Bangladesh Royal AI Club link Intel Glasgow1758-Asia-Ed3dao390
Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech
please tell us of who is creating space to discuss 37th annual alumni debates of 1984, The 2025 report explored the hypothesis that sustainability depended more on the connection of radical changes in technology with innovation by educators than any other skill set
==================year 36 let's learn to do better than 2020- 7.5 billion brains can ...
as 2020 closes - one ray of hope: two thirds of world who are asian now celebrate round education commission asia and then nov 2020 global leaders forum hosted by korea, keynote by gordon brown
00:37 and who as an academic and writer is recognized and admired for his innovative research and insights especially in HTHT: High-Tech High-Touch education, admired not just in this continent but in every continent --now this conference meets at the right time because we're indeed at an inflection point
01:10 and it has brought more economic havoc, disrupted more trade, killed off more jobs, led to more lost production, caused more company closures than has any modern recession
01:20 And it has not only undermined the cultural and social foundations of our lives but it is making us rethink the way we live, the way we work, the way we travel. the way we learn the way we study
because the education they once enjoyed has been interrupted- many of whom may never return to school, or even if they do they may never catch up on their learning
04:08 you know at the height of the pandemic 1.6 billion children and young people- 90 percent of the world's pupils and students had their education disrupted-nearly a billion students are still shut out from schools today
06:01 and with families under extreme financial pressure millions of boys and girls may soon join the 152 million children already forced into child labour
06:11 and many girls will join the 12 million girls a year who are forced into becoming child brides
06.21 with one estimate suggesting this illiteracy could lose us as a society as much as 10 Trillion dollars per year in future earnings we are standing by doing too little as havoc is reaped by one of the biggest forces accelerating inequality in our generation
06:35 quality education is vital to lift people out of poverty; to ensure healthier families advance racial and gender equality, unlock job opportunities increase security
06:45 and create a more just peaceful and sustainable world- and girls education is a proven link to lowering fertility rates and reducing population growth which itself is one of the key drivers of climate change
06:56 education especially of girls leads to better health- a child whose mother can read is
· fifty percent more likely to live past the age of five
· fifty percent more likely to be immunized twice as likely to attend school
and so this is why we must come together as a global community and save the future of our children in response to this crisis
the education commission in partnership with an unprecedented global coalition of international organizations launched save our future to call for urgent investigation in education to prevent what we call the generational catastrophe
three actions are urgently needed
· first we must reopen schools but make sure they are safe schools
· second we must prevent what the world bank and unesco estimate could be a funding gap of 200 billions in education budgets in the next year as countries reallocate resources to health and social welfare and
· third to use available resources to greatest effect we must be innovative
by creating the international finance facility for education securing 500 million of grants and government guarantees that could unlock two billion dollars of educational investment to be made through the asian development bank and other development banks
08:13 and i urge the korean government to join as a funding donor of the development banks and we must use this crisis as an opportunity to transform education
8.25 you see if you think of the monumental changes we have seen in the way we organize our factories, our homes, our hospitals and our travel,
08:30 and then think of how little education has changed with until recently so little online and how little the school itself has changed from the setting of world classrooms with the teacher as the sage on the stage and the pupils sitting in rows of desks
08:44 think of the educational revolution we need as we meet the demand for ever-changing skills: continuous learning and try to harness technology to support those most left behind
08:55 a study published just last year revealed how disparities in learning achievements have not diminished over the last 50 years; the most disadvantaged still perform at levels that are three to four years behind the most affluent and we must change this
09:09 online learning became a necessity almost overnight but yet close to half of the world's pupils and students don't have access to the internet
09:17 across the world more than 460 million- almost one third of school-aged children had not been reached by remote learning at all -so this could be the moment for us to transform education, to create individualized adaptive learning which meets children where they are with personalized learning, at scale for every student not just the lucky few
this is why the education commission and its hub in asia under the leadership of korea’s ju-ho lee are spearheading the high tech high touch for all initiative: combining the power of human touch and interaction from teachers with the power of adaptive learning and technology such as artificial intelligence. the high-tech refers to an adaptive technology that can help deliver personalized learning. it identifies prior knowledge and tailors instruction to diverse learning
needs allowing students to be stimulated and nurtured as they progress at their own pace. this can also be done initially in low-tech ways but artificial intelligence can allow us to track a child's
experience with software informed data and gear every child's learning to their aptitude is one way forward. the high touch element is the indispensable human connection provided by teachers. with the use of high tech teachers, can give more personalized longer just the lecturer who's the sage on the stage but also the tutor and mentor who is the guide by the side.
with approaching two thirds of the world's youth asian hubs were also led by korea's Ju-Hu Lee, and jack ma and japan's koike and india's Kailash Satyarthi and uae's Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi and Baela Raza Jamil from pakistan as well as the support of korean-american and then world bank leader jim kim
further support for africa came from tanzania's then president Jakaya Kikwete, tunisia's then minister of tourism Amel Karboul, nigerian billionnaire dangote, zimbabwe's london based billionate technologist and philanthropist Strive Masiyiwa, south africa's machel, ghanian- brit Theo Sowa,nigeria's and vaccine ngo gavi's Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, uganda's teacher union's Teopista Birungi Mayanja,
for america south: mexico's former president Felipe Calderón, colombian superstar Shakira Mebarak, Fundacion Chile's Patricio Meller and for america north came from former unicef director general anthony lake , economist larry summers, philosopher sen, harvard edx edutech's argawal,liesbet steer
for europe from former eu supremo portugal's baroso, former denmark president and save the children's Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former norwegian minister of education clernet
for australia, former prime minister gillard
in this 38th year of linking action to 1984's 2025 report we search for nominations of people whose contributions will be as important to youth if their solutions are scaled
In this year’s edition of the Yidan Prize Summit -edu foundation of china's largest digital space inventor of wechat/whatsap-, held virtually in Hong Kong dec 2020, 16 academics have been named to the Council of Luminaries.
They are
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Founder, BRAC (posthumous); bangladesh and world's largest ngo partnership
Anant Agarwal, CEO and Founder, edX and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Kamal Ahmad, Founder, Asian University for Women;
Vicky Colbert, Founder and Executive Director, Fundación Escuela Nueva;
Carol Dweck, Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology, Stanford University;
Usha Goswami, Director, Center for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge;
Eric Hanushek, Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow and Professor, Stanford University and Hoover Institution;
Larry Hedges, Chairman, Department of Statistics, Northwestern University.
Thomas Kane, Walter H. Gale Professor of Education and Economics, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University;
Salman Khan, Founder and CEO, Khan Academy;
Wendy Kopp, CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All;
Patricia Kuhl, Professor, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Co-Director, University of Washington Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences;
Lucy Lake, CEO, CAMFED; Angeline Murimirwa, Executive Director-Africa, CAMFED;
Carl Wieman, DRC Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Physics and of Education, Stanford University;
Zhu Yong-xin, Founder, New Education Experiment.
Views: 1548
.HESI Special Event: Where Next? Reimagining Further Education for the Future
some early nominations
botstein - as early as 1990s botstein -author jeffersons children- was arguing for a revolution in bridge between high school and college- in particular the end of education designed as a linear age process rather than everyone's potential as lifelong learner and coach- as well as his concern for changinn teen education, as a musician he had designed a new york ihilharmonic, and he had become the youngest ever vice chancelolr starting before the age of 25 at bard college an institution he has networked for over 40 years as a bencmark for 21st c liberal arts
learning curve journey - 2009 2010
of course with a vision like botstein its fascinating to see who he has chosen as equally concerned for new education- i dont yet know who is top 10 are but i see they include
soros central european university and open society and new economics networks
president crow - arizona state has the highest raking of all universities in goal 1 end poverty -and frees youth to explore radical opportunities of tech for sdgs
patrick awuah who founded ashesi university in ghana as a graduate thesis ar berkeley about 17 years ago because he believed in a platform debating future of education on a continent expecting to double population from one billion to 2 billion- and his career at microsoft had impressed on him that tech would change every element of how education spends african peoples time
there are up to 50 education institutes soros and botstein are linkinng in - sometimes asking of an institute who is its most innovative futurist isnt easy but its a qiestion 2025 associates have been surveying since 1984 wherever that freedom of debate is permitted
anothervradical network is schwarzman - there it is clear who signed up from mit, tsingus, oxford to valuing global scolars in a way never done before but since two of the three coleges are only just opening their schwarman branch i dontwant to prejudge who they chooseas coordinator of practicing education collaboration /exploration of ai's 2020s
there are countries that already valuechildren very differently - singapore, several nordica nations clearly so as do those places who dare to join jack ma's hunt at the united nations- back in 2016 30 nations education leaders started this debate but its not yet ready to publish its league tables becuae all 6 primary sdgs need to be interfaced not education as separate from g=finance hunger health , lives matter, infrastructures
survey who is bridging the futures of the most human educators and the most human ai connectors - i like fei-fei li but i dont know which club of world class educators welcomes her connections
This year’s Yidan Prize Awards Presentation Ceremony and Summit was successfully held virtually on 7 December. Our three laureates, Professor Carl Wieman, Ms Lucy Lake and Ms Angeline Murimirwa, received their awards from the officiating guest, The Honourable Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We were delighted to have our Board Director, HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, and former Australian Prime Minister, Ms Julia Gillard as our keynote speakers at the Summit. We also announced the formation of the Yidan Council of Luminaries – a transformational force and support closer collaboration among the world’s most distinguished educational leaders, to amplify their collective voice and take practical action in educational policy and reform.11:34
dr charles chen yidan
dr chen :the honorable chief executive of hong kong .royal highness princess laurentien of the netherlands the honourable miss julia gillard
it's my great pleasure to welcome you; this is an unusual year which has seen over 90
of the world's students affected by school closures due to the pandemic
students teachers and parents are all coming to terms with a different
form of teaching and learning- no one could have predicted education systems globally we've faced sustained disruption of this scale
people are feeling anxious because no one can be sure what lies ahead
the worsening inequality must be adjusted and we will have to find solutions
While some of these students have seen able to switch on their laptops and walk to virtual classrooms with relative ease that experience is a far from universal
only half of the world's children have access to the internet; it's
15.02 my greatest hope is that this crisis has given us time for self-reflection on what we have
Learned about education and how we can ensure it's fairly distributed in the future
faced with the challenges we must work together if we are going to create a better education
we must collaborate education experts across all fields must come together to share their ideas top quality research must drive real life learning which in turn can give us the
basis for more education research that is why the yidan price foundation has a call
for international experts to work together and build a better world through education
the world bank recently launched a global education evidence advisory panel leaders are looking to understand not only what is effective in getting more children into school but also how to improve learning outcomes once they are there; given the scale of the challenge, resources
need to be directed to the most cost effective and impactful approaches now only
the yidan price foundation joined the unesco global education coalition earlier this
year with a commitment to strengthen learning systems we are partnering with
OECD to empower teachers and student,s we believe the rules of students and teachers will
Change ,we believe schooling and learning will take a new form in the future
innovation and inspiration we are actively taking many new steps
because we care very deeply about our future generation-it will be the choices they make that
determine their future ;we are here to offer them the right tools to bring on this journey
of discovery and exploration; we are also offering inspiring stories of passionate actors
on this international platform their work has brought about hugely positive changes
to communities all around the world they have made transformation possible in innovative sustainable ways
our independent judging committee has selected a new batch of highly impressive educators
who have transformed the way science is taught in major universities and how
girls and young women are educated in africa
professor carl wyman professor of physics and graduate school of education and drc chair at Stanford university was awarded the 2020 yidan prize for education research his work prepares the next generation of students to make sound decisions based on scientific measures he created tools to encourage active learning the physics education technology - this
has delivered more than 700 million simulations in languages in physics chemistry math earth science and biology professor wyman we thank you for making this possible-go to minute 30
miss lucy lake chief executive officer and miss angeline
marimo executive director of africa of the campaign
for female education or camfed for short -were awarded the prize for providing a
scalable approach to recognize the untapped potential of education young women to drive
change across Africa their programs have a chance for four million lives thus far
it's most interesting to know that angie
was among the first girls to benefit from camfed program some 27 years ago – go to minute 41 of video for more on camfed
quiz if you are touring asia where to stop off fist to see education transformation city by city
-nominations welcome
hong kong - yidan prze hub
korea - eg
My name is Ki-Sang Song, and I am a Professor of Computer Education of Korea National University of Education, and the director of the Global Education Cooperation Center at the Korea National University of Education (KNUE).
I served as an international consultant for enlarging the education opportunities and improving education system through information technologies with the cooperation of World Bank, IDB, KOICA, IACE, and KEFA. I directed international teacher training programs in several countries including 11 years in Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Paraguay, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Myanmar.
My research concentrates on the area of ICT application in education and Learning Science. Currently I am doing research on the development of Intelligent Tutoring System using Machine Learning for software education. Also, I am directing the in-service teachers training program for empowering AI teaching competencies at KNUE.
260 years of failing adam smiths recommendations on era of humans and machines suggest 2020s really may be the last decade for choice between
those who know a lot about human and machine intel - see the membership at say that technology has reached the stage where all life could thrive like never before of self-destruct
firstly that means the 2020s are the most exciting time to be alive - what a shared responsibility across generation: youth, parents and grandparents to trust in each others actions and learnings
secondly there is a mathematical construct which makes understanding exponential opportunities and threats to our future real and in this case urgent
by definition : system = connected relationships all of which are spiraling one of two opposite waus: sustainably up or collapsing down until the system is lifeless- the trajectory of spirally involves exponential acceleration- this the opposite of linear though exponential curves are tricky- often they look flat or linear until they pass a tipping point - after that sage it will be far more costly to turn round than the extra costs caring for the system in the first place
- the operand of systems is multiplicative - this has strange consequences : if two systems spiralling in the same direct multiply the exponential gets much steeper; sadly there are many multiplier of cliate going the wrong way- climate risk is vastly under-estimated by most linear minded scientists
when a negative spiral connects with a positive one it is usually the case that the negative one takes over- this is bit like the problem the body has with healthy and cancerous cells; usually the cancerius cells take over
here are the 4 most critical stories adam smith wrote about- admittedly we apply the lens of what its like to be trapped as some other country's colony or sponsored dictatorship
Dear Chris Lovely to hear from you. I've been in the peace movement now for over 35 years, and initiated a global conference called conference Earth at University of Melbourne in 1995, which had international and national coverage. Since then, I've maintained. The Global Peace Center. and also am the President of the club of Budapest Australia and work with Ervin Laszlo who is the founder of the International club of Budapest which has that has organizations all over the world. I'm also with global peace, harmony, organization. GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in Australia Personal page: I am on the board of IAEWP-FELLOW of the Advisory Board 2020 - 2024 ( International Executive Secretariat ) I also work with World Unity & Peace EducationDepartment City Montessori School, Lucknow, India I have many connections and I've always wanted to create an effective means of communication which could lead to an understanding of a new paradigm for global peace. I have convened many conferences in universities in Melbourne and a global seminar interviewing key authorities in . So far I don't feel my message has really come across. In 2002, I produced with a Pavel Kasyanov a paper Transition to a Sustainable Civilisation PROPOSAL TO THE UNITED NATIONS preserved at THE WORLD SUMMIT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2002 - see below -which I feel is an excellent concept of what kind of society we should be creating globally now. This is a society which looks at consciousness as the basic cause of life and understands the nature of consciousness as a new science. There is enough information now in terms of empirical evidence as well as theory to create new science which is based not on the second law of thermodynamics where we have a heat death of the universe but on a syntropic creative universe which is alive and functioning in a coherent and interconnected way. , if you have any ideas of how I can get my message across I would love to hear from you. Transition to a Sustainable Civilisation PROPOSAL TO THE UNITED NATIONS PROPOSAL TO THE WORLD SUMMIT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2002 Dr. Michael Ellis and Dr. Pavel Kasyanov We, representatives of non governmental, national and international organisations and men and women of goodwill devoted to peace and the prevention of global ecological catastrophe appeal to the distinguished participants of the Johannesburg Summit and the rest of humankind with the following declaration and concerns.
"First, the development of online education contributes to the promotion of fairer and better-quality education," Bai said that at the beginning of the year, the COVID-19 outbreak left more than 1.4 billion students and youths around the world facing the interruption of education. As a response, TAL Education Group quickly launched online public welfare free classes, sending the whole subject and a large number of quality-oriented education courses to thousands of households through online live broadcast technology, with more than 60 million daily hits on the live stream lessons.
Meanwhile, TAL Education Group also completed the free deployment of the live broadcast teaching system for 595 public schools, benefiting more than 30,000 teachers, he added.
A research of the Education Research Institute of TAL Education Group and the Beijing Normal University has showed that online education could make up for the scarcity of educational resources in underdeveloped areas and effectively promote educational fairness, said the chairman.
He added that through the cooperation with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the "" platform for public welfare educational resources, TAL Education Group has delivered teaching resources to remote mountainous areas in the scarcity of educational resources.
"At present, 40 counties and districts in 18 provinces have been covered, benefiting more than 100,000 teachers and students."
In Sichuan Province's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, TAL Education Group customized Yi-Mandarin bilingual learning module for preschool children, said Bai. "It integrates speech recognition, semantic evaluation and other technologies and loved by children."
He added that United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) awarded the Certificate for the 2020 Demonstration Project on AI and Inclusive Innovation to the Project, recognizing the contribution of the project to the protection of minority languages and the promotion of fairness and inclusion.
Also on Monday, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Stefania Giannini signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Wan Yiting, Executive President of TAL Education Group. The two parties will establish Internet and AI-based online study systems that are capable of withstanding crises on a global scale.
"Second, the development of AI is promoting the educational reform and innovation, with the future prospect turning up," Bai saidan Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat Thailand
On July 28, the "2020 China High-growth Enterprise Development Forum& China Unicorn Enterprise Research Report Release Conference" was held in Tianjin, and Weidong Cloud Education Group was once again selected as the "Chinese Unicorn Enterprise".
Photo: Weidong Cloud Education was selected as the "2019 China Unicorn Enterprises" list
Global Education Layout of "One Body and Two Wings"
Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, and education is the cornerstone of social progress. Everyone has the right to equitably enjoy education, and "sharing educational resources and inheriting human civilization" is the unique corporate sentiment of Weidong Cloud Education. Since its inception, Weidong Cloud Education has been advancing towards its position as a “Global Internet Education Platform Operator”, and strives to build a lifelong education ecosystem that benefits the world by creating a global education layout of “one body and two wings”.
At present, Weidong Cloud Education relies on its unique position in the field of international Internet education, using domestic high-quality education platform applications as the "main body" to build an open PaaS cloud platform. With the "Europe and America + Asia and Africa" dual route pattern as the "two wings" to comprehensively promote the internationalization strategy.
In China, on the one hand, Weidong Cloud Education strives to build a middleground education field that meets the national conditions. With the help of international resource advantages, the coordinated development at home and abroad provides the country with high-end talents and a large number of employment opportunities. Business cover 24 provinces and 169 cities in urban areas and counties. On the other hand, Weidong Cloud Education will make full use of Qingdao International Vocational Education City built by the group to build an "Artificial Intelligence + Internet Education + Education Equipment Manufacturing" 100 billion-level industrial cluster, and strive to build a vocational education innovation development demonstration zone and vocational education institution gathering area, industry-education integration pioneer area, and "Belt and Road" international vocational education platform.
In the direction of Europe and the United States, Weidong Cloud Education gives priority to the output of education content, provides training services for the world's top 500 enterprises through the acquisition of demos, the second largest vocational education and training group in Europe. It also provides high-quality resources for the development of domestic higher education through the acquisition of Brest business school in France. In the direction of Asia and Africa, Weidong Cloud Education prioritizes the layout of the education market. Through cooperation with the UNESCO ICHEI, it has successively deployed “Weidong Smart Classroom” in Pakistan, Cambodia, Egypt, Djibouti and other countries along the “Belt and Road” to provide local universities with smart teaching tools and distance learning platforms. Through cooperation with the UNESCO IITE, both sides will jointly promote the construction of "Future Schools" in six countries: Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.
Unique advantages in international society resources
Weidong Cloud Education has a strong international social resource advantage. It has signed strategic cooperation with UNESCO and Shanghai Cooperation Organization respectively, and has extensive cooperation with relevant member countries in the fields of education, culture, science and technology. In March 2020, as the only Chinese internet education company, Weidong has co-sponsored the establishment of the "Global Education Alliance" with international leading companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Zoom, etc., to provide internet education platform services to countries around the world and improve education gaps between countries and regions to build a global lifelong education ecology.
SPEAKERS Ms Stefania Giannini Assistant Director-General for Education UNESCO H.E. Mr Agapito Mba Mokuy Chairperson of the Executive Board UNESCO Mr Firmin Matoko Assistant Director-general, Africa Department UNESCO Ms Gabriela Ramos Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences UNESCO H.E. Mr CHEN Baosheng Minister of Education People’s Republic of China Mr Chen Qun Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People's Government China Ms Simona Kustec Minister of Education, Science and Sport Slovenia Mr Saaid Amzazi Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research Morocco Mr Hussein bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi Minister of Education The United Arab Emirates H.E Dr. Ibrahim Bin Saleh Al-Naimi Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Qatar H.E. Mr Gabriel Changson Chang Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology South Sudan H.E. Mr TIAN Xuejun Vice Minister of Education Chairperson of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO People’s Republic of China H.E. Mr ZHENG Fuzhi Vice Minister of Education People’s Republic of China Mr Dong Qi President of Beijing Normal University China Mr Vincent Adul Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs Kenya H.E. Dr. Engineer Getahun Mekuria Minister of Education Ethiopia Ms Ivana Franić State Secretary, Ministry of Science and Education Croatia H.E. Mr Sann Vathana Under Secretary of State Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Cambodia Mr Yang Jin Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the People's Republic of China to UNESCO H.E. Mr Nasser Al-Aqeeli Deputy Minister for research and innovation, Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Mr LEI Chaozi Director-General, Department for Science and Technology Ministry of Education China Mr Anass Bennani Director of Cooperation and Partnership at the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research. Morocco Mr QIN Changwei Secretary General, National Commission of China for UNESCO Mr N'golo Soro Secretary-General National Commission of Cote d’Ivoire for UNESCO Cote d’Ivoire Mr Bai Yunfeng Co-Founder, Chairman of Board of Directors and President TAL Education Group Mr Sobhi Tawil Director, Future of Learning and Innovation UNESCO Mr DU Yue Director, Priority Africa Coordination Division UNESCO Mr Yao Ydo Director, a.i. UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO) Ms Inge Molenaar Assistant professor Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University Netherlands Ms Juliet Waters Chief Knowledge Officer Kids Code Jeunesse Mr Wayne Holmes Former Principal Researcher (Education) Nesta United Kingdom Mr John Shawe-Taylor Professor of Computational Statistics and Machine Learning University College London United Kingdom Mr ZHAN Tao Director Institute for Information Technologies in Education, UNESCO Mr MIAO Fengchun Chief, Unit for Technology and AI in Education UNESCO Mr HUANG Ronghuai Co-Dean Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University China Ms Trine Jensen Technology and Higher Education International Association of Universities (IAU) Mr Isak Froumin Director, Institute of Education National Research University, Higher School of Economics Russia Ms Bridget Bannerman Multidisciplinary research scientist and a Director of Studies in Chemistry Cavendish College, University of Cambridge Sierra Leone Mr Marco Antonio Martínez Pérez Kumoontun Mexico Mr Abdoulaye Ibrahim Chief, Contextual Analysis and Foresight Unit, Priority Africa and External Relations Sector UNESCO Mr Renato Opertti Senior Curriculum Specialist IBE-UNESCO Mr Philippe Jonnaert BACSE International – Bureau d’appui curriculaire aux systèmes éducatifs Canada Mr Aliou Sow Education / Textbooks specialist Guinea Ms Mariana Montaldo Plan Ceibal Uruguay Mr Venkataraman Balaji Vice President Commonwealth of Learning Mr Jeremy Roschelle Executive Director, Learning Sciences Digital Promise USA Mr Chen Yunlong Vice Director National Institute for Curriculum and Textbook Research, Ministry of Education China Ms Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji Social Entrepreneur in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education Nigeria Ms Raïssa Malu Director Investing in People D.R. Congo Mr Emiliano Pereiro Plan Ceibal Uruguay Mr Yunhuo Cui Professor, Institute of Curriculum and Instruction East China Normal University China Mr Luis Junqueira Co-founder Letrus Brazil Mr LIN Yifu Honorary Dean, National School of Development Peking University China Ms JIANG Xiaojuan Dean, School of Public Policy and Management Tsinghua University China Mr ZHU Yongxin Vice President, the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy Mr GONG Ke Executive Director, Chinese Institute of New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategies (President of World Federation of Engineering Organizations) Mr LIU Changya Director General, Department of Development and Planning Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China China Mr REN Youqun Director General, Department of Teacher Education Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China China Mr LIU Yuhui Director General Beijing Municipal Education Commission China Mr LIU Qingfeng Chairman and President iFLYTEK China Mr CHEN Feng Director General National Center for Schooling Development Programme Mr YANG Zongkai President XIDIAN University China Mr YANG Xinbin President SHENZHEN Polytechnic China Mr LI Xiaohui Principal The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University Ms LU Yongli Principal Beijing No.2 Experimental Primary School Ms LI Zhisheng Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Education Beijing Normal University Mr Philippe Durance Senior Consultant, Priority Africa and External Relations Sector, UNESCO, and Professor and Chair of Foresight and Sustainable Development, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) France Mr Hicham El Habti President Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Morocco Mr Oluwatoyin Ogundipe Vice Chancellor University of Lagos Nigeria Ms Marie Luce Akossiwoa Quashie Mensah Attoh, General Secretary University of Lomé Togo Mr LI Ming Director-General UNESCO International Centre for Higher Education Innovation (ICHEI) Mr Diego Golombek Executive Director The National Institute of Technological Education (INET) Argentina Ms Phyllis Kandie Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Kenya to UNESCO and Chairperson of the Africa Group Mr Ignace Gatare Principal of the College of Science and Technology University of Rwanda Rwanda Ms Dorothy Gordon Chair of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme UNESCO Mr Ki-Sang Song Professor of Korea National University of Education, Dean of Graduate School of Korea National University of Education Mr Wang Duanrui Chairman Weidong Cloud Education Group China Mr Ivan Karlov Head of the Laboratory for Digital Transformation of Education Russia Ms Iaroslava Kharkova Associate Project Officer, Unit for Technology and AI in Education UNESCO Ms Michela Pagano Associate Project Officer, Unit for Technology and AI in Education UNESCO Ms Maïmouna Sissoko-Touré Program specialist Institut de la Francophonie pour l’éducation et la formation Sénégal Ms Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela Director Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat Thailand
Language: English
His Excellency Mr Tian Xuejun was appointed as Vice Minister of Education at 2017. He is also the Member of CPC Leading Group of Ministry of Education, Chairman of National Language Commission, Chairperson of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, and Secretary of CPC Committee of Ministry of Education He hold double Bachelor Degrees from Shandong University and China Foreign Affairs University.
He has very rich diplomatic experiences. He has served as diplomatic officers of the Embassies of the People's Republic of China to Kuwait and Republic of Bangladesh. He was appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Hellenic Republic and served as Director General of the Department of Personnel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Before he was appointed as Vice Minister of Education, he was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to South Africa.
John Shawe-Taylor is professor of Computational Statistics and Machine Learning at University College London and Director of the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia. He has helped to drive a fundamental rebirth in the field of machine learning, with applications in novel domains including computer vision, document classification, and applications in biology and medicine focussed on brain scan, immunity and proteome analysis. He has published over 250 papers and two books that have attracted over 70000 citations.
He has assembled a series of influential European Networks of Excellence. The scientific coordination of these projects has influenced a generation of researchers and promoted the widespread uptake of machine learning in both science and industry that we are currently witnessing. More recently he coordinated the X5gon ( European project developing infrastructure and portals for AI enhanced delivery of educational materials.
He was appointed UNESCO Chair of Artificial Intelligence in November 2018 and is the leading trustee of the UK Charity, Knowledge 4 All Foundation, championing the cause of open education and also helping to establish a network of AI researchers and practitioners in sub-Saharan Africa.
Ms Stefania Giannini was appointed UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education in May 2018, becoming the top UN official in the field. In this position, she provides strategic vision and leadership for UNESCO in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Education 2030 Agenda, encapsulated in Sustainable Development Goal 4.
With an academic background in the Humanities, Ms Giannini has served as Rector of the University for Foreigners of Perugia (2004 – 2012), being one of the first and youngest women to hold this position in Italy. As Senator of the Republic of Italy (2013 – 2018) and Minister of Education, Universities and Research (2014 – 2016), she developed and implemented a structural reform of the Italian education system, centred on social inclusion and cultural awareness. She has also been closely involved in an advisory capacity with the European Commissioner for Research and Innovation.
His Excellency Mr Chen Baosheng was appointed as the Party Secretary and Minister of Education, Ministry of Education, China in 2016. He was elected as the Candidate Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee Member of the 18th and the 19th CPC Central Committee.
He holds a Bachelor Degree from Beijing University, and Master Degree in Politics. Before being appointed as Minister, he was the Vice President of the Central Communist Party College. He has very rich experiences of working at local governments especially in the under-developed region. He served as Member of Standing Committee of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Lanzhou Party Secretary, Director General of Standing Committee of Municipal People’s Congress, and Chairman of Provincial Union of Social Sciences circles. And had served as directors in varied local governmental agencies in Gansu Province.
His Excellency Mr Zheng Fuzhi was appointed as Vice Minister of Education at 2019. He is alsod a Member of CPC Leading Group of Ministry of Education and the National Chief Inspector of Ministry of Education.
He holds a Bachelor of Planning and Statistics. He has been serving as the Director General, Department of National Textbook, Ministry of Education. His experiences also include working as the Director, Division of Statistics, Department of Planning and Construction, State Education Commission; Deputy Director General, Department of Development and Planning, Ministry of Education; Director General, Department of Basic Education , Ministry of Education.
Sobhi Tawil is the Director of Future of Learning and Innovation at UNESCO headquarters in Paris where he currently leads the Futures of Education initiative. He has some 30 years of experience in teaching, education policy analysis, research and program management with diverse institutions and organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (Geneva), the Network for Education Policy Research Review (NORRAG), the International Institute for Higher Education (Rabat), as well as UNESCO. Since joining UNESCO in 2002, Sobhi Tawil first headed the Capacity Building Program for Curriculum Development at the International Bureau of Education, before leading the Education Program for the Maghreb countries at the Rabat Cluster Office. Since 2011, he has been leading the Education Research and Foresight programme. Sobhi Tawil holds a PhD in Education and Development from the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva.
probably the only time americans' communities have fully valued youth from coast to coast happened in the mid 19th century when 2 wealthy families' teenager sons died of viruses
john bard's family founded bard university in new york state and linked it in to columbia u where they added a medical college and nyu- at the start of the 1980s botstein became the youngest and longest serving us vice chancellor -to launch the future of universities in 2020s soros asked him to be the chancellor of OSUN 1 2 a-50 college+ coalition celebrating the sdg generation- below we transcribe a tv interview of botstein in 2010 | over in california the 5th governors teen son died - the family declared henceforth all ca children are our children and founded stanford university to advance this promise |
botstein transcript 2010
unesco ai k-12
Mr Wayne Holmes
Former Principal Researcher (Education) Nesta
United Kingdom
Wayne Holmes (PhD, University of Oxford) is a learning sciences and innovation researcher. For almost a decade, he has focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to both enhance and further understand learning, and its ethical and social implications. He has co-authored three books about AI and education: “Artificial Intelligence in Education. Promise and Implications for Teaching and Learning”(Holmes et al., 2019), “Technology-enhanced Personalised Learning: Untangling the Evidence” (Holmes et al., 2018), and “Intelligence Unleashed: An Argument for Artificial Intelligence in Education” (Luckin, Holmes et al., 2016). He also advises the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group on AI (Education Taskforce) and UNESCO on the pedagogical, ethical and social implications of AI in education (including co-leading UNESCO’s ‘AI in Education: Guidance for Policymakers’ and ‘Teaching AI for K12’ portal). Previously, he was a researcher at Nesta (the UK’s leading innovation foundation), University College London, and The Open University; and he has taught at the Universities of Bristol and Oxford. He has given invited talks about AI and education in Brazil, China, Croatia, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Korea, Oman, Spain, and the US.Mr MIAO Fengchun
Chief, Unit for Technology and AI in Education UNESCO
Dr. Fengchun Miao is the Chief of the Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education at UNESCO, Education Sector, Headquarters in Paris. He is leading programmes in areas of ICT in education policy development, AI and education, digital skills development for teachers and students, Open Educational Resources (OER), mobile learning, and future e-schools. He is also in charge of UNESCO Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education. Highlights of his achievements include the launch and continuous organization of Mobile Learning Week for 8 years, the development and adoption of Qingdao Declaration on leveraging ICT to achieve SDG 4 and Beijing Consensus on AI and Education. He brings with his experiences of supporting more than 60 countries directly for the development of national ICT in education policies and OER policies.
Before joining UNESCO, Dr. Miao was the Director-General of the National Research Centre for Computer Education, Ministry of Education, China. In that capacity, he was responsible for the development of national ICT in education policies and ICT curriculum standards for students, and managing the National Association for the Use of ICT in K-12 Schools of China.
Mr Diego Golombek
Executive Director The National Institute of Technological Education (INET) Argentina
Ph.D. in Biology (University of Buenos Aires). Full Professor at the National University of Quilmes and Superior Investigator of the National Research Council. Former director of the National Program for Science Popularization (Ministry of Science and Technology) and current director of the National Institute of Technological Education (Ministry of Education). Kalinga prize and chair, UNESCO.Ms Ivana Franić
State Secretary, Ministry of Science and Education Croatia
Prof. Ivana Franić became State Secretary at the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education in 2020. Before her post at the Ministry, Prof. Ivana Franić was Junior Researcher at the Insitute of the Croatian Language and Linguistics, Associate Professor at the Department of Romance Studies, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies and Vice-dean in charge of Study Programmes at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies. She received her PhD with a topic in historical lexicography “The place of two manuscript dictionaries from the 18th century within the Croatian Lexicography: Dictionarium Latino-Illiricum de Giorgio Mattei et Vocabolario italiano-illirico de Lovro Cekinic.
She has participated in several scientific projects: Dictionary of the Croatian Language, Dictionary of the Croatian Kajkavian Literary Language and Developing Student Independence with the Help of the European Language Portfolio. She has participated in several scientific conferences with topics from French syntax, lexicography and glottodidactics. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Chroniques slaves (Université Stendhal Grenoble) and the journal Vestnik za tuje jezike (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana).
Ms Simona Kustec
Minister of Education, Science and Sport Slovenia
Dr. Simona Kustec, born on 19 June 1976, was a full professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Department of Political Science, Chair of Policy Analysis and Public Administration. In the 2019/20 academic year, she also lectured at the Venice International University. Prof. dr. Kustec Lipicer taught subjects on policy analysis, human rights policy and global governance. She is the author of over 400 scholarly works on a variety of issues, published by leading Slovenian and international academic publishers.
Prof. dr. Kustec Lipicer was also a researcher with a rich and diverse body of work. She was involved in several research project groups in Slovenia and abroad. The common thread of her research was the study of elections and electoral behaviour, democracy and various public policies, including sports policy. She was an established name in numerous professional scientific networks and associations and a respected member of the academic and research community.
In the 2014–2018 term, she was head of the Party of Modern Centre Deputy Group (SMC). In addition to leading the largest deputy group in the history of the Slovenian Parliament, she also coordinated the work between coalition members in the National Assembly.
Throughout the 2014–2018 period, she was Vice-President of the SMC and a member of the party's executive committee. During preparations for the European Parliament elections, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) invited her to participate in the expert group drafting the programme document for the 2019 elections.
Ms Gabriela RamosAssistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences UNESCO
Gabriela Ramos is the Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, where she oversees the contributions of the institution to build inclusive and peaceful societies. Her agenda includes the achievement of social inclusion and gender equality, advancing youth development; promotion of values through sports; anti-racism and antidiscriminatory agenda and ethics of artificial inteligence. Her appointment at UNESCO allows her to continue supporting an agenda of inclusive growth, and the respect of human rights and human dignity.
Prior to this position, Ms. Ramos served as the Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20/G7/APEC in the OECD, contributing to the global agenda as well as leading the OECD's New Approaches to Economic Challenges, Inclusive Growth Initiative, Gender Strategy and the work on well-being and children. In 2019, she launched the Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) platform, bringing together 40 major multinational companies committed to reducing inequalities. Previously, she was Director of the OECD Office in Mexico and Latin America and a member of the Mexican foreign service.
In 2013, she was decorated with the Ordre du Merit by the President of France. Her work to promote gender equality earned her the 2017 and 2018 Forbes Excellence award as well as being included as part of Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in both 2018 and 2019. A Fulbright and Ford McArthur fellow, she is member of the board of the Paris Peace Forum, UNICEF Advisory Board, Steering Group of the International Gender Champions Paris Hub, Multi-Stakeholder Council to the Global Solutions Initiative, Lancet Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Maltreatment of Young People, and Lancet Commission on COVID-19.
Mr Firmin MatokoAssistant Director-general, Africa Department UNESCO
Holder of a diploma in Political Sciences and International Relations from the University Cesare Alfieri (Florence, Italy) and a diploma in Hautes Etudes internationales from the Centre d’Etudes stratégiques et diplomatiques de Paris, Mr. Matoko currently is the Assistant Director-general of the Africa Department of UNESCO.
Prior, he was Director of the UNESCO Liaison Office with the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), as well as UNESCO Representative to Ethiopia. He served as Director in Quito and Bamako UNESCO Cluster Offices and as Chief of the Education for peace, human rights and democracy Section, in the Division for the Promotion of Quality education of the Education Sector as well as Senior Programme Specialist of the Culture of peace National Programmes Unit in UNESCO’s Paris headquarters.
He speaks French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
H.E. Mr
Changson Chang
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology
South Sudan
Hon. Gabriel Changson Chang is a competent economist and a banker with vast professional and general experience in economic planning. He has extensive hands-on knowledge and experience in governance and civil service practice, with excellent leadership skills. He has a Master Degree in economics from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA in 1986. He served in the Central Bank of Sudan from 1979 to 2004 and Ivory Bank on secondment from Central Bank in 1994 to 1998. He served as the Chairman of the Ivory Bank’s Board of Directors from 2007 to 2013.
Hon. Gabriel Changson has served in various ministerial positions in Sudan and South Sudan: Finance & Economic Planning, Coordinating Council for Southern States (Sudan) 2003 to 2005, Parliamentary Affairs in the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS- 2006 to 2007), Caretaker Minister of Finance & Economic Planning, Information & Broadcasting (GOSS- 2007 to 2009), Culture, Youth & Sport (GOSS - 2009 to 2010), Culture & Heritage (GOSS - 2010 to 2011),Wildlife Conservation & Tourism (Republic of South Sudan – 2011 to 2013), and currently Higher Education, Science and Technology (2020 to date) and the Chairman of Federal Democratic Party – member of SSOA group.
His Excellency / Hussein Ibrahim Al Hammadi was appointed UAE Minister of Education on July 4, 2014, and worked for 14 years in technical and vocational education, and for 20 years in the armed forces, in addition to his assumption of several positions in the educational field, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Foundation for Excellence in Educational Performance, Chairman of the Higher Committee of Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Learning Program, Chairman of the Board of the Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI), Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Qualifications Authority, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emirates Transport and Deputy Board Chairman Khalifa University of Science and Technology, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Khalifa Award for Education.
His Excellency holds a Bachelor's degree in Aviation Engineering, Embry-Riddle University, USA. During his career, His Excellency gained several specialized experiences, enabling him to manage his various responsibilities as required and with remarkable efficiency. His initiatives also had a great impact in achieving important and distinguished achievements in terms of enhancing the status of technical and vocational education and training and documenting the relevance of this important type of education and its system to the state's development needs and future aspirations, which directly contributed to laying the cornerstone in empowering the UAE workforce.
Chen Qun, born in Yixing of Jiangsu Province in April 1964, holds a doctoral degree of science and the title of researcher. He now serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of the China Democratic League Central Committee, Chairman of the China Democratic League Shanghai Committee and Vice Mayor of Shanghai.
Chen began his career in August 1991 and served successively as Director of the Analytical Center, Assistant President, Vice President and President of East China Normal University (ECNU) and Vice Chairman of the China Democratic League Shanghai Committee.
As Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Chen is in charge of work related to sports, tourism, intellectual property rights, culture and history, government counsellors and archives.
Chen received his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in chemistry at Nanjing University in 1984 and 1987 respectively. After receiving his Ph.D. in radio physics at ECNU, he began his career as a teacher in the university in August 1991. While he was a Ph.D. candidate, he studied at Tokyo Institute of Technology, as part of its joint Ph.D. program with ECNU, from 1990 to 1991. He was promoted to associate professor in 1992 and professor in 1996. He became a Ph.D. supervisor in radio physics in 1997. He worked as Assistant President of ECNU in 2002 and became Vice President of ECNU in 2003. From 2005 to 2012, he concurrently served as Dean of the Graduate School of ECNU. In July 2012, he became President of ECNU. In July 2017, he was appointed Vice Mayor of Shanghai.
Dr. Chen has been engaged in magnetic resonance and polymer physics for years and published more than 130 academic papers, over 100 of which are SCI papers. As an accomplished young scientist, Dr. Chen has been awarded the Ministry of Education’s Trans-Century Talents Fund and 1st National Prize for Excellent Young College and University Teachers and Scholars. With extraordinary academic achievements, he has been receiving financial grants from the Shanghai Daybreak Project, Shanghai’s Science and Technology Morning Star Project, Excellent Academic Leaders Project, etc. His major concurrent academic jobs include Vice Chairman of the Magnetic Resonance Chapter of the Chinese Society of Physics, Deputy Editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance, and Vice President of the Shanghai Society of Physics.
Juliet Waters is Chief Knowledge Officer for Kids Code Jeunesse. She brings over twenty years of journalism experience to her passion for learning and teaching computational thinking across the generations and has written about her own experience learning to code for The New York Times. She has introduced code to teachers from every province and territory as part of CanCode a program under the Canadian Ministry of Science, Innovation and Economic Development. She has helped teachers and students conceptualize artificial intelligence, its impact and ethical issues through The Algorithm Literacy Project, a public awareness campaign in partnership with the Canadian Commission of UNESCO. She is author of the Canadian Primer to Computational Thinking and Code: A Kids Code Jeunesse Introduction to Algorithm Literacy. She has worked on policy and curriculum recommendations with researchers from around the world and is a co-author on the article “Machine Learning for Human Learners: Opportunities, Issues, Tensions and Threats,” Educational Technology Research and Development (2020).
Trine Jensen leads the work on Technology and Higher Education at the International Association of Universities (IAU) - an international NGO housed by UNESCO. She is the author of the IAU Global Report on ‘Higher Education in the digital era: the current state of transformation around the world’ (2019). She is also leading the work on the development of a IAU Policy Statement “Transformation of higher education in a digital world” in close collaboration of the dedicated Expert Advisory Group with members from different parts of the world. In 2019, she launched a new IAU programme entitled: “Institutional site visits” with the aim of fostering international peer-to-peer learning in relation to digital transformation of higher education, by bringing together representatives from all regions of the world to visit universities particularly innovative in leveraging the potential of technologies in higher education.
Inge Molenaar is assistant professor at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University in the Netherlands. She has over 20 years of experience in the field of technology enhanced learning taking multiple roles from entrepreneur to academic. Her research in the Adaptive Learning Lab focusses on technology empowered innovation to optimize students’ learning. The application of data from online learning environments, apps and games in understanding how learning unfolds over time is central in her work. Artificial Intelligence offers a powerful way to make new steps towards measuring, understanding and designing innovative learning scenarios. Dr Molenaar envisions Hybrid Human-Systems that augment human intelligence with artificial intelligence to empower learners and teachers in their quest to make education more efficient, effective and responsive. In this endeavor collaboration between governments, schools, research and industry is essential to develop the next generation educational systems. Dr Molenaar has just received an ERC Starting Grant to develop the first Hybrid Human-AI Regulation system to train young learners’ Self-regulated learning skills with the help of AI and she also recently became a Jacobs Foundation Fellow.
Dr Molenaar holds Master’s degrees in Cognitive Psychology and International Business studies and a PhD inEducational Sciences (University of Amsterdam).
hypothesis if younger half of world are ever to be sustainable we need transformation and massive collaboration in education
in population terms the greatest changemaker i have ever met died dec 2019- sir fazle abed- out of bangladesh but across all poorest asian village women- he connected education , village food, health, banking and more - he also became the world's largest partnership network- after 13 years of studying i roughly know who his innovators and he trusted most including legatum bank in dubai, indirectly the toyota foundation abdul latif in middle east hq saudi, bill gates and george soros but in all cases they invested in tech he specified - over his last decade he started connecting colleges - we're still working on some of his favorite tech colleges in eg singapore korea, japan hong kong
in 2020 we are interested in connecting my family tree home town glasgow cop26 first 2 weeks november and dubai's expo-education networks december and beijing winter olympics 2022 where we still hope that lots of coonections eg alibaba jack ma had planned to link between s korea tokyo and beijing will continue in spite of covid ruing japans investments
on nov 6 we will be hiring the glasgow university union building capacity 750 people to link every positive youth/education livelihoods netwrk we can - both with green cop26 solutions and all sdg solutions - we hope to start something a bit like ednburgs fringe festival which has more massive connectivity than the formal cop26
scotland has one big connector in education namely gordon and sarah brown- they are the main un envoy in education but 1 have changed many relationships on refugee education from qatar to dubai, and they are weak on choosing edutech especially if china and far east
here is list of middle east people who seem to me to be connecting massive changes in edu and tech -do you know how to connect with any of their leadership goals
DUBAI and uae expo (abu dhabi)
REWIRED new this year promising biggest edu summit ever dec 2021- main organisers seem to be
@DubaiCares and Expo 2020 Dubai, in close coordination with the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), RewirEd aims to be a catalyst in redefining education to ensure a future that is prosperous, sustainable, innovative and accessible to all. 2020 summit rehearsal at bios at
gordon brown -former uk pm and leading scot family have connected 2 mainly refugee networks and across all UN PARTNERS - SEPTEMBER THEY FEATURED Tariq AL Gurg as their main middle east connection - the coordination of these networks relies very heavily on yasmine sherif- in september 2020 she was one of few people actually still linking in out of ny headquarters - the range of her connections can be seen from these 2 bookmarks 1 2
=======================global teachers prize and
varkey an indian expat whose parents emigrated to dubai in 1959 became a billionnaire by operating one of the largest number of private high performing schools -GEMS which seem to be headquartered in surrey uk - before rewired - varkey's million dollar teachers prize has been dubai's largest hub for the future of education- launched in 2014 (after philanthropy foundation founded 2010) - the dubai annual summit - see 2019 as most recent event - has combined 2 major threads- celebrating 50 newly discovered inspiring teachers around the world including one million dollar prize winner; inviting influencers to clarify how urgently education and tech are changing each other and where this s happening- 7 years of continuous progress has also helped dubai become a world leading space for new education- analysis is needed to see which uae universities have seized this opportunity -youtube
varkey forum in dubai may have peaked 2017-2019 during which it claimed to be seen as the ‘Davos of Education’
Held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Partners including Unesco, Harvard Graduate School
of Education, Inter-American Development Bank and
Education International
==========dubai also lead partner on 4 yearly summits of un itu - telecoms standars and world leaders- uae tech expert . Majed Al Mesmar, Deputy Director General for the Telecommunication Sector, TRA UAE
another part of itu is leading in artificial intel #aiforgood
the convergence of edutech and AI EDUCATION may be the greatest hope youth have in 2020s
would like to know more about leading ai hubs in uae eg Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence | MBZUAI abu dhabi
Hussein bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi,Minister of Education The United Arab Emirates
His Excellency / Hussein Ibrahim Al Hammadi was appointed UAE Minister of Education on July 4, 2014, and worked for 14 years in technical and vocational education, and for 20 years in the armed forces, in addition to his assumption of several positions in the educational field, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Foundation for Excellence in Educational Performance, Chairman of the Higher Committee of Mohammed Bin Rashid Smart Learning Program, Chairman of the Board of the Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI), Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Qualifications Authority, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emirates Transport and Deputy Board Chairman Khalifa University of Science and Technology, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Khalifa Award for Education.
one of the pioneers in computer science in uae Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi (United Arab Emirates), 1 (born 4 February 1962) is an Emirati politician and member of the ruling family of Sharjah and the niece to Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi. -when gordon brown convened education commission event at united nationssept 2016 she sat next to jack ma and jim kim then world bank leader
led by first lady sheikha moza , a main un sdg advocate - qatar foundation, education city including female percent of engineering students double that of usa- campus includes main world trade conference centre- american college partnerships include carnegie melon, brookings doha..
WISE 1 2 the first education laureates summit 2012 inaugural laureate sir fazle abed
laureates initially annual - from 2016 -even years on tour - eg beijing, madrid, new york, ghana; odd years laureates; 2020 3 virtual summits main sponsor salzburg global
originally biggest refugee education partnership
wise education summit has a twin WISH health summit
sheikha moza closely advised by mahbubani coordinator of singapore universities for lee kuan yew
qatar's main connector at unesco ai education summit seems to have been
H.E Dr. Ibrahim Bin Saleh Al-Naimi Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Qatar
dont follow saudi much but the toyota middle east foundation abdul latif hq saudi has sponsored amazing tech labs ending poverty and very interested to know more about connecting Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail
main saudi speaker at rewired 2020 seems to have been
since september 2019 jack ma has returned full time to education- havent yet found much about how he connects middle east
JORDAN jack ma has given grants to education foundation of queen rania
also interesting in jordan is
israel was one of first 7 world hubs of ma's 15 billion dollar r&d network on artificial intel damo- ;
israel has a brilliant tech scene- interesting to see if reported new friendship with uae connects education leaps
aga khan - pakistan, afghanistan and 8 more countries Dr. Bronwen Magrath , Global Programme Manager Schools2030, Aga Khan Foundation - spoke at rewired 2020 -10 nations include Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, portugal, brazil
more on lubna
She was previously the Minister of State for Tolerance, Minister of State for International Cooperation, and Minister of Economic and Planning of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). She was the first woman to hold a ministerial post in the United Arab Emirates. Lubna graduated from the California State University, Chico with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and has an Executive MBA from the American University of Sharjah. Lubna received an honorary doctorate of science from California State University, Chico. In March 2014, she was appointed President of Zayed University.[1] – she explained that her computer science degree helped drive smart port logistics from the beginning
101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-
please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann
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