship. Phelps meticulously edited my 2014 paper at Villa Mondrgine International Economics Seminar in Rome

Young economic section


XXVI Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar Tor Vergata Economics Foundation - FUET University of Rome Tor Vergata 1-3 July 2014 “Anaemic Europe: How to Achieve Dynamism and Mass Flourishing"


14:15-15:30 Social Justice, Employment and Mass Flourishing Sala degli Svizzeri Chairman: Paolo REBOANI, Italia Lavoro Speakers: Patrizio BIANCHI, Emilia-Romagna Region and Ferrara University and Laura RAMACIOTTI, Ferrara University, “Good Economy in action. Reflections on the earthquake in Emilia: schools, institutions and communities” Ying LOWREY, University of Tsinghua "Growing-By-Unleashing Grassroots Entrepreneurship: How Alibaba Creates Jobs and the E-Commerce Ecosystem" Juan SOLA, Buenos Aires University, Innovation and Mass flourishing: The Latin American Experience Frederick GANNON and Vincent TOUZE, U. Le Havre & EDEHN; Sciences Po - OFCE, Paris, "Pension rules and implicit marginal tax rate in France"


Chinese e-commerce giant - Alibaba Group is an e-commerce site that connects Chinese suppliers with buyers at home and abroad. Today, Alibaba Group is involved in a variety of Web businesses. Its most important elements are its online retail sites: Taobao Marketplace, a large commerce site; Tmall, an online marketplace for name-brand retailers like Apple; and Juhuasuan, a daily deals site similar to Groupon. The company is also affiliated to mobile payments service called AliPay, and it has investments in online video, mobile messaging and cloud computing, among other businesses. The company that started in 1999 by Jack Ma, a former teacher from his apartment in his hometown of Hangzhou, now employs 24,000 workers at its headquarters in Hangzhou and elsewhere, with 25 separate business units. 


Alibaba Products: 

Alibaba has built a massive e-commerce business without selling even a single pair of jeans, washing machine, or book. What it sells instead are consumers, and it sells them in groups to retailers who pay for clicks, keywords, ad views, and sales. 
Unlike Amazon, Alibaba itself does not sell and ship items to customers. Instead, it acts as a kind of online bazaar where merchants as small as local vendors and as large as Nike can sell their wares. Alibaba makes money mainly by convincing these sellers to place search ads on its website to reach more potential customers through keywords (like Google) or by charging a commission on some transactions (like eBay). The company also makes money by selling premium memberships, cloud computing services and access to analytics data.


How does Alibaba make money? 

Alibaba has already been called so many things–the Amazon of China, the biggest IPO of all time, the harbinger of a new Internet era—that it can be hard to pin down exactly what Alibaba does and how it makes money. 
A recent Forrester Research report called Alibaba ―the world’s biggest digital ecosystem.‖ That description provides a pretty good indication of its sprawling operation. About 84% of the company’s revenue comes from its China commerce businesses, such as Taobao and Tmall sites. International commerce accounts for 12% of the top line, while cloud-computing and Internet infrastructure represents 1.9%.  
On the consumer side, Alibaba operates Taobao, which works much like eBay, and Tmall, which brands like Apple and Uniqlo use to reach out to an estimated 302 million online shoppers in China. Taobao, which does not charge transaction fees, makes money mainly through advertising purchased by traders who use the site. Many traders spend money on advertising to make their products more visible, because there are more than 800 million pieces on Taobao. While almost anyone can become a seller on Taobao with little cost in advance, Tmall is the most exclusive site. Trademarks and authorized distributors pay the deposit to open storefronts after going through a stringent verification process.  
It runs AliExpress, a site to connect consumers outside China with exporters, and a group shopping site, Jujuasuan. Its flagship site,, handles wholesale business-to-business commerce, a huge market that neither Amazon nor eBay yet dominates online. It has a small business-to-small business marketplace, And it offers cloud computing in the style of Amazon Web Services. Alibaba is also tied to online payments giant Alipay and is used for buying products across Alibaba’s sites.  


Success Mantra: 

Chinese are tight-fisted. So Alibaba made all the basic services it offers free to both buyers and sellers. It earns money through online advertisements and extra services it offers clients, such as website design. The second is that many Chinese are reluctant to trust strangers. So Alibaba has provided tools to build trust. One is an independent verification service through which third parties vet the claims made by sellers; the sellers pay for the process. Another is the Alipay payments system, which takes money up front and puts it in an escrow account. Vendors can be sure that payments made through it will be honoured.  


Number Games: 

But don’t just believe the rhetoric. Believe the numbers. The Wall Street Journal has reported that the combined transaction volume of Taobao e-commerce marketplace and Tmall reached $240 billion last year. That’s triple the size of eBay Inc., and more than double the size of Inc. 
Sales across Alibaba’s consumer marketplaces were $296 billion over the past year. By comparison, eBay in 2013 sold $76.5 billion in merchandise, only about $5 billion more than Alibaba sold on mobile devices alone. Total payment volume on Alipay in 2013 was $519 billion, more than double PayPal’s total of $180 billion in the same year.    


Data Driven: 

The sheer volume of commerce moving across Alibaba’s many platforms means the company likely has the most comprehensive and most detailed picture of consumer behaviour in the largest consumer market on the planet—a market whose spending power continues to grow. With great depth and breadth of visibility into consumer behaviour, Alibaba will be able to assemble a highly detailed profile of its consumers — which allows it to become much smarter and sell far more.  


Global Perspective: 

Alibaba does a huge amount of business—and compared to Amazon, it does business much more efficiently. Unlike Amazon, Alibaba doesn’t own its own inventory. Its marketplaces handle the selling, not the stuff itself. Even Alibaba’s logistics operation exists to coordinate deliveries, not to make them. Through its cooperation with 14 strategic delivery partners, Alibaba uses more than 950,000 delivery personnel. It also has more than 980,000 cloud computing customers. The company also has more than 342,000 small businesses taking out loans from the company.  
Alibaba has so far managed to achieve profit margins. In its most recent fiscal year, Alibaba’s net profit margin—net profits divided by revenue—was greater than 44 percent, a figure that has climbed steadily over the past few years. Amazon’s net profit margin in 2013, by comparison, was less than 1 percent. Net margins at Google and Apple last year hovered at just above 20 percent.  



Jack ma’s vision of making Alibaba reach its pinnacle of success can be estimated when he states that ―There were three reasons why we survived. We had no money, we had no technology, and we had no plan. Every dollar, we used very carefully.‖ The company’s breakneck growth in China shows no signs of abating, and Alibaba also has plans to compete on U.S. shores. In September, 2014, Alibaba launched its IPO. The company raised $21.8 billion when it priced its IPO at $68 per share, making it the largest offering in U.S. history. That opening price puts Alibaba’s overall valuation at almost $230 billion, more than Amazon and eBay’s valuations combined.   
Many questions still dog Alibaba, like concerns about corporate governance, China’s uncertain regulatory environment, and competition from other Chinese internet behemoths. But what works in Alibaba’s favour is the  depth and breadth of data that puts it in the same league as the biggest U.S.-based tech platforms. 


We operate various businesses and also derive support for our ecosystem from the businesses and services of related and affiliated companies. Our major businesses and the businesses of our related companies and affiliates include:

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KERRY GLASGOWIS HUMANITY'S LAST BEST CHANCE - Join search for Sustainaabilty's Curricula

101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970

Dear Robert - you kindly asked for a short email so that you could see if there is a CGTN anchor in east coast who might confidentially share views with my expectation of how only Asian young women cultural movements (parenting and community depth but amplified by transparent tech in life shaping markets eg health, food, nature..) can return sustainability to all of us
three of my father's main surveys in The Economist 1962-1977 explain imo where future history will take us (and so why younger half of world need friendship/sustainable adaptation with Chinese youth -both on mainland and diaspora)
 1962 consider japan approved by JF Kennedy: argued good news - 2 new economic models were emerging through japan korea south and taiwan relevant to all Asia Rising (nrxt to link the whole trading/supply chains of the far east coast down through hong kong and cross-seas at singapore)
1 rural keynsianism ie 100% productivity in village first of all food security- borlaug alumni ending starvation
2 supercity costal trade models which designed hi-tech borderless sme value chains- to build a 20 million person capital or an 8 million person superport you needed the same advances in engineering - partly why this second economic model was win-win for first time since engines begun Glasgow 1760 ; potentially able to leverage tech giant leaps 100 times ahead; the big opportunity von neumann had gifted us - knowhow action networking multiply value application unlike consuming up things
1976 entrepreneurial revolution -translated into italian by prodi - argued that future globalisation big politics big corporate would need to be triangularised by community scaled sme networks- this was both how innovation advancing human lot begins and also the only way to end poverty in the sense of 21st C being such that next girl born can thrive because every community taps in diversity/safety/ valuing child and health as conditions out of which intergenerational economic growth can spring
in 1977 fathers survey of china - argued that there was now great hope that china had found the system designs that would empower a billion people to escape from extreme poverty but ultimately education of the one child generation (its tech for human capabilities) would be pivotal ( parallel 1977 survey looked at the futures of half the world's people ie east of iran)
best chris macrae + 1 240 316 8157 washington DC
 - we are in midst of unprecedented exponential change (dad from 1960s called death of distance) the  tech legacy of von neumann (dad was his biographer due to luckily meeting him in his final years including neumann's scoping of brain science (ie ai and human i) research which he asked yale to continue in his last lecture series). Exponential risks of extinction track to  mainly western top-down errors at crossroads of tech  over last 60 years (as well as non transparent geonomic mapping of how to reconcile what mainly 10 white empires had monopoly done with machines 1760-1945 and embedded in finance - see eg keynes last chapter of general theory of money); so our 2020s destiny is conditioned by quite simple local time-stamped details but ones that have compounded so that root cause and consequence need exact opposite of academic silos- so I hope there are some simple mapping points we can agree sustainability and chinese anchors in particular are now urgently in the middle of
Both my father at the economist and I (eg co-authoring 1984 book 2025 report, retranslated to 1993 sweden's new vikings) have argued sustainability in early 21st c will depend mostly on how asians as 65% of humans advance and how von neumann (or moores law) 100 times more tech every decade from 1960s is valued by society and business.
My father (awarded Japan's Order of Rising Sun and one time scriptwriter for Prince Charles trips to Japan) had served as teen allied bomber command burma campaign - he therefore had google maps in his head 50 years ahead of most media people, and also believed the world needed peace (dad was only journalist at messina birth of EU ) ; from 1960 his Asian inclusion arguments were almost coincidental to Ezra Vogel who knew much more about Japan=China last 2000 years ( additionally  cultural consciousness of silk road's eastern dynamics not golden rule of Western Whites) and peter drucker's view of organisational systems
(none of the 10 people at the economist my father had mentored continued his work past 1993- 2 key friends died early; then the web turned against education-journalism when west coast ventures got taken over by advertising/commerce instead of permitting 2 webs - one hi-trust educational; the other blah blah. sell sell .sex sell. viral trivial and hate politicking)
although i had worked mainly in the far east eg with unilever because of family responsibilities I never got to china until i started bumping into chinese female graduates at un launch of sdgs in 2015- I got in 8 visits to beijing -guided by them around tsinghua, china centre of globalisation, a chinese elder Ying Lowrey who had worked on smes in usa for 25 years but was not jack ma's biographer in 2015 just as his fintech models (taobao not alibaba) were empowering villagers integration into supply chains; there was a fantastic global edutech conference dec 2016 in Tsinghua region (also 3 briefings by Romano Prodi to students) that I attended connected with  great womens education hero bangladesh's fazle abed;  Abed spent much of hs last decade hosting events with chinese and other asian ambassadors; unite university graduates around sdg projects the world needed in every community but which had first been massively demonstrated in asia - if you like a version of schwarzman scholars but inclusive of places linking all deepest sustainability goals challenges 
and i personally feel learnt a lot from 3 people broadcasting from cgtn you and the 2 ladies liu xin and  tian wei (they always seemed to do balanced interviews even in the middle of trump's hatred campaigns), through them I also became a fan of father and daughter Jin at AIIB ; i attended korea's annual general meet 2017 of aiib; it was fascinating watching bankers for 60 countries each coming up with excuses as to why they would not lead on infrastructure investments (even though the supercity economic model depends on that)
Being a diaspora scot and a mathematician borders (managers who maximise externalisation of risks) scare me; especially rise of nationalist ones ;   it is pretty clear historically that london trapped most of asia in colomisdation ; then bankrupted by world war 2 rushed to independence without the un or anyone helping redesign top-down systems ; this all crashed into bangladesh the first bottom up collaboration women lab ; ironically on health, food security, education bangladesh and chinese village women empowerment depended on sharing almost every village microfranchise between 1972 and 2000 especially on last mile health networking
in dads editing of 2025 from 1984 he had called for massive human awareness by 2001 of mans biggest risk being discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations; he suggested that eg public broadcast media could host a reality tv end poverty entrepreneur competition just as digital media was scaling to be as impactful as mass media
that didnt happen and pretty much every mess - reactions to 9/11, failure to do ai of epidemics as priority from 2005 instead of autonomous cars, failure to end long-term carbon investments, subprime has been rooted in the west not having either government nor big corporate systems necessary to collaboratively value Asian SDG innovations especially with 5g
I am not smart enough to understand how to thread all the politics now going on but in the event that any cgtn journalist wants to chat especially in dc where we could meet I do not see humans preventing extinction without maximising chinese youth (particularly womens dreams); due to covid we lost plans japan had to relaunch value of female athletes - so this and other ways japan and china and korea might have regained joint consciousness look as if they are being lost- in other words both cultural and education networks (not correctly valued by gdp news headlines) may still be our best chance at asian women empowerment saving us all from extinction but that needs off the record brainstorming as I have no idea what a cgtn journalist is free to cover now that trump has turned 75% of americans into seeing china as the enemy instead of looking at what asian policies of usa hurt humans (eg afghanistan is surely a human wrong caused mostly by usa); a; being a diaspora scot i have this naive idea that we need to celebrate happiness of all peoples an stop using media to spiral hatred across nations but I expect that isnt something an anchor can host generally but for example if an anchor really loves ending covid everywhere then at least in that market she needs to want to help united peoples, transparency of deep data etc

2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-

please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain  locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around   adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi

help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann


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