Khan Academy make maths skills fun with frequent context setters. These are some I like most in Trigonometry and Pre_calculus
Intro to Graphing Lines -Thinking about graphing on a coordinate plane, slope and other analytic geometry.
How can we communicate exactly where something is in two dimensions? Who was this Descartes character?
In this tutorial, we cover the basics of the coordinate plane. We then delve into graphing points and determining whether a point is a solution of an equation. This will be a great tutorial experience if you are just starting to ramp up your understanding of graphing or need some fundamental review.
If you've ever struggled to tell someone just how steep something is, you'll find the answer here. In this tutorial, we cover the idea of the slope of a line. We also think about how slope relates to the equation of a line and how you can determine the slope or y-intercept given some clues. This tutorial is appropriate for someone who understands the basics of graphing equations and want to dig a bit deeper. After this tutorial, you will be prepared to start thinking deeper about the equation of a line.
You know a bit about slope and intercepts, but want to know more about all the ways you can represent the equation of a line including slope-intercept form, point-slope form, and standard form. This tutorial will satisfy that curiosity
This tutorial covers some of the basics of analytic geometry: the distance between two points and the coordinate of the midpoint of two points.
You're familiar with graphing lines, slope and y-intercepts. Now we are going to go further into analytic geometry by thinking about the equations of parallel and perpendicular lines. Enjoy!
In this tutorial we'll see how to graph linear inequalities on the coordinate plane. We'll also learn how to determine if a particular point is a solution of an inequality.
x Functions and their graphs Revisiting what a function is and how we can define and visualize one.
You've already been using functions in algebra, but just didn't realize it. Now you will. By introducing a little more notation and a few new ideas, you'll hopefully realize that functions are a very, very powerful tool. This tutorial is an old one that Sal made in the early days of Khan Academy. It is rough on the edges (and in between the edges), but it does go through the basic idea of what a function is and how we can define and evaluate functions.
What values can you and can you not input into a function? What values can the function output? The domain is the set of values that the function is defined for (i.e., the values that you can input into a function). The range is the set of values that the function output can take on. This tutorial covers the ideas of domain and range through multiple worked examples. These are really important ideas as you study higher mathematics.
Functions associate a set of inputs with a set of outputs (in fancy language, they "map" one set to another). But can we go the other way around? Are there functions that can start with the outputs as inputs and produce the original inputs as outputs? Yes, there are! They are called function inverses! This tutorial works through a bunch of examples to get you familiar with the world of function inverses.
You know a function when you see one, but are curious to start looking deeper at their properties. Some functions seem to be mirror images around the y-axis while others seems to be flipped mirror images while others are neither. How can we shift and reflect them? This tutorial addresses these questions by covering even and odd functions. It also covers how we can shift and reflect them. Enjoy!
In second grade you may have raised your hand in class and asked what you get when you divide by zero. The answer was probably "it's not defined." In this tutorial we'll explore what that (and "indeterminate") means and why the math world has left this gap in arithmetic. (They could define something divided by 0 as 7 or 9 or 119.57 but have decided not to.)
In this tutorial, we'll start to use and define functions in more "mathy" or formal ways.
xPolynomials and Rational Functions -Exploring quadratics and higher degree polynomials. Also in-depth look at rational functions.
Just saying the word "quadratic" will make you feel smart and powerful. Try it. Imagine how smart and powerful you would actually be if you know what a quadratic is. Even better, imagine being able to completely dominate these "quadratics" with new found powers of factorization. Well, dream no longer. This tutorial will be super fun. Just bring to it your equation solving skills, your ability to multiply binomials and a non-linear way of thinking!
You're already familiar with factoring quadratics, but have begun to realize that it only is useful in certain cases. Well, this tutorial will introduce you to something far more powerful and general. Even better, it is the bridge to understanding and proving the famous quadratic formula. Welcome to the world of completing the square!
You are familiar with factoring quadratic expressions and solving quadratic equations. Well, as you might guess, not everything in life has to be equal. In this short tutorial we will look at quadratic inequalities.
"Polynomials" sound like a fancy word, but you just have to break down the root words. "Poly" means "many". So we're just talking about "many nomials" and everyone knows what a "nomial" is. Okay, most of us don't. Well, a polynomials has "many" terms. From understanding what a "term" is to basic simplification, addition and subtraction of polynomials, this tutorial will get you very familiar with the world of many "nomials." :)
You can keep taking the powers of a binomial by hand, but, as we'll see in this tutorial, there is a much more elegant way to do it using the binomial theorem and/or Pascal's Triangle.
You get a rational expression when you divide one polynomial by another. If you have a good understanding of factoring quadratics, you'll be able to apply this skill here to help realize where a rational expression may not be defined and how we can go about simplifying it.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you divide one polynomial by another? What if you set that equal to something else? Would it be as unbelievably epic as you suspect it would be?
If you add several rational expressions with lower degree denominator, you are likely to get a sum with a higher degree denominator (which is the least-common multiple of the lower-degree ones). This tutorial lets us think about going the other way--start with a rational expression with a higher degree denominator and break it up as the sum of simpler rational expressions. This has many uses throughout mathematics. In particular, it is key when taking inverse Laplace transforms in differential equations (which you'll take, and rock, after calculus).
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions An look at exponential and logarithmic functions including many of their properties and graphs.
From compound interest to population growth to half lives of radioactive materials, it all comes down to exponential growth and decay.
This tutorial shows you what a logarithmic function is. It will then go on to show the many times in nature and science that these type of functions are useful to describe what is happening.
This tutorial introduces us to one of the derivations (from finance and continuously compounding interest) of the irrational number 'e' which is roughly 2.71..
X Basic Trigonometry
In this tutorial, you will learn all the trigonometry that you are likely to remember in ten years (assuming you are a lazy non-curious, non-lifelong learner). But even in that non-ideal world where you forgot everything else, you'll be able to do more than you might expect with the concentrated knowledge you are about to get.
Most people know that you can measure angles with degrees, but only exceptionally worldly people know that radians can be an exciting alternative. As you'll see, degrees are somewhat arbitrary (if we lived on a planet that took 600 days to orbit its star, we'd probably have 600 degrees in a full revolution). Radians are pure. Seriously, they are measuring the angle in terms of how long the arc that subtends them is (measured in radiuseseses). If that makes no sense, imagine measuring a bridge with car lengths. If that still doesn't make sense, watch this tutorial!
You're beginning to outgrow SOH CAH TOA. It breaks down for angles greater than or equal to 90. It breaks down for negative angles. Sometimes in life, breaking a bad relationship early is good for both parties. Lucky for you, you don't have to stay lonely for long. We're about to introduce you to a much more robust way to define trigonometric functions. Don't want to get too hopeful, but this might be a keeper.
The unit circle definition allows us to define sine and cosine over all real numbers. Doesn't that make you curious what the graphs might look like? Well this tutorial will scratch that itch (and maybe a few others). Have fun.
Someone has taken the sine of an angle and got 0.85671 and they won't tell you what the angle is!!! You must know it! But how?!!! Inverse trig functions are here to save your day (they often go under the aliases arcsin, arccos, and arctan).
Pi (3.14159...) seems to get all of the attention in mathematics. On some level this is warranted. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. Seems pretty pure. But what about the ratio of the circumference to the radius (which is two times pi and referred to as "tau")? Now that you know a bit of trigonometry, you'll discover in videos made by Sal and Vi that "tau" may be much more deserving of the throne!
If you're starting to sense that there may be more to trig functions than meet the eye, you are sensing right. In this tutorial you'll discover exciting and beautiful and elegant and hilarious relationships between our favorite trig functions (and maybe a few that we don't particularly like). Warning: Many of these videos are the old, rougher Sal with the cheap equipment!
This tutorial is a catch-all for a bunch of things that we haven't been able (for lack of time or ability) to categorize into other tutorials :
The primary tool that we've had to find the length of a side of a triangle given the other two sides has been the Pythagorean theorem, but that only applies to right triangles. In this tutorial, we'll extend this triangle-side-length toolkit with the law of cosines and the law of sines. Using these tool, given information about side lengths and angles, we can figure out things about even non-right triangles that you may have thought weren't even possible!
Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates An alternative to Cartesian coordinates.
Here we will explore representing our x's and y's in terms of a third variable or parameter (often 't'). Not only can we describe new things, but it can be super useful for describing things like particle motion in physics.
Feel that Cartesian coordinates are too "square". That they bias us towards lines and away from cool spirally things. Well polar coordinates be just what you need!
Conic Sections A detailed look at shapes that are prevalent in science: conic sections
What is a conic other than a jazz singer from New Orleans? Well, as you'll see in this tutorial, a conic section is formed when you intersect a plane with cones. You end up with some familiar shapes (like circles and ellipses) and some that are a bit unexpected (like hyperbolas). This tutorial gets you set up with the basics and is a good foundation for going deeper into the world of conic sections.
You've seen circles your entire life. You've even studied them a bit in math class. Now we go further, taking a deep look at the equations of circles.
What would you call a circle that isn't a circle? One that is is is taller or fatter rather than being perfectly round? An ellipse. (All circles are special cases of ellipses.) In this tutorial we go deep into the equations and graphs of ellipses.
You've seen parabolas already when you graphed quadratic functions. Now we will look at them from a conic perspective. In particular we will look at them as the set of all points equidistant from a point (focus) and a line (directrix). Have fun!
It is no hyperbole to say that hyperbolas are awesome. In this tutorial, we look closely at this wacky conic section. We pay special attention to its graph and equation.
You're familiar with the graphs and equations of all of the conic sections. Now you want practice identifying them given only their equations. You, my friend, are about to click on exactly the right tutorial.
Do you think that the math exams that you have to take are hard? Well, if you have the stomach, try the problem(s) in this tutorial. They are not only conceptually difficult, but they are also hairy. Don't worry if you have trouble with this. Most of us would. The IIT JEE is an exam administered to 200,000 students every year in India to select which 2000 go to the competitive IITs. They need to make sure that most of the students can't do most of the problems so that they can really whittle the applicants down.
Systems of Equations and Inequalities What happens when we have many variables but also many constraints.
Whether in the real world or a cliche fantasy one, systems of equations are key to solving super-important issues like "the make-up of change in a troll's pocket" or "how can order the right amount of potato chips for a King's party." Join us as we cover (and practice with examples and exercises) all of the major ways of solving a system: graphically, elimination, and substitution. This tutorial will also help you think about when system might have no solution or an infinite number of solutions. Very, very exciting stuff!
You feel comfortable with systems of equations, but you begin to realize that the world is not always fair. Not everything is equal! In this short tutorial, we will explore systems of inequalities. We'll graph them. We'll think about whether a point satisfies them. We'll even give you as much practice as you need. All for 3 easy installments of... just kidding, it's free (although the knowledge obtained in priceless). A good deal if we say so ourselves!
Two equations with two unknowns not challenging enough for you? How about three equations with three unknowns? Visualizing lines in 2-D too easy? Well, now you're going to visualize intersecting planes in 3-D, baby. (Okay, we admit that it is weird for a website to call you "baby.")