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Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech

what worldwide youth can value most from open learning campus of world bank

notes to come soon from alumni or open learning campus, youth summit and spring millennials competition

firts coursera rehearsals- climate, risk management - aug 2014 expected to be full launch date of world bank Open Learning Capus

vp sanjay pradhan oct 2013


The Open Learning Campus provides convenient and reliable access to the latest developments in topics, which address complex, real-world issues in priority areas such as governance, health, cities, climate change and public private partnerships.

  Name Description Released Price  
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External Assistance for Urban Finance Development - Needs, Strategies and Implementation A podcast that highlights chapters from the book, "Financing Metropolitan Governments in Developing Countries" co-Edited by Johannes Linn and publiished in April 2013. 5/22/14 Free View In iTunes
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Financing Slum Upgrading: Lessons from Experience A podcast on Financing Slum Upgrading: Lessons from Experience by Mila Freire. 5/1/14 Free View In iTunes
World Development Report 2015: Mente y Cultura A pdcast on World Development Report 2015: Mente y Cultura by Anna Fruttero 5/1/14 Free View In iTunes
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Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management and the Urban Poor A recent study conducted by the World Bank has developed a set of broad actions that cities can undertake to build resilience particularly for those at greatest risk. Judy Baker, Lead Economist in Urban Practice at the World Bank Institute discuss the stu 11/13/12 Free View In iTunes
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Signals from Durban: Next Steps for Climate Change At 4:30 AM the morning of Sunday December 11, 2011, some 36 hours later than the official closing time, the 17th meeting so the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (or COP-17) came to an end in Durban. The broad agreement reached by t 11/13/12 Free View In iTunes
Catalyzing 21st Century Growth: The Role of Innovative Cities The analysis of the economic growth of cities is no different from that of countries: High performing cities, which can serve as engines of growth are those that excel at mobilizing resources from domestic and external sources and channeling them into pro 11/13/12 Free View In iTunes
Youth Unemployment: Key Issues and Policy Challenges 
The recent social unrest and political uprisings in the Middle East have underscored the perils of high rates of unemployment, especially among youth. Youth unemployment is high in all regions of the world, much higher than adult unemployment as Derek 11/13/12 Free View In iTunes
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Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurs and the social enterprise sector are now ready to share center stage with the public sector and the private sector in producing growth with equity. Arvind Gupta, Lead Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank Institute explains in 11/13/12 Free View In iTunes
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The World Under Pressure: How China & India Are Influencing the Global Economy & Environment The rapid rise of China and India is reshaping our global economic and environmental systems raising mayor issues of stability, governess, and sustainability. This podcast will discuss framework that shows the interdependence between economics size, trade 9/10/12 Free View In iTunes

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Vice President Sanjay Pradhan: A Solutions Partnership to End Poverty oct 2013 

World Bank Vice President for Change, Knowledge and Learning Sanjay Pradhan

World Knowledge Forum

Seoul, Korea, Republic of

October 16, 2013

As Prepared for Delivery

Collaborative Knowledge, Learning and Innovation as Key Accelerators

It is an honor to be here, and to follow the steps of Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, who spoke at this Forum last year.

I want to talk to you about ending poverty -- more specifically, since this is the World Knowledge Forum, I want to talk about how a collaborative approach to Knowledge, Learning and Innovation can become a powerful accelerator in our collective drive to end poverty.

The Ganga Problem

But first, I want to start with a story from my home country, India. The story is about the river Ganges.

The Ganges is a sacred river, worshipped by Hindus as the Mother Ganga. The Ganga’s waters are considered to be so pure and sacred that, when you bathe in them, it cleanses you of all your sins. The Ganga River provides 25% of India’s water resources. More than 2500 kilometers long, it is the most heavily populated river basin in the world. For 400 million people, mostly very poor people, life and survival depend on Mother Ganga every day.

But sadly, today, the Ganges is dying. Poorly planned rapid urbanization and industrialization have turned the Ganga into the most polluted river in the world. Every day, more than 250 million liters of untreated sewage goes right into the Ganga. The reality is that today, bathing in the Ganga, does not cleanse you. It makes you sick.  Health costs in the Ganga basin alone are about $4 billion per year.

The Ganga problem is not just a problem of immense magnitude. It is also a problem of immense complexity. It is not simply about cleaning a river. It is about how governments regulate, how companies make their profits, how people live their lives. The Ganga problem cuts across many different sectors – agriculture, urban management, environment, to name just a few.  It also cuts across many stakeholders in society and most importantly, millions of poor people depend on the river for their lives and livelihoods. 

Other countries too increasingly face challenges that are complexmulti-dimensional, and crucial to improving the lives of the poor: for instance, creating jobs in the townships of South-Africa; or, providing access to water in Yemen. Those are problems that have no specific technical fixes – building roads and bridges alone won’t do. They require humility, the ability to collaborate and learn from the experiences of others, and the ability to innovate and take innovations to scale.

The challenge before us is how we can join forces and solve transformational problems of the magnitude, complexity and impact of the polluted Ganga?  That question is at the very heart of the new World Bank Group (WBG) strategy.

The WBG Goals and New Strategy – The Imperative for a Solutions Partnership

Last April, the shareholders of the World Bank Group, its 188 member countries, endorsed two goals: to end, by 2030, extreme poverty – as measured by those living under $1.25 per day -- and to promote shared prosperity – as measured by income gains of the bottom 40% of the population.  Four days ago, at our Annual Meetings, they took the next step by endorsing a new WBG Strategy to focus relentlessly on achieving those goals in a sustainable manner.  Achieving the goals requires that we achieve a deeper and faster impact in the lives of 1.2 billion people worldwide who live in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 a day, and another 2.7 billion who remain poor and vulnerable, living on $1.25 - $4 a day.   

The challenge is massive.  Achieving the goals means that it cannot be business as usual. We need to accelerate.  We need to unite our efforts to support countries in solving their problems.  And this is why we need a Solutions Partnership to end poverty and boost shared prosperity.

The Ganga will become clean when the country’s stakeholders from different sectors, disciplines and social groups work, learn and innovate together to implement and iterate solutions to that complex challenge, drawing on global evidence of “what works” and the practical experience of other countries.  This will require repeated iteration and collaborative problem solving, with the support of a range of partners with different strengths and comparative advantage.  This collaboration to tackle such difficult challenges through a solutions cycle, underpinned by global and local knowledge, mutual learning and innovative solutions constitutes the accelerator in the fight to end poverty and build shared prosperity. 

This is the essence of the Solutions WBG that President Kim talked about at this Forum last year.  In the spirit of global solidarity which President Kim spoke about, we invite you to join us in a global partnership for solutions to end poverty and boost shared prosperity.

An Approach to Development Solutions

Development solutions have a cycle, which starts by understanding the true nature of the problem – the diagnosis.   How often have development organizations, including my own, approached countries with technical fixes without truly understanding the problem?  As part of our new strategy, we will invest systematically in shareddiagnosis.  Using all available evidence and analysis, we want to invest in a systematic country diagnostic to help countries identify, within the context of their national plans, what their biggest challenges are, and what the greatest opportunities are to reduce poverty and boost shared prosperity. While being analytically rigorous, this will also be a tool for collaborative learning among the full range of stakeholders -- governments, the private sector and civil society – to agree on the key problems and understand the political, social and cultural realities that drive the incentives and behaviors that helped create these problems in the first place. 

Only when there is a shared understanding of the key problems with clear indicators of success, can we mobilize an enhanced bundle of financing, knowledge and convening services from across the WBG and with other partners to help country stakeholders solve these problems.  The resulting Solutions Partnership operating at the country and global levels underpins our collective drive to end poverty.

In this bundle of solutions, obviously finance remains crucially important.  The estimated sums needed for infrastructure alone in developing countries are staggering: up to $1.5 trillion per year.  But the WBG needs to approach finance differently, especially when official development assistance is less than one percent of total capital flows to developing countries and our own financial footprint is a fraction of that.  The private sector today accounts for the bulk of capital investment and job creation.  We need to develop innovative ways to use official development assistance to leverage much larger amounts of finance from the private sector.  We need collaborative public-private approaches for tackling transformational challenges.  Under the new WBG strategy, we will marshal the combined resources of the World Bankwhich supports government, with the IFC and MIGA that support the private sector. 

But money alone is not the answer. How to use the money – that is the question. The Ganga will not become clean with just more money. That money already exists. The Ganga will become clean when the country’s stakeholders work and learn collaboratively, and persist through to sustainable results.

There is no better place than Korea to demonstrate the power of relentlessly and iteratively tackling the most difficult challenges to successfully traverse the journey from a country stricken by abject poverty only 60 years ago to the status of a developed nation.  Take the Saemul Movement of Korea in the seventies, which had unprecedented success in tackling the very complex problem of rural poverty. The Saemul Movement built on a deep understanding of the prevailing socio-economic context of rural poverty in Korea, and then turned that into a method, which was refined and successfully scaled up over time, to support traditional community norms of diligence, self-help and collaboration.  Today, the Saemul Movement solution itself might not be replicable “as is.” However, the approach to understanding, and methodically tackling, the problem of rural poverty in all its cultural, political and economic complexity, provides the international community invaluable lessons.

The WBG Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Agenda

What then can the WBG do to support a Solutions Partnership?  In addition to mobilizing enhanced public-private financing, we are making five fundamental shifts to help country stakeholders collaborate and iteratively tackle key developmental challenges through development solutions:

First, we seek to make a radical departure from a lending projects approval mentalityto a development solutions culture, so that we are more focused on results; more programmatic in mobilizing the bundle of finance, knowledge and convening services to achieve results; more flexible, adaptive and learning-oriented, including through real-time feedback from citizen-beneficiaries; more deliberate in creating safe spaces to incubate innovative solutions; and more focused on implementation and delivery of results.  The continuous interplay of designing interventions using evidence; implementing them in an iterative way; and, learning deliberately throughout the process – that is a key aspect of what President Kim referred to in his speech last year as the Science of Delivery.  To operationalize this, we will support teams, from within our organization and beyond, to develop the tools and the methods to embark on a solution cycle rather than a project cycle.  We will help them to collect the evidence to frame the problems; help them bring together the stakeholders to develop consensus; help them course correct during implementation; and help them to effectively measure results.

Second, throughout this solutions cycle, we need to more systematically mobilizeglobal knowledge and innovation of “what works”, informed by local context.  This requires the best evidence-based solutions for our country clients from our global leadership in development research, combined with systematic partnerships – including with think tanks, academia, CSOs and the private sector -- both globally and nationally.  Beyond research, our world today is also enriched with multiple but dispersed sources of practitioner knowledge.  As a unique global development organization, the WBG has a key role in mobilizing these multiple sources of development knowledge to help clients solve their challenges.  For instance, South-South knowledge sharing among developing country practitioners offers unprecedented opportunities to share lessons from success and failure, as well as deep implementation knowledge.  Today developing country practitioners want to learn from each other, for instance how China lifted 500 million people out of poverty in three decades, or how Mexico’s Opportunidades program improved schooling and nutrition for millions of children.  There is an enormous interest to learn from Korea’s success – a tremendous opportunity for Korea to serve as a knowledge hub for the delivery of development solutions.  We have an important role in mobilizing and scaling such knowledge sharing through our operations.  And we need to deploy new platforms, such as competitions and challenges, o crowd-source global and local solutions to complex challenges that can then be incubated and scaled up.  Transformational platforms -- such as Alibaba in China that markets local products at scale from the base of the pyramid, or mobile phone apps that help the poor provide feedback on service delivery -- boost our fight to end poverty.  We need to infuse and scale up such innovative approaches to entrepreneurs and citizens worldwide using our operations, convening power and partnerships. 

Third, alongside mobilizing global knowledge and innovation, we need to more systematically capture, mobilize and deploy our internal operational knowledge and innovation across the institution and our client base.  On any given day, the World Bank Group is engaged in thousands of operational interactions in well over 100 countries. But sharing this operational knowledge is hampered by weak incentives, including our institutional fragmentation into regional silos with very limited flow of expertise and knowledge among them.  To this end, we are launching far-reaching organizational reforms, by creating unified pools of technical experts under global practices to flow talent and knowledge across the Bank Group.  We will provide incentives and supporting systems to systematically codify what we learn through our operational engagements and external partners on a global platform of what works under different circumstances, and make it widely available. We will also continue to make our data accessible.  And we will redouble our efforts to create a culture of innovation and smart risk-taking, to create safe spaces for staff to co-create innovative solutions with partners through disciplined, data-driven experimentation.

Fourth, we need to systematically translate this global-local knowledge into effectivelearning programs for country clients and our staff to enhance their capacity to achieve results.  We will bring our clients and our staff together in an Open Learning Campus, so that they can learn from each other and jointly develop the skills that are needed to solve the complex challenges of our time. We will seize opportunities to dramatically scale up learning, for example through massive open online courses or MOOCs.

Fifth, to achieve accelerated results, we need to not only strengthen technical skills but importantly leadership and coalition building skills to manage political economy obstacles and make change happen.  Through our learning programs, we need to strengthen the collaborative leadership skills of change agents from government, the private sector and civil society so they can forge a shared vision and coalition for action, prioritize and monitor delivery, persist through inevitable obstacles, and achieve visible results.  Helping to build a new cadre of leadership, in developing countries and inside our organization, will be a top priority for us to power the change agents as engines to end poverty.  We have already started by building a Network of Delivery Leaders (Heads of States from six new governments), and we intend to cascade this within and across countries.

To help implement this agenda, for the first time in the history of the World Bank Group, a Vice Presidency dedicated to Knowledge, Learning and Innovation has been created by President Kim. This complements our Senior Vice Presidency that leads our development research and intellectual leadership on development issues.  Our goal is to enable the entire World Bank Group to mainstream and scale up global knowledge, learning and innovation in every country, through every engagement. We seek to build a physical and virtual platform for joint client-staff leadership and learning, knowledge sharing and innovation to enhance our collective capacity to accelerate the end of poverty.  We seek to accomplish this in open partnership with others – governments, international organizations, the private sector, donor partners, academia, and civil society.

A Global Solutions Partnership

Going forward, the challenge I want to leave you with today is how we, as partners, can accelerate the end of poverty and build a world of shared prosperity by collaborating to tackle the most important challenges as partners.  Let us come together, as individuals, as organizations, and as countries, from all disciplines and all corners of society, each with our strengths and skills, to form such a “Solutions Partnership” by working together to support multi-stakeholder collective action on the ground, and make systematic use of knowledge, learning and innovation to help solve the biggest development challenges.

That is my invitation to you today.

A Tale of the Second River

I started with a story from my home country India - the story of the ailing river Ganga. To end, let me come full circle with the tale of another river – a story from this country, in fact from this very city, Seoul.  A story of the once ailing, yet now very healthy, Cheonggyecheon.

Cheonggyecheon is a six kilometer stream that starts in the heart of downtown Seoul and courses through neighborhoods before emptying into the Hangang river.  In the 1950s, Seoul was growing at a rapid pace. Migration generated slums along the stream in shabby makeshift houses. The lack of proper sewage systems and pollution from light industry generated trash and waste, which ended up in the stream, and which became a dirty and polluted eyesore. In 1958, the stream was covered up with concrete which was seen to be a solution then - a 5.6 kilometer long and 16 meter wide elevated highway. But upon construction, this became a dark, noisy and seedy corridor.

Ten years ago, a visionary Mayor exercised bold leadership to adopt an unlikely idea to demolish the highway and restore the stream.  It was expensive, controversial and unpopular. He forged unlikely coalitions among very diverse stakeholders to foster a common vision and push through bold action.  And look at Cheonggyecheon today – today, this beautiful landmark unites this city.  Ten years ago, it divided the city.

Cheonggyecheon once was Seoul’s intractable problem, like Mother Ganga in my country. Today, it stands as a proud, international symbol of sustainable urban renewal.

How can we help practitioners worldwide get inspired and learn from this and the myriad other examples of transformational action to change the world for the better, to lift 4 billion people out of poverty and vulnerability?  This is our challenge, our imperative and our moral responsibility going forward. 

Thank you. 

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KERRY GLASGOWIS HUMANITY'S LAST BEST CHANCE - Join search for Sustainaabilty's Curricula

101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970

Dear Robert - you kindly asked for a short email so that you could see if there is a CGTN anchor in east coast who might confidentially share views with my expectation of how only Asian young women cultural movements (parenting and community depth but amplified by transparent tech in life shaping markets eg health, food, nature..) can return sustainability to all of us
three of my father's main surveys in The Economist 1962-1977 explain imo where future history will take us (and so why younger half of world need friendship/sustainable adaptation with Chinese youth -both on mainland and diaspora)
 1962 consider japan approved by JF Kennedy: argued good news - 2 new economic models were emerging through japan korea south and taiwan relevant to all Asia Rising (nrxt to link the whole trading/supply chains of the far east coast down through hong kong and cross-seas at singapore)
1 rural keynsianism ie 100% productivity in village first of all food security- borlaug alumni ending starvation
2 supercity costal trade models which designed hi-tech borderless sme value chains- to build a 20 million person capital or an 8 million person superport you needed the same advances in engineering - partly why this second economic model was win-win for first time since engines begun Glasgow 1760 ; potentially able to leverage tech giant leaps 100 times ahead; the big opportunity von neumann had gifted us - knowhow action networking multiply value application unlike consuming up things
1976 entrepreneurial revolution -translated into italian by prodi - argued that future globalisation big politics big corporate would need to be triangularised by community scaled sme networks- this was both how innovation advancing human lot begins and also the only way to end poverty in the sense of 21st C being such that next girl born can thrive because every community taps in diversity/safety/ valuing child and health as conditions out of which intergenerational economic growth can spring
in 1977 fathers survey of china - argued that there was now great hope that china had found the system designs that would empower a billion people to escape from extreme poverty but ultimately education of the one child generation (its tech for human capabilities) would be pivotal ( parallel 1977 survey looked at the futures of half the world's people ie east of iran)
best chris macrae + 1 240 316 8157 washington DC
 - we are in midst of unprecedented exponential change (dad from 1960s called death of distance) the  tech legacy of von neumann (dad was his biographer due to luckily meeting him in his final years including neumann's scoping of brain science (ie ai and human i) research which he asked yale to continue in his last lecture series). Exponential risks of extinction track to  mainly western top-down errors at crossroads of tech  over last 60 years (as well as non transparent geonomic mapping of how to reconcile what mainly 10 white empires had monopoly done with machines 1760-1945 and embedded in finance - see eg keynes last chapter of general theory of money); so our 2020s destiny is conditioned by quite simple local time-stamped details but ones that have compounded so that root cause and consequence need exact opposite of academic silos- so I hope there are some simple mapping points we can agree sustainability and chinese anchors in particular are now urgently in the middle of
Both my father at the economist and I (eg co-authoring 1984 book 2025 report, retranslated to 1993 sweden's new vikings) have argued sustainability in early 21st c will depend mostly on how asians as 65% of humans advance and how von neumann (or moores law) 100 times more tech every decade from 1960s is valued by society and business.
My father (awarded Japan's Order of Rising Sun and one time scriptwriter for Prince Charles trips to Japan) had served as teen allied bomber command burma campaign - he therefore had google maps in his head 50 years ahead of most media people, and also believed the world needed peace (dad was only journalist at messina birth of EU ) ; from 1960 his Asian inclusion arguments were almost coincidental to Ezra Vogel who knew much more about Japan=China last 2000 years ( additionally  cultural consciousness of silk road's eastern dynamics not golden rule of Western Whites) and peter drucker's view of organisational systems
(none of the 10 people at the economist my father had mentored continued his work past 1993- 2 key friends died early; then the web turned against education-journalism when west coast ventures got taken over by advertising/commerce instead of permitting 2 webs - one hi-trust educational; the other blah blah. sell sell .sex sell. viral trivial and hate politicking)
although i had worked mainly in the far east eg with unilever because of family responsibilities I never got to china until i started bumping into chinese female graduates at un launch of sdgs in 2015- I got in 8 visits to beijing -guided by them around tsinghua, china centre of globalisation, a chinese elder Ying Lowrey who had worked on smes in usa for 25 years but was not jack ma's biographer in 2015 just as his fintech models (taobao not alibaba) were empowering villagers integration into supply chains; there was a fantastic global edutech conference dec 2016 in Tsinghua region (also 3 briefings by Romano Prodi to students) that I attended connected with  great womens education hero bangladesh's fazle abed;  Abed spent much of hs last decade hosting events with chinese and other asian ambassadors; unite university graduates around sdg projects the world needed in every community but which had first been massively demonstrated in asia - if you like a version of schwarzman scholars but inclusive of places linking all deepest sustainability goals challenges 
and i personally feel learnt a lot from 3 people broadcasting from cgtn you and the 2 ladies liu xin and  tian wei (they always seemed to do balanced interviews even in the middle of trump's hatred campaigns), through them I also became a fan of father and daughter Jin at AIIB ; i attended korea's annual general meet 2017 of aiib; it was fascinating watching bankers for 60 countries each coming up with excuses as to why they would not lead on infrastructure investments (even though the supercity economic model depends on that)
Being a diaspora scot and a mathematician borders (managers who maximise externalisation of risks) scare me; especially rise of nationalist ones ;   it is pretty clear historically that london trapped most of asia in colomisdation ; then bankrupted by world war 2 rushed to independence without the un or anyone helping redesign top-down systems ; this all crashed into bangladesh the first bottom up collaboration women lab ; ironically on health, food security, education bangladesh and chinese village women empowerment depended on sharing almost every village microfranchise between 1972 and 2000 especially on last mile health networking
in dads editing of 2025 from 1984 he had called for massive human awareness by 2001 of mans biggest risk being discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations; he suggested that eg public broadcast media could host a reality tv end poverty entrepreneur competition just as digital media was scaling to be as impactful as mass media
that didnt happen and pretty much every mess - reactions to 9/11, failure to do ai of epidemics as priority from 2005 instead of autonomous cars, failure to end long-term carbon investments, subprime has been rooted in the west not having either government nor big corporate systems necessary to collaboratively value Asian SDG innovations especially with 5g
I am not smart enough to understand how to thread all the politics now going on but in the event that any cgtn journalist wants to chat especially in dc where we could meet I do not see humans preventing extinction without maximising chinese youth (particularly womens dreams); due to covid we lost plans japan had to relaunch value of female athletes - so this and other ways japan and china and korea might have regained joint consciousness look as if they are being lost- in other words both cultural and education networks (not correctly valued by gdp news headlines) may still be our best chance at asian women empowerment saving us all from extinction but that needs off the record brainstorming as I have no idea what a cgtn journalist is free to cover now that trump has turned 75% of americans into seeing china as the enemy instead of looking at what asian policies of usa hurt humans (eg afghanistan is surely a human wrong caused mostly by usa); a; being a diaspora scot i have this naive idea that we need to celebrate happiness of all peoples an stop using media to spiral hatred across nations but I expect that isnt something an anchor can host generally but for example if an anchor really loves ending covid everywhere then at least in that market she needs to want to help united peoples, transparency of deep data etc

2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-

please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain  locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around   adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi

help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann


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