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The Open Learning Campus provides convenient and reliable access to the latest developments in topics, which address complex, real-world issues in priority areas such as governance, health, cities, climate change and public private partnerships.

  Name Description Released Price  
1 VideoDisclosure of Project and Contract Information in PPPs This webinar presents a review of current practices on the disclosure of information on PPP projects and contracts, and discusses the desired features of a framework for proactive disclosure in PPPs. Many countries have been trying to implement freedom-of 7/15/14 Free View In iTunes
2 VideoLearning from the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Program National urban upgrading in Vietnam evolved as a result of economic and political reforms and locally driven experiences. Rapid economic growth following the 1986 Doi Moi reforms was followed by rapid urbanization. In 1990, Vietnam’s urban population wa 7/8/14 Free View In iTunes
3 VideoUniversal Health Coverage and the Challenge of Informal Employment: Lessons from Developing Countries The presentation will review existing approaches and available policy options to improve access to health care services and financial protection against health shocks for informal-sector workers (ISWs). Findings from some country cases based on published 7/7/14 Free View In iTunes
4 VideoImproving City Management through Data and Analytics This webinar will showcase examples of how city governments leverage data and analytics to more efficiently deliver services, engage citizens and inform public policy. It will discuss implications to open data and innovation, citizen engagement, and accou 7/7/14 Free View In iTunes
5 VideoBuilding a holistic NAMA MRV The webinar will provide an overview of how default emission factors developed as part of a standardized baseline can build the foundation of an easy-to-apply MRV framework using only the information on the area over which the NAMA intervention has taken 6/18/14 Free View In iTunes
6 VideoLa Base de Datos de Salud Global y Derechos Humanos La Base de Datos de Salud Global y Derechos Humanos ("Global Health and Human Rights Database" en inglés) es una base de datos de leyes de alrededor del mundo en materia de salud y derechos humanos. Con la colaboración de una red mundial de socios--incl 6/17/14 Free View In iTunes
7 VideoGlobal Health and Human Rights Database The Global Health and Human Rights Database is a free online database of law from around the world relating to health and human rights. With the collaboration of a worldwide network of partners—including NGOs, academics and private researchers—the dat 6/17/14 Free View In iTunes
8 VideoLecciones de las intervenciones del nivel Nacional en vivienda social y mejoramiento Integral de Barrios en Colombia Las políticas nacionales de vivienda asequible y mejoramiento integral de barrios en Colombia están construidas sobre el éxito de las experiencias locales para la pobreza urbana, especialmente aquellas de Medellín y Bogotá. El enfoque comprehensivo d 6/3/14 Free View In iTunes
9 VideoIntroduction to Smart Cities This webinar will introduce the concept, framework, and key components of a smart city strategy. It will demonstrate through practical examples the pros and cons of two main approaches to smart cities - top-down approach and bottom-up approach. It will al 5/29/14 Free View In iTunes
10 VideoAção de planejamento e gestão sistêmicos com foco na saude Esta ação é uma iniciativa que visa reduzir a judicialização da saúde através de diálogo entre os diversos atores dos Sistemas de Justiça e de Saúde, com a instituição de comitês locais. A aplicação desta experiência resultou uma redução 5/22/14 Free View In iTunes
11 VideoPrivate Sector led off-grid energy access Energy access is a key enhancing factor of poverty alleviation in most of the developing world. Extending grid infrastructure in rural areas is particularly difficult due to financial, commercial, regulatory as well as geographical constraints. This webin 5/15/14 Free View In iTunes
12 VideoCarbon tax – How can a tax shift support low emission development while building public acceptance? There is a growing base of evidence that a carbon tax, if well designed, can be a cost-effective way to reduce GHG emissions and promote low emission development. While more and more countries are pursuing such tax shifts (with other taxes being lowered), 5/15/14 Free View In iTunes
13 VideoExternal Assistance for Urban Finance Development This webinar assesses the overall rapidly growing financing needs of cities in developing countries and demonstrates that external finance, and in particular international aid, has stagnated at relatively low levels, and moreover has been highly concentra 5/15/14 Free View In iTunes
14 VideoIndia's National Policies to Scale up Slum Upgrading This webinar will present India’s unique experience in scaling up slum upgrading and affordable housing from projects to national programs and policies in the past decade. Today, India is a major global economic player in world with rapid economic and p 5/14/14 Free View In iTunes
15 VideoIntroduction to Principles and Guidelines for Better Governance in Hospitals The healthcare sector faces major challenges resulting in inefficiencies and ineffective delivery of quality healthcare. . This is manifested in the dissatisfaction of many stakeholders, especially patients. Dissatisfaction among stakeholders in hospital 5/13/14 Free View In iTunes
16 VideoUnderstanding the FCPF Carbon Fund’s Methodological Frmwrk n December 2013, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund's Methodological Framework was approved by Carbon Fund Participants. It will guide the development of large-scale REDD+ programs aimed to protect tropical forests and enhance the l 5/8/14 Free View In iTunes
17 VideoGovernment Support to PPPs Governments have supported PPPs through a variety of instruments such as equity, debt, grants, guarantees, and contractual clauses pertaining to risk allocation. Many of these instruments have been used frequently or even consistently in PPPs in developin 5/6/14 Free View In iTunes
18 VideoWorld Development Report 2015: Mente y Cultura El Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 2015 se basa en tres ideas principales: la racionalidad acotada, que limita la capacidad de los individuos de procesar información y los lleva a utilizar reglas intuitivas; interdependencia social, que lleva a las p 4/16/14 Free View In iTunes
19 VideoPPP Contract Management: Experiences in Latin America Since PPP programs in Latin America began twenty years ago, the selection and structuring of PPP projects have improved substantially. However, contract management (monitoring of contractual obligations, renegotiation, dispute resolution, and contract ter 4/16/14 Free View In iTunes
20 VideoPublic Bus Service Modernization Fundamental changes are taking place in how mobility issues are viewed in developing cities. Increasing income, changing city size and structure, and changing behavioral patterns have all contributed to that change in thinking. Given this trend, a new par 4/14/14 Free View In iTunes
21 VideoEl proceso de judicialización de la salud en Chile El sistema de salud chileno es un sistema mixto, y ha enfrentado procesos de judicialización principalmente en materia de los seguros privados de salud, a partir de la reforma al sistema del año 2005. Las acciones judiciales han aumentado progresivament 4/14/14 Free View In iTunes
22 VideoRural-Urban Dynamics and the Millennium Development Goals Abstract: Urbanization matters for the MDGs in at least a couple of ways: (i) the benefits of agglomeration, as cities have the potential to generate higher living standards for all their residents (not just migrants), and (ii) the benefits of scale econo 4/14/14 Free View In iTunes
23 VideoEngaging the Private Sector in Fast Start NAMAs The understanding of the NAMA concept is still evolving and there is as of to date relatively little on the ground experience with turning the concept into concrete actions. NAMAs are well suited as holistic programmes but their success will be strongly i 4/9/14 Free View In iTunes
24 VideoFinancing Slum Upgrading: Lessons from Experience The successful growth of Cities and Metropolitan areas is closely linked to addressing the issue of slums. First is the need to integrate present-day slums into the urban fabric by ensuring economic, physical, environmental and social connectivity with th 4/8/14 Free View In iTunes
25 VideoGoverning & Financing Metropolitan Areas in the Developing World The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy publication Financing Metropolitan Governments in Developing Countries (Bahl, Linn and Wetzel, editors 2013) provides a unique entry point to engage cities who are addressing the complex task of financing infrastructur 4/8/14 Free View In iTunes
26 VideoMetropolitan Cities in the National Fiscal and Institutional Structure The Webinar will address the important yet neglected issue of how urban public finance in developing counties are situated in the broader national fiscal, institutional and political framework. The details and dynamics of this framework affect the ability 4/7/14 Free View In iTunes
27 VideoSupply Chain and the Global Trading System The revolution in manufacturing – increasingly known as ‘global value chains‘ – has changed the world of trade policy as much as it has changed the global industrial landscape. This webinar discusses new research suggesting that border management 4/7/14 Free View In iTunes
28 VideoGrant Financing of Metropolitan Areas: Principles and Practices In the new information age in the globalized and interconnected world, metropolitan areas hold the key to the future prosperity and growth of nations. This presentation takes a closer look at grant-financing regimes faced by metropolitan areas and their r 4/7/14 Free View In iTunes
29 VideoMetropolitan Public Finance: The Case of Mumbai The presentation begins by providing a backdrop of the status and nature of urbanization in India. It then underlines the unique position of the Mumbai region as an economic and financial powerhouse in Maharashtra’s and India’s economy. In particular 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
30 VideoLeçons du programme “Villes sans Bidonvilles” au Maroc Ce webinaire présentera l'expérience du Maroc en matière de politique nationale de résorption des quartiers précaires. L'urbanisation rapide du Maroc depuis l'indépendance en 1956 a contribuéàla croissance des établissements informels. La populat 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
31 VideoLessons from the “Cities Without Slums” Program in Morocco This webinar will present Morocco’s experience in scaling up slum upgrading and affordable housing from projects to national programs in the new millennium. Morocco’s rapid urbanization since independence in 1956 has met with insufficient employment a 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
32 VideoLa gestión de contratos APP: Algunas lecciones aprendidas de los APP de Latinoamérica El programa APP en Latinoamérica se inició hace 20 años. La selección y estructuración de los proyectos APP han mejorado sustancialmente, sin embargo, la gestión de los contratos (supervisión de obligaciones contractuales, renegociaciones, solució 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
33 VideoMetropolitan Governance and Finance in Sao Paulo With a population of 11.2 million residents, Sao Paulo is the largest City in Brazil, the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere and the world's seventh largest city by population. The presentation will provide a sketch of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region's 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
34 VideoFiscal Management of PPP Commitments and PPP Risks Any proper institutional framework for designing and implementing PPP projects requires some kind of arrangements for managing their fiscal consequences. It is not simply a matter of fiscal responsibility, but also a matter of credible commitment by the g 4/4/14 Free View In iTunes
35 VideoWorld Development Report 2015 - Mind & Culture The World Development Report 2015 is based on three main ideas: bounded rationality, which limit individuals’ ability to process information and lead them to rely on rules of thumb; social interdependence, which leads people to care about other people a 4/3/14 Free View In iTunes
36 VideoImproving Health Service Delivery in Uganda: A Multistakeholder Approach As several nations race to attain Universal HealthCoverage and the Millennium Development Goals related to health, stakeholders have begun exploring innovative ways of accelerating improvements in healthcare service delivery. One of those countries is Uga 4/3/14 Free View In iTunes
37 VideoDerecho a la Salud en Perú El gobierno del Perú ha tomado la decisión de implementar un conjunto de medidas que tienen como objetivo alcanzar la cobertura universal en salud de manera que, progresivamente, toda la población se encuentre protegida, con servicios e intervenciones 4/3/14 Free View In iTunes
38 VideoMaking Property Tax Work in Metropolitan Cities This presentation is designed to give an overview of some of the issues around the use of land and property taxes by metro cities in the developing world. It is clear from the research undertaken by McCluskey and Franzsen that the use of land and property 4/3/14 Free View In iTunes
39 VideoMetropolitan Infrastructure and Capital Finance This webinar presentation is based on a study by Gregory K. Ingram, Zhi Liu, and Karin Brandt (2013), “Metropolitan Infrastructure and Capital Finance,” which is published in Roy W. Bahl, Johannes F. Linn, and Deborah L. Wetzel (ed.), Financing Metrop 3/25/14 Free View In iTunes
40 VideoJudicialización 

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39 VideoMetropolitan Infrastructure and Capital Finance This webinar presentation is based on a study by Gregory K. Ingram, Zhi Liu, and Karin Brandt (2013), “Metropolitan Infrastructure and Capital Finance,” which is published in Roy W. Bahl, Johannes F. Linn, and Deborah L. Wetzel (ed.), Financing Metrop 3/25/14 Free View In iTunes
40 VideoJudicialización Derecho a la Protección de salud en Mexico En México desde 1983 el derecho a la protección de la salud es un derecho constitucional, pero es hasta la reforma en materia de derechos humanos de 2011, en que empieza a haber instrumentos más efectivos para su judicialización. México ha avanzado 3/24/14 Free View In iTunes
41 VideoMetropolitan Public Finance: An Overview Large metropolitan cities differ from other cities. Metropolitan public finance is also different because such cities spend more and differently than other cities and usually raise more of the revenue that they spend. Cities, like the governance structure 3/13/14 Free View In iTunes
42 VideoMeasuring, Reporting&Verification The important role in the on-going climate negotiations, especially in the context of new instruments like NAMAs. The goal of MRV systems is to develop a framework for evaluation that is consistent, systematic and transparent. While emission reductions c 2/5/14 Free View In iTunes
43 VideoLocal Non-Property Revenues Effective fiscal decentralization requires meaningful levels of revenue autonomy at the sub-national level. This webinar will focus on the current theory and practice of tax assignments to subnational governments. Examples of best practice of tax assignme 1/14/14 Free View In iTunes
44 VideoHow can we assess synergies and tradeoffs Synergies and trade-offs are inherent in the attempt to achieve the triple wins of food security, increased resilience and mitigation to climate change. This webinar helps to develop a better understanding of economic and social synergies and trade-offs b 1/10/14 Free View In iTunes
45 VideoRethinking the Role of the State in FInance The global financial crisis has challenged conventional thinking on financial sector policies. It has re-opened a fundamental question: what should be the role of the state, as owner, regulator, overseer, and promoter, in financial development? The World 1/10/14 Free View In iTunes
46 VideoReflection on the Doha Gateway and the way forward Climate Change action practitioners from around the world eagerly await each year the outcomes from the Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings. From November 26 to December 7, 2012, COP-18 took place in Doha, Qatar. What are the key outcomes? Which inst 1/6/14 Free View In iTunes
47 VideoLessons Learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Learning from Megadisasters is a knowledge-sharing project that aims to encourage countries to mainstream disaster risk management (DRM) in their development policies and planning. The project intends to achieve this through sharing Japan’s knowledge on 1/6/14 Free View In iTunes
48 VideoInnovation and Sustainability in a Historic City: The Cambridge Case nnovation is one of the key drivers of economic growth and urban transformation. Since the 1970s, the ancient university city of Cambridge in East Anglia has been a European pioneer in technology enterprise and has been emulated in many other places seeki 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
49 VideoInnovation Policies to Support low Emission development Meeting climate change goals requires significant efforts to diffuse existing technologies and to develop and deploy new ones. Public and private investment need to be ramped up by a combination of “technology-push” and “market-pull” policies. Dif 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
50 VideoLessons from Brazil Scaling Up Slum Upgrading and Prevention through National Policies and Program The launch of a national slum upgrading and affordable housing program in Brazil under the Acceleration Growth Program (PAC) enabled upgrading of slums and production of social housing to reach scale in the country. This was made possible by the implement 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
51 VideoRight to Health: Litigation in Brazil In the past two decades Brazil has experienced a surge in right to health litigation, with thousands of claims reaching the courts every year demanding the enforcement of the right to health against the state. At first sight, this might be interpreted as 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
52 VideoInnovative Approaches to Promoting Urban Green Growth In August of 2011, the Fundación Metrópoli and Think City Sdn Bhd began a joint effort, entitled the Penang Project, on the transformative potential of the Penang Conurbation, co-funded by the federal government of Malaysia. Penang is rapidly urbanizi 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
53 VideoFinancing Energy Efficiency: Lessons from International Experience Energy efficiency has been widely recognized as one of the most cost-effective option to mitigate climate change. But the implementation of energy efficiency has been far short of the potential due to a number of barriers, including those related to finan 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
54 VideoTutela judicial del derecho a la salud en Uruguay Se analizarán las tendencias jurisprudenciales sobre el derecho a la salud en Uruguay, con especial énfasis en las prestaciones de medicamentos, reseñándose los argumentos principales de los jueces. El caso uruguayo resulta excepcional en el contexto 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
55 VideoIntegrated Urban Water Management he global urban population rose dramatically from 732 million (29%) in 1950 to 3.6 billion (52%) in 2011 and is projected to reach 60% (4.9 billion) by 2030. Most of this growth is taking place in lower and middle income countries where current water mana 1/3/14 Free View In iTunes
56 VideoSolid Waste - Where the World is Today, and Where it's Headed Developing country cities, already coping with burgeoning populations, scarce financial resources, and limited capacity to manage environmental issues, are facing a sharp rise in the amount and costs of garbage that they will be required to deal with by 2 12/30/13 Free View In iTunes

57 VideoEfectos adversos no intencionales de la intervención judicial en las decisiones de salud Muchos países han incorporado el "derecho a la salud" en sus disposiciones constitucionales. Esto ha sido la base para demandas ante los más altos tribunales con el fin de revocar decisiones desfavorables de cobertura de los sistemas de atención de sal 12/30/13 Free View In iTunes
58 VideoFinancing Private-Sector Led Off-Grid Electrification To effectively support private sector led off-grid electrification, we need to understand the financial challenges faced by energy supply companies, technology and business solutions providers and project developers. Different financing solutions may be r 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
59 VideoImproving Urban Governance and Anti-Corruption in SE Europe Corruption is considered one of the main obstacles in achieving a sustainable and fair urban development and in delivering effectively public services. Urban development and public service delivery are closely linked to anti-corruption efforts, as some of 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
60 VideoInstitutions and Politics of Metropolitan Management Few cities in the developing world are able to discharge their increasing functions effectively. A lack of finance is cited by most city managers in developing countries as the principle cause. However, inadequate finance is only a part of the story. An e 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
61 VideoJusticiabilidad del Derecho a la Salud en Argentina La exposición hará foco en el impacto de la reforma constitucional de 1994 en materia de derechos fundamentales en el escenario jurídico argentino y en los estándares jurisprudenciales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, impregnados de tal 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
62 VideoLa protección judicial del derecho a la salud en Colombia Se presentará una mirada amplia de lo que ha significado en Colombia la justiciabilidad del derecho a la salud. “La experiencia de la Sentencia T-760 proferida por la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, con todas sus limitaciones, podría mostrar sendero 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
63 VideoMetropolitan Cities_ Their Rise, Role and Future The webinar will explore now metropolitan cities can serve as drivers of economic development. All cities, but particularly metropolitan cities, need to recognize complementarity of manufacturing and services and enhance productivity and innovativeness of 12/24/13 Free View In iTunes
64 VideoThe Decentralization of Governance in Metropolitan Areas The webinar discusses whether the fiscal decentralization model that has been instrumental in decisions about structuring governance on a nationwide basis can be applied successfully in metropolitan areas. The presentation will include the theoretical und 12/23/13 Free View In iTunes
65 VideoUpgrading of Informal Settlements Program in South Africa The Upgrading of Informal Settlements Program in South Africa: formalizing settlements through tenure security, basic services and economic empowerment. This webinar will offer the opportunity to learn from South Africa’s unique experience on shaping a 12/23/13 Free View In iTunes
66 VideoProteccion Judicial del Derecho a la Salud en Costa Rica Costa Rica tiene un sistema nacional de salud, cuyas prestaciones corresponden universalmente a una institución pública: la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. La CCSS legalmente cubre al 100% de la población (en la realidad, al 90%). Costa Rica tiene 12/19/13 Free View In iTunes
67 VideoPoA: Experiences from the Field Programmes of Activities (PoAs) have been introduced to overcome some of the challenges associated with implementing Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. PoA’s are of particular relevance in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) due to their potential 12/19/13 Free View In iTunes
68 VideoScaling up Climate Action in Cities The World Bank Institute Climate Change Practice (WBICC) has initiated a comprehensive capacity building program on Scaling up Climate Action in Cities. The initiative aims to support the development of sustainable, climate-friendly cities through knowled 12/19/13 Free View In iTunes
69 VideoLessons Learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Learning from Megadisasters is a knowledge-sharing project that aims to encourage countries to mainstream disaster risk management (DRM) in their development policies and planning. The project intends to achieve this through sharing Japan’s knowledge on 2/1/13 Free View In iTunes
70 VideoAfrica: Road to Middle Income and the Challenges for the Next Decade If the current trend continues, most African countries would be middle-income by 2020 and by 2025, only about 13 countries could remain traditional aid recipients, most of them fragile states. But sustaining the trend and making it more pro-poor will not 1/31/13 Free View In iTunes
71 VideoReflection on the Doha Gateway and the way forward Climate Change action practitioners from around the world eagerly await each year the outcomes from the Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings. From November 26 to December 7, 2012, COP-18 took place in Doha, Qatar. What are the key outcomes? Which inst 1/16/13 Free View In iTunes
72 VideoRethinking the Role of the State in Finance The global financial crisis has challenged conventional thinking on financial sector policies. It has re-opened a fundamental question: what should be the role of the state, as owner, regulator, overseer, and promoter, in financial development? The World 1/10/13 Free View In iTunes
73 VideoEurope's Growth Problem: Is Austerity the Answer? The current debate in Europe has pitted proponents of structural reforms (to make governments more efficient and the environment for enterprise more business-friendly) against those who see fiscal austerity as hurting rather than helping. The World Bank h 10/2/12 Free View In iTunes
74 VideoInnovation Policies to Support Low Emission Development Meeting climate change goals requires significant efforts to diffuse existing technologies and to develop and deploy new ones. Public and private investment need to be ramped up by a combination of “technology-push” and “market-pull” policies. Dif 9/28/12 Free View In iTunes
75 VideoThe World Under Pressure: How China & India Are Influencing the Global Economy & Environment The rapid rise of China and India is reshaping our global economic and environmental systems – raising major issues of stability, governance, and sustainability. This webinar will discuss framework that shows the interdependence between economic size, t 6/6/12 Free View In iTunes
76 VideoCatalyzing 21st Century Growth: The Role of Innovative Cities The analysis of the economic growth of cities is no different from that of countries: High performing cities, which can serve as engines of growth, are those that excel at mobilizing resources from domestic and external sources and channeling them into pr 5/8/12 Free View In iTunes
77 VideoCities as Engines for Economic Growth he monthly Webinar Series on “Cities as Engines of Economic Growth” provides a forum for leading experts, policy makers and the private sector to discuss timely topics on city competitiveness. The first event in this series will be delivered by Profes 4/16/12 Free View In iTunes
78 VideoIntegrated Flood Risk Management Urban flooding is a serious and growing development challenge, particularly for the residents of the rapidly expanding towns and cities in developing countries. Against the backdrop of demographic growth, urbanization trends and climate changes, the cause 4/4/12 Free View In iTunes
79 VideoInnovations In Financing Public-Private Partnerships In the face of ongoing global financial turmoil, governments that wish to sustain PPP programs are having to innovate and fill financing gaps that have arisen because of the declining appetite of banks for long-term lending for PPPs. This webinar will loo 3/13/12 Free View In iTunes
80 VideoClimate Change, Disaster Risk and the Urban Poor This webinar session will present key findings of the Mayor's Task Force on Climate Change, Disaster Risk and the Urban Poor which has developed a set of broad actions that cities can undertake to build resilience particularly for those at greatest risk. 2/16/12 Free View In iTunes
81 VideoSignals from Durban: Next Steps for Climate Change At 4:30 am on the morning of Sunday December 11, 2011, some 36 hours later than the official closing time, the 17th meeting so the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (or COP-17) came to an end in Durban. The 194 participating countri 1/19/12 Free View In iTunes
82 VideoYouth Unemployment: Key Issues and Policy Challenges The recent social unrest and political uprisings in the Middle East have underscored the perils of high rates of unemployment, especially among youth. Youth unemployment is high in all regions of the world, much higher than adult unemployment. In 2010, th 12/15/11 Free View In iTunes
83 VideoThe South-South Opportunity: A Global Connector Role for the World Bank Traditionally, development cooperation involved the transfer of resources and reform-prescriptions from North to South. Over the last years, however, more and more solutions to development challenges are coming from the global South. These countries want 11/1/11 Free View In iTunes
84 VideoSocial Entrepreneurs: Ready to Share Center Stage with the Public and Private Sectors in Producing Growth with Equity rvind Gupta, Lead Financial Sector Specialist at the World Bank Institute will argue, based on examples and data, that social entrepreneurs and the social enterprise sector are now ready to share center stage with the public sector and the private sector 10/5/11 Free View In iTunes
85 VideoRevolt Against Big The discussion centers around big financial institutions, conglomerates, and large sized entities (big government, big labor unions, etc.) which are usually powerful and pose a systematic risk to the economies. Policy options of dealing with large entitie 9/13/11 Free View In iTunes

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KERRY GLASGOWIS HUMANITY'S LAST BEST CHANCE - Join search for Sustainaabilty's Curricula

101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970

Dear Robert - you kindly asked for a short email so that you could see if there is a CGTN anchor in east coast who might confidentially share views with my expectation of how only Asian young women cultural movements (parenting and community depth but amplified by transparent tech in life shaping markets eg health, food, nature..) can return sustainability to all of us
three of my father's main surveys in The Economist 1962-1977 explain imo where future history will take us (and so why younger half of world need friendship/sustainable adaptation with Chinese youth -both on mainland and diaspora)
 1962 consider japan approved by JF Kennedy: argued good news - 2 new economic models were emerging through japan korea south and taiwan relevant to all Asia Rising (nrxt to link the whole trading/supply chains of the far east coast down through hong kong and cross-seas at singapore)
1 rural keynsianism ie 100% productivity in village first of all food security- borlaug alumni ending starvation
2 supercity costal trade models which designed hi-tech borderless sme value chains- to build a 20 million person capital or an 8 million person superport you needed the same advances in engineering - partly why this second economic model was win-win for first time since engines begun Glasgow 1760 ; potentially able to leverage tech giant leaps 100 times ahead; the big opportunity von neumann had gifted us - knowhow action networking multiply value application unlike consuming up things
1976 entrepreneurial revolution -translated into italian by prodi - argued that future globalisation big politics big corporate would need to be triangularised by community scaled sme networks- this was both how innovation advancing human lot begins and also the only way to end poverty in the sense of 21st C being such that next girl born can thrive because every community taps in diversity/safety/ valuing child and health as conditions out of which intergenerational economic growth can spring
in 1977 fathers survey of china - argued that there was now great hope that china had found the system designs that would empower a billion people to escape from extreme poverty but ultimately education of the one child generation (its tech for human capabilities) would be pivotal ( parallel 1977 survey looked at the futures of half the world's people ie east of iran)
best chris macrae + 1 240 316 8157 washington DC
 - we are in midst of unprecedented exponential change (dad from 1960s called death of distance) the  tech legacy of von neumann (dad was his biographer due to luckily meeting him in his final years including neumann's scoping of brain science (ie ai and human i) research which he asked yale to continue in his last lecture series). Exponential risks of extinction track to  mainly western top-down errors at crossroads of tech  over last 60 years (as well as non transparent geonomic mapping of how to reconcile what mainly 10 white empires had monopoly done with machines 1760-1945 and embedded in finance - see eg keynes last chapter of general theory of money); so our 2020s destiny is conditioned by quite simple local time-stamped details but ones that have compounded so that root cause and consequence need exact opposite of academic silos- so I hope there are some simple mapping points we can agree sustainability and chinese anchors in particular are now urgently in the middle of
Both my father at the economist and I (eg co-authoring 1984 book 2025 report, retranslated to 1993 sweden's new vikings) have argued sustainability in early 21st c will depend mostly on how asians as 65% of humans advance and how von neumann (or moores law) 100 times more tech every decade from 1960s is valued by society and business.
My father (awarded Japan's Order of Rising Sun and one time scriptwriter for Prince Charles trips to Japan) had served as teen allied bomber command burma campaign - he therefore had google maps in his head 50 years ahead of most media people, and also believed the world needed peace (dad was only journalist at messina birth of EU ) ; from 1960 his Asian inclusion arguments were almost coincidental to Ezra Vogel who knew much more about Japan=China last 2000 years ( additionally  cultural consciousness of silk road's eastern dynamics not golden rule of Western Whites) and peter drucker's view of organisational systems
(none of the 10 people at the economist my father had mentored continued his work past 1993- 2 key friends died early; then the web turned against education-journalism when west coast ventures got taken over by advertising/commerce instead of permitting 2 webs - one hi-trust educational; the other blah blah. sell sell .sex sell. viral trivial and hate politicking)
although i had worked mainly in the far east eg with unilever because of family responsibilities I never got to china until i started bumping into chinese female graduates at un launch of sdgs in 2015- I got in 8 visits to beijing -guided by them around tsinghua, china centre of globalisation, a chinese elder Ying Lowrey who had worked on smes in usa for 25 years but was not jack ma's biographer in 2015 just as his fintech models (taobao not alibaba) were empowering villagers integration into supply chains; there was a fantastic global edutech conference dec 2016 in Tsinghua region (also 3 briefings by Romano Prodi to students) that I attended connected with  great womens education hero bangladesh's fazle abed;  Abed spent much of hs last decade hosting events with chinese and other asian ambassadors; unite university graduates around sdg projects the world needed in every community but which had first been massively demonstrated in asia - if you like a version of schwarzman scholars but inclusive of places linking all deepest sustainability goals challenges 
and i personally feel learnt a lot from 3 people broadcasting from cgtn you and the 2 ladies liu xin and  tian wei (they always seemed to do balanced interviews even in the middle of trump's hatred campaigns), through them I also became a fan of father and daughter Jin at AIIB ; i attended korea's annual general meet 2017 of aiib; it was fascinating watching bankers for 60 countries each coming up with excuses as to why they would not lead on infrastructure investments (even though the supercity economic model depends on that)
Being a diaspora scot and a mathematician borders (managers who maximise externalisation of risks) scare me; especially rise of nationalist ones ;   it is pretty clear historically that london trapped most of asia in colomisdation ; then bankrupted by world war 2 rushed to independence without the un or anyone helping redesign top-down systems ; this all crashed into bangladesh the first bottom up collaboration women lab ; ironically on health, food security, education bangladesh and chinese village women empowerment depended on sharing almost every village microfranchise between 1972 and 2000 especially on last mile health networking
in dads editing of 2025 from 1984 he had called for massive human awareness by 2001 of mans biggest risk being discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations; he suggested that eg public broadcast media could host a reality tv end poverty entrepreneur competition just as digital media was scaling to be as impactful as mass media
that didnt happen and pretty much every mess - reactions to 9/11, failure to do ai of epidemics as priority from 2005 instead of autonomous cars, failure to end long-term carbon investments, subprime has been rooted in the west not having either government nor big corporate systems necessary to collaboratively value Asian SDG innovations especially with 5g
I am not smart enough to understand how to thread all the politics now going on but in the event that any cgtn journalist wants to chat especially in dc where we could meet I do not see humans preventing extinction without maximising chinese youth (particularly womens dreams); due to covid we lost plans japan had to relaunch value of female athletes - so this and other ways japan and china and korea might have regained joint consciousness look as if they are being lost- in other words both cultural and education networks (not correctly valued by gdp news headlines) may still be our best chance at asian women empowerment saving us all from extinction but that needs off the record brainstorming as I have no idea what a cgtn journalist is free to cover now that trump has turned 75% of americans into seeing china as the enemy instead of looking at what asian policies of usa hurt humans (eg afghanistan is surely a human wrong caused mostly by usa); a; being a diaspora scot i have this naive idea that we need to celebrate happiness of all peoples an stop using media to spiral hatred across nations but I expect that isnt something an anchor can host generally but for example if an anchor really loves ending covid everywhere then at least in that market she needs to want to help united peoples, transparency of deep data etc

2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-

please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain  locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around   adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi

help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann


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