The 2017 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) took place from 10-19 July 2017, at UN Headquarters in New York. The meeting focused on the theme of “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world.” In addition to representatives of Member States, 77 Ministers, Cabinet Secretaries, and Deputy Ministers, and nearly 2500 stakeholders participated.
During the first week, the Forum reviewed progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including at the regional and sub-regional levels. The Forum carried out four thematic reviews related to the 2017 theme on: Addressing multi-dimensions of poverty and inequalities; Multi-stakeholder perspectives; Taking forward the Small Island States Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway; and Countries in Special Situations: Least developed countries (LDCs) and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), and special challenges of middle-income countries (MICs).
Six Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were reviewed in depth: SDG 1 (no poverty); SDG 2 (zero hunger); SDG 3 (good health and well-being); SDG 5 (gender equality); SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure); and SDG 14 (life below water). Thematic reviews also took place on two issues related to SDG 17 (partnerships for the Goals): Investing in and financing for SDGs; and Advancing science, technology and innovation (STI) for SDGs. In addition, sessions were held on leveraging interlinkages for effective implementation of SDGs, and science-policy interface and emerging issues. The events of the first week were summarized in a wrap-up session on Friday, 14 July.
The Ministerial Segment convened from 17-19 July, and included 13 sessions where 43 countries presented their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). In parallel, a general debate took place, where UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s report on the theme of the 2017 ECOSOC session was presented, along with the Committee for Development Policy’s report. Over the three days, 91 Ministers, and other high-level representatives of Member States, including one Prime Minister, delivered statements as part of the High-level General Debate.
A Ministerial Declaration was adopted during the closing session on 19 July, following votes on two paragraphs: peaceful, just and inclusive societies, with a reference to the removal of obstacles to the full realization of the right of self-determination of peoples living under colonial and foreign occupation; and means of implementation, including promotion of a universal, rule-based, multilateral trading system. The Declaration was adopted with both paragraphs intact.
The HLPF was called for by the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012 in its outcome document, “The Future We Want,” to follow up on the implementation of sustainable development.
UNGA-67: The 67th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted resolution 67/290 on the format and organizational aspects of the HLPF on 9 July 2013. It decided that the HLPF, consistent with its intergovernmental, universal character, will:
- provide political leadership, guidance, and recommendations for sustainable development;
- follow up and review progress in the implementation of sustainable development commitments;
- enhance the integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic, and environmental); and
- have a focused, dynamic, and action-oriented agenda, ensuring the appropriate consideration of new and emerging sustainable development challenges.
The resolutions called for the meetings of the Forum to be convened every four years under the auspices of the UNGA at the level of Heads of State and Government―two days at the beginning of the UNGA session; and every year under the auspices of ECOSOC―for eight days, including a three-day ministerial segment.
Both meetings will adopt negotiated declarations. The Forum, under the auspices of ECOSOC, will conduct regular reviews, starting in 2016, on the follow-up and implementation of sustainable development commitments and objectives, including those related to the means of implementation, within the context of the “post-2015 development agenda.”
FIRST SESSION OF THE HLPF: The inaugural session of the HLPF on 24 September 2013, under the auspices of the UNGA, focused on the theme of “Building the future we want from Rio+20 to the post-2015 development agenda.” Heads of State and Government and Ministers discussed: moving from vision to action; global partnerships for development; and mapping the way forward for eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development.
2014 SESSION OF THE HLPF: The second session of the HLPF, under the auspices of ECOSOC, convened from 30 June to 9 July 2014, and focused on “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals and charting the way for an ambitious post-2015 development agenda including the SDGs.” A Ministerial Declaration was adopted at the end of the meeting.
2015 SESSION OF THE HLPF: The third session of the HLPF, under the auspices of ECOSOC, convened from 26 June to 8 July 2015, and focused on “Strengthening integration, implementation and review – the HLPF after 2015.” Moderated discussions took place on, inter alia, supporting national action through HLPF outcomes; keeping science involved in SDG implementation; tracking progress through existing mechanisms; the HLPF in the next 15 years; reviewing and monitoring progress; and realizing the SDGs. A Ministerial Declaration was adopted at the end of the meeting.
2030 AGENDA: The intergovernmental negotiation process on the post-2015 development agenda included thirteen meetings of an Open Working Group to formulate the 17 SDGs and 169 targets; and a series of eight sessions to develop “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” a package that includes a declaration, the SDGs, means of implementation, and a framework for follow-up and review of implementation. The 2030 Agenda, adopted at the September 2015 UN Sustainable Development Summit, calls on the HLPF, under the auspices of ECOSOC, to carry out voluntary, state-led national reviews to provide a platform for partnerships.
2016 SESSION OF THE HLPF: The fourth session of the HLPF, under the auspices of ECOSOC, convened from 11-20 July 2016, focusing on the theme of “Ensuring that no one is left behind.” In addition to moderated dialogues, five sessions focused on the first round of VNRs submitted by 22 countries. A Ministerial Declaration was adopted at the end of the Forum, following a vote on the retention of a paragraph relating to the Paris Agreement on climate change. The Declaration was adopted with the paragraph intact.
ECOSOC President Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zimbabwe, opened HLPF 2017 on Monday, 10 July, and invited Member States to adopt the provisional agenda (E/HLPF/2017/5) for the session. He noted that the HLPF will carry out in-depth discussions on a set of SDGs for the first time.
Highlighting key messages from the UN Secretary-General’s report on progress towards the SDGs (E/2017/66), UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Wu Hongbo said the report uses the global indicator framework developed by the UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), which was just adopted by the UNGA earlier in July 2017.
On behalf of Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS), Vivania Ditukana Tatawaqa, Women’s Major Group, called for reflection on the role of civil society in 2030 Agenda implementation.
Keynote speaker Robert Johnson, Institute for New Economic Thinking, described the new “dangerous discontents” of globalization, calling on them not to direct their discontent at emerging and poor countries.
Keynote speaker Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, The New School, highlighted issues that could compromise SDG implementation, including: inadequate strengthening of data collection capacity; gaps and distortions in the global indicator framework due to limitations in data collection; and lack of balance among the indicators.
Implementation at the regional and sub-regional levels
This session, on Monday, 10 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava.
Noting insufficient progress on a third of the SDGs in the region, Shamshad Akhtar, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, said baseline data availability varies considerably across the Asia-Pacific region.
Alicia Bárcena, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, identified progress on, among other matters: creating inter-institutional and inter-sectoral architecture at the highest political levels; strengthening regional architecture; and converting regional forums into multi-stakeholder spaces.
Identifying peace in the region as a global and regional responsibility, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, identified common efforts to address migration, prevent depletion of natural resources, and eliminate barriers to women’s participation in development efforts.
Olga Algayerova, UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), emphasized the need to: consider how SDGs link with existing development plans; tackle persistent gender gaps; and use a sub-regional approach for SDGs that have transboundary dimensions.
Highlighting an annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth of almost 4% from 2010-2015 in her region, Aida Opoku-Mensah, UN Economic Commission for Africa, said challenges include: data gaps; inequality; illicit financial flows; and weak public institutions.
Panelists then discussed the key drivers of change in their respective regions, emphasizing: investments in green technology; human capital development; management of natural resources; domestic resource mobilization; horizontal and vertical coordination across policy areas and government levels; and multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Shava called for a discussion on lessons learned on means of implementation (MOI) for SDGs in the regions. Panelists noted the need to: leverage private finance; address tax evasion and illicit financial flows; continue to provide official development assistance (ODA); improve investments in research and development; and tap into the opportunities provided by regional economic integration.
In the discussion, participants highlighted, inter alia: the challenges of small island developing states (SIDS), including a high rate of indebtedness; sub-regional efforts to promote innovation; and addressing climate change at the regional level. A number of participants emphasized the mutually reinforcing nature of regional visions and the 2030 Agenda, and the role of the regional economic commissions.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Four thematic reviews on the theme of HLPF 2017 took place during the first week – two (on addressing multidimensional poverty and inequalities, and multi-stakeholder perspectives) for three hours each; and two (on the SAMOA Pathway and countries in special situations), for 90 minutes each.
ADDRESSING MULTI-DIMENSIONS OF POVERTY AND INEQUALITIES: Nabeel Munir, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan and ECOSOC Vice President, opened this session on Monday, 10 July. Vikas Swarup, High Commissioner of India to Canada, moderated.
Panelist Sabina Alkire, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, introduced the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and provided examples of how the MPI approach has allowed countries to identify gaps in national policies, budgets, and inter-sectoral coordination.
Panelist Claudia Vasquez Marazzani, Colombia, said the MPI has enabled her government to improve coordination, reduce the rural-urban poverty divide, and anticipate changing poverty levels.
Panelist Anthony Lake, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), noted that half of all “multi-dimensionally” poor people in the world are children, and called for a renewed focus on better data and equity.
Lead discussant Laura Stachel, We Care Solar, described the efforts of her organization to augment existing healthcare programmes by incorporating the issue of energy access.
Lead discussant Emem Omokaro, African Society for Ageing Research and Development, called for a “life cycle” approach to development that recognizes the importance of social inclusion.
From the floor, participants raised, inter alia: the importance of social protection systems as a key instrument for poverty eradication; institutional interventions needed to promote synergies and multiplying effects to eradicate poverty through a multi-dimensional approach; the “incompleteness” of the SDG indicator framework; a rights-based response to economic crises; national strategies for poverty eradication, gender equality, and employment; and the need for gender-disaggregated data to capture individual-level differences in the MPI.
Panelists further raised: the interlinkages between challenges in education, employment, and health, especially for vulnerable youth; the risk of proliferation of different national measures; and the need for a global MPI to complement national MPIs.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVES: This session on Tuesday, 11 July, was chaired by Jürgen Schulz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN and ECOSOC Vice President.
Luisa Emilia Reyes Zuñiga, MGoS HLPF Coordination Mechanism, highlighted the role of the Mechanism in ensuring rights of access to, and inclusive participation in, the HLPF are upheld and potentially expanded.
Under-Secretary-General Wu called for the active engagement of all stakeholders to build ownership of the SDGs.
MGoS: Challenges and pathways to eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world: This part of the discussion was moderated by Maruxa Cardama, Cities Alliance.
Wellington Chibebe, for Workers and Trade Unions, highlighted reporting on the SDGs by trade unions to complement VNRs, and stressed the importance of SDGs 1, 3, and 5 for workers.
Sehnaz Kiymaz, for Women, stressed empowering women and girls affected by conflict, and the need for dedicated funding for gender issues.
As a Member States’ respondent, Kenya noted the importance of: international cooperation on trade that allows Africa to finance its needs; national good governance; and inclusion and participation.
Louise Kantrow, for Business and Industry, said a number of companies have already begun to integrate SDGs into their sustainability efforts.
Luis Miguel Etchevehere, for Farmers, highlighted access to innovation to reduce production costs, and better marketing for farm products.
As a Member States’ respondent, Indonesia proposed six “I’s” for poverty eradication: initiative, intervention, incentive, innovation, including all, and international cooperation.
Noting that persons with disabilities are exposed to multiple forms of discrimination, José Maria Viera, for Persons with Disabilities, urged their inclusion in national poverty reduction programmes.
Roberto Bissio, for the Financing for Development Civil Society Group, stressed that financing must “first do no harm.”
Katarina Popovic, Education and Academia stakeholder group, said education remains underfunded despite the importance of SDG 4 (quality education).
During the discussion, participants highlighted: leadership for innovative government; cohesion; involvement of all stakeholders; respect for diversity; inclusion of climate change in VNRs and the HLPF 2017 ministerial declaration; and the need to secure land rights of indigenous peoples.
Leaving no one behind: Ensuring an enabling environment for effective MGoS implementation and monitoring of the SDGs: ECOSOC Vice President Schulz chaired this session. Naiara Costa, Together 2030, moderated.
Saúl Zenteno-Bueno, for Children and Youth, highlighted shadow reports by youth on national implementation, and the importance of peer-to-peer learning.
Rosalea Hamilton, for NGOs, called for a participatory approach to budgeting.
James O’Brien, the stakeholder group of Volunteers, called on governments to reflect on how volunteers can engage in monitoring by citizens.
As a Member States’ respondent, Slovenia underlined the role of volunteerism in supporting social cohesion.
Jan van Zanen, Mayor of Utrecht, the Netherlands, underlined that full ownership of the 2030 Agenda at the local level is a decisive factor in ensuring the Agenda’s implementation.
John Patrick Ngoyi, Together 2030, called upon the HLPF to establish clear and meaningful mechanisms to collect and analyze reports on the contribution of civil society towards 2030 Agenda implementation.
Keikabile Mogodu, Indigenous Peoples, emphasized that recognition and protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights is central to eradicating poverty.
As a Member States’ respondent, Sweden described her country’s efforts to bring “the entirety of society” into its VNR process.
In the ensuing discussion, countries and stakeholders raised, inter alia, the need to: give due consideration to barriers that prevent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons from active participation in society; effectively monitor progress on secure land rights for women; support faith-based groups to counter narratives of discrimination; promote peer-to-peer learning between local authorities; address the legal problems faced by persons with disabilities; and establish “unusual partnerships” with business.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
TAKING FORWARD THE SAMOA PATHWAY: This session, on Wednesday, 12 July, was chaired by Cristián Barros Melet, Permanent Representative of Chile to the UN. Pennelope Beckles, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the UN, moderated.
Panelist Shahine Robinson, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Jamaica, described the objective and institutional framework of Vision 2030 Jamaica and the importance of high-level engagement and bipartisan support in its realization.
Panelist Tuitama Leao Talalelei Tuitama, Minister of Health, Samoa, described the challenge that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent for SIDS, and noted responses, including the Apia Challenge; a forthcoming healthy islands framework; and efforts to amend Samoa’s food and tobacco laws.
Discussant Maria Helena Semedo, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), outlined the objectives of the Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in SIDS.
Discussant Paula Vivili, the Pacific Community, described regional initiatives to address NCDs in the Pacific region.
From the floor, participants raised, inter alia: the persistent challenge of quality data collection; SIDS’ vulnerability to external forces such as global crises, climate events, and unfair trade practices; dedicated support for national statistical systems and offices; and the close link between the SAMOA Pathway and HLPF processes.
Panelists further raised: policies discouraging lifestyles that cause NCDs; and the importance of nutritional education.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
COUNTRIES IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS: LDCS AND LLDCS, AND SPECIAL CHALLENGES OF MICS: This session, on Wednesday, 12 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Melet, and moderated by Swarnim Waglé, National Planning Commission, Nepal.
Panelist Amira Gornass, Chair, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee on World Food Security, said investments in smallholder agriculture will benefit SDGs 3, 5, and 13 (climate action) and highlighted the Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises.
While highlighting Bangladesh’s recent graduation to lower-MIC status, panelist Farah Kabir, Action Aid, warned of the “feminization of poverty.”
Panelist Nikhil Seth, UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), underscored the need for: sub-national engagement; a nexus-approach; stakeholder engagement; and better data and harnessing of technology.
DiscussantMasud Bin Momen, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN, underscored: resilience building; migration as a development enabler; and technology, innovation, and data.
Discussant Larysa Belskaya, Belarus, called for greater support for sustainable development in MICs.
Discussant Lazarous Kapambwe, Permanent Representative of Zambia to the UN, identified unemployment as the greatest challenge for LDCs.
During the discussion, participants discussed, inter alia: the specific development needs of post-conflict countries; specific challenges of MICs; and the necessity of a global partnership to address security needs.
In closing, panelists stressed: the role of statistical capacity to leverage interventions; action on climate change; and the importance of agriculture.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 1 (NO POVERTY): This session, on Tuesday, 11 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava. Carolina Sanchez-Paramo, World Bank Group, moderated.
Highlighting findings from the 2017 Sustainable Development Goals Report, Stefan Schweinfest, Director, UN Statistics Division (UNSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), said that despite progress, three quarters of a billion people still live in extreme poverty, and social protection coverage varies worldwide, missing many vulnerable populations.
Panelist Martin Ravallion, Georgetown University, said while progress has been made in reducing absolute poverty, challenges remain in reducing relative poverty; and better anti-poverty policies are needed to complement economic growth.
Panelist Yang Zhi, Mayor of Jingzhou, China, highlighted China’s pledge to lift 70 million out of poverty by 2020, noting efforts to scale up infrastructure investments; strengthen social protection systems; and advance e-commerce networks in villages.
Panelist Yaw Ansu, African Center for Economic Transformation, emphasized the need to improve: access to land and tenure security; productivity on farms; and profitability of agriculture.
Panelist Janet Gornick, City University of New York, highlighted drivers of high poverty levels, including market income inequality and meager state redistribution.
Lead discussant Deborah Greenfield, International Labour Organization, identified decent work and universal social protection as critical drivers of poverty and inequality reduction.
Lead discussant Chibebe, International Trade Union Confederation, highlighted the importance of quality job creation, access to democratic decision-making, and comprehensive social protection systems.
In the discussion, panelists noted, inter alia: the need for international cooperation on data collection and analysis to address child poverty; the links between SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 1; holistic approaches to poverty reduction; education as a catalyst to end poverty; and the unique vulnerability of SIDS.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 2 (ZERO HUNGER): This session, on Tuesday, 11 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava and moderated by Gerda Verburg, Scaling-Up Nutrition Movement.
Providing statistics related to SDG 2, Min Yongyi, DESA, noted that while agriculture is an important means to poverty reduction, domestic and foreign investment in agriculture is declining.
Panelist Esther Penunia, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development, emphasized: access rights to natural resources for the poor; market infrastructure and access; and addressing climate change.
Panelist Elizabeth Mpofu, La Via Campesina, stressed: education; better measures of human progress; and negative impacts of budget cuts on social goals.
Lead discussant Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla, International Food Policy Research Institute, stressed that a universal poverty-based safety net would cost less than 0.1% of world GDP.
Lead discussant Meena Bilgi, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, urged identification of emergent challenges in rapid urbanization.
Lead discussant Patrick Caron, Committee on World Food Security, called for local innovation to improve natural resources management and inclusive and cross-sectoral national policies to ensure the right to food.
A number of international organizations called for putting smallholder farmers at the center of food policy to ensure gains made against hunger are secured.
In the discussions, participants raised, inter alia: national efforts to address food and nutrition security; gender equality to improve agriculture outcomes; land degradation; a rights-based approach to addressing conflict, natural disasters, and migration; reducing trade barriers; agricultural technology financing for developing countries; and food labeling.
Panelists further noted the need for: sustainable agriculture to be socially just, environmentally sound, and economically viable; a facility to prepare projects with appropriate risk-benefit profile for private sector support; institutional arrangements across levels and between stakeholders that help to break down sectoral barriers; and physically and financially accessible health and nutrition programmes by mainstreaming disability into food security programmes.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 3 (GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING): This session, on Wednesday, 12 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Munir, and moderated by Nata Menabde, World Health Organization.
Providing statistics related to SDG 3, Francesca Perucci, UNSD, highlighted reduced maternal mortality and improved child survival rates, but stressed that rates of progress must increase.
Highlighting that 14 of the 17 SDGs can be linked directly to health, panelist Laura Flores, Permanent Representative of Panama to the UN, urged national sectoral bodies to address these interlinkages.
Panelist Michael Myers, Rockefeller Foundation, called for: deliberate efforts to address equity; addressing future challenges; and collaboration across sectors.
Citing an emerging consensus among policymakers that the current system of biomedical innovation is “deeply broken,” discussant Rachel Cohen, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, called for: practical approaches to biomedical innovation; and strategies to promote collaboration in science.
Discussant Marie Hauerslev, International Federation of Medical Students Associations, said political will, policy coherence, and investments in health are needed to achieve SDG 3.
From the floor, participants raised the need to: address the interconnections between SDGs 3 and 5; increase public allocation for healthcare; address structural causes of poverty and understand the social determinants of health; recognize silos as a barrier to better health outcomes in SIDS; address NCDs; recognize the role of insurance in facilitating access to health services; ensure data disaggregation based on ethnicity; and address barriers to health services for older persons.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 5 (GENDER EQUALITY): Marie Chatardová, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN and ECOSOC Vice President, opened this session on Wednesday, 12 July. Craig Mokhiber, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, moderated.
Providing a statistical update on indicators, Francesca Perucci, UNSD, highlighted: persistence of violence against women; the gap between engagement of women and men in household work; and low representation of women in decision-making.
Panelist Salma Nims, Jordanian National Commission for Women, said fiscal and technical solutions do not necessarily address the power and social relations that hold back women’s empowerment and stressed the importance of incorporating gender into planning.
Panelist Jane Sanyu Mpagi, Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Uganda, highlighted her country’s initiative to make “gender compliance certificates” a prerequisite for obtaining funds from Parliament, and recommended enacting laws and policies that tackle root causes of inequality.
Discussant Roberto Bissio, Third World Institute, highlighted the value of funding to transform previously unpaid care work, and “women-washing” by corporations.
Discussant Nalini Singh, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, stressed the importance of autonomous feminist movements.
In the discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: countries’ efforts to promote gender equality; laws and policies to protect workers in the formal and informal economy; intergenerational partnerships; measures to combat discrimination, violence, and harmful practices; the importance of sexual and reproductive rights; preventing gender-based violence; the need for gender disaggregated data; and gender as a crosscutting issue throughout the 2030 Agenda.
Panelists further raised the need for: “feminist theory” to address the whole system; and women’s involvement in SDG monitoring and implementation.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 9 (INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE): ECOSOC President Shava chaired this session, on Thursday, 13 July. Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Mexico, moderated.
Panelist John Danilovich, International Chamber of Commerce, highlighted: policy coherence; trade facilitation reform; finance to enable businesses to access international markets; and harnessing the trade potential of the internet.
Panelist Maria Kiwanuka, Special Advisor to the President of Uganda, highlighted the need to: focus on productive sectors; optimize benefits and reduce delays of infrastructure projects; and balance capital-intensive and labor-intensive innovation.
Panelist Magnus Arildsson, Ericsson, stressed improving knowledge systems to increase food production, and harmonizing technology standards to allow data interoperability.
Providing a global overview of progress towards SDG 9, Min Yongyi, DESA, highlighted: continued concentration of production in a few geographic areas; major investments in transportation and energy sectors; and a 23% increase in value addition in manufacturing between 2005 and 2016.
Discussant Patrick Ho, China Energy Fund Committee, listed infrastructure, technology, and investment as three key elements to achieve SDG 9, saying these elements should promote economic prosperity, equity, and environmental sustainability.
Discussant Arne Holte, World Blind Union, said SDG 9 is the best way to ensure “no one is left behind” if the impacts on all sections of society, including the disabled, are proactively considered during the development of technology, goods, and services.
From the floor, participants raised, inter alia: efforts to support start-ups and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); the Accelerated Agriculture and Agro-Industry Development Initiative; VNRs as a tool to open dialogue between government and the business community; net neutrality; and the challenge of matching capital to available projects.
Panelists emphasized the need for: concrete examples; local inputs to drive down costs; a focus on farmers in “public-private-producer” partnerships; improved access to global production chains; progress in building internet and transport infrastructure; removal of trade barriers; and the promotion of digital commerce to benefit SMEs.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
SDG 14 (LIFE BELOW WATER): ECOSOC President Shava chaired this session, on Thursday, 13 July.
Keynote speaker Peter Thomson, UNGA President, called for: implementation of the workplan of the 2017 UN Ocean Conference; collective responsibility to restore the health of oceans; and political momentum.
Calling on donor countries to meet their special commitments to SIDS, keynote speaker Olof Skoog, representing Isabella Lövin, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate and Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, and Co-President of the Ocean Conference, said the Conference reflected an innovative North-South partnership model that could be used for other SDGs.
Keynote speaker Luke Daunivalu, representing Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji, Co-President of the Ocean Conference, highlighted the: high number of voluntary commitments from the Conference that cover all ten SDG 14 targets; limited capacity of SIDS to address threats to oceans; and the need to follow-up on conference outcomes.
Keynote speaker Wu Hongbo highlighted efforts by the UN to prepare a preliminary analysis of nearly 1400 voluntary commitments, and identify synergies with existing partnerships.
Kate Brown, Global Island Partnership, moderated the discussion that followed.
Miguel de Serpa Soares, UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, said UN Oceans, an interagency collaboration mechanism, could play an important role in SDG 14 implementation if sustainable funding is assured.
Providing statistics related to SDG 14, Min Yongyi, DESA, said recent gains in marine protected areas are being jeopardized by climate change, overfishing, and marine pollution.
Panelist Jake Rice, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, noted there is sufficient knowledge to go from commitments to action, and urged “smarter” use of the oceans.
Panelist Marjo Vierros, Global Ocean Forum, called for participatory and inclusive implementation of SDG 14.
Discussant Ronald Jumeau, Permanent Representative of Seychelles to the UN, called for a strong review mechanism to track progress on the Ocean Conference Call for Action and SDG 14.
Discussant Tui Shortland, Pacific Indigenous and Local Knowledge Centre of Distinction, stressed that indigenous peoples must be acknowledged as primary actors in ocean management and their roles institutionalized.
In the discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: national strategies for implementing SDG 14; the importance of the ongoing discussions on marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction; the role of research and scientific knowledge for decision-making on marine and coastal resources; the empowerment of local communities; and the importance of the legal framework provided by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, including the delimitation of maritime zones.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
This session, on Thursday, 13 July, included two panels, on: investing in, and financing for, SDGs; and advancing STI for SDGs.
INVESTING IN, AND FINANCING FOR, SDGS: ECOSOC Vice President Munir chaired this session.
Keynote speaker Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the UN, presented the report of the 2017 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development (E/FFDF/2017/3).
Presenting highlights from the report, keynote speaker Jerry Matthews Matjila, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the UN, emphasized, inter alia: gender equality; resilient infrastructure; long-term oriented investments, including in social protection systems; and international efforts to cap illicit financial flows.
Manuel Montes, the South Centre, moderated the discussion that followed.
Presenting key statistics, Stefan Schweinfest, Director, UNSD, said that while ODA rose by 8.9% from 2015 to 2016, bilateral aid to LDCs fell by 3.9%.
Panelist Gebeyehu Ganga Gayito, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN, stressed that renewed global commitment and political determination are needed to accelerate implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA).
Panelist Peter Adriaens, Equarius Risk Analytics, identified opportunities to mainstream sustainable development finance, including: focusing on systemic economic development; finding the right financing mechanisms; and re-education and re-training of policymakers.
Panelist Kajsa Olofsgård, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden, stressed the importance of multilateralism and inclusiveness.
Noting that public-private partnerships have frequently fostered corruption, discussant Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network, called for greater UN oversight and norm-setting.
From the floor, participants discussed, inter alia: the different financing needs of LDCs and MICs; the second annual SDG Business Forum; South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation; adherence to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities; the need for an enabling environment to involve youth; policy coherence; and the need for strong language on MOI.
Panelists further called for: effective multilateralism that complements national efforts; transformative partnerships in finance; and national leadership to drive policy coherence.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
ADVANCING SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION FOR SDGS: ECOSOC Vice President Melet chaired this session, and Susil Premajayantha, Minister of Science, Technology, and Research, Sri Lanka, moderated.
Presenting the Co-Chairs’ summary of the 2017 Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) (E/HLPF/2017/4), Macharia Kamau, Co-Chair of the STI Forum, said “deep dives” to explore the STI dimension of each SDG are necessary; called for more attention to low-cost, low-technology solutions in line with local realities; and urged support for the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) to enable its effective functioning.
Vaughan Turekian, STI Forum Co-Chair, highlighted: the importance of the STI Forum in discussing best practices and creating networks between government, the private sector, and academia; the call for a robust science advisory mechanism for the UN Secretary-General; and the need to focus on capacity building.
Panelist Heide Hackmann, Co-Chair of the 10-Member Group of High-Level Representatives in Support of the TFM, identified three priorities: enhanced collaboration within the scientific community; new forms of engagement with policy and public action; and exploiting the potential of big data and machine learning.
Discussant Nebojša Nakićenović, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, called attention to cuts in global research funding, and the risk of the marginalization of STI in the sustainable development process.
Discussant Donovan Guttieres, Major Group for Children and Youth, said STI should support the 2030 Agenda and not reinforce existing inequalities.
In the discussion, participants discussed, inter alia: digital divides in the availability and affordability of technology; the importance of technology education for young women and girls; the need to ensure technology is environmentally sound; the need for appropriate governance of information and communication technology; the inclusion of women, youth, and people with disabilities in STI; and recognition of the importance of traditional knowledge as complementary to science across all the SDGs.
Panelists further raised, inter alia: the need to safeguard the voice of science in times of rising populism; the limited time remaining to build a system to catalyze STI for the 2030 Agenda; and the need to find a “real home” for the private sector at the UN.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
This session, on Friday, 14 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Chatardová, and included two panels, on interlinkages and on data and statistics.
INTERLINKAGES: Minh-Thu Pham, UN Foundation, moderated this panel.
Panelist Debapriya Bhattacharya, Centre for Policy Dialogue, urged: exploring intralinkages between targets before considering interlinkages across Goals; consideration of interlinkages in budgetary allocations; and addressing the international systemic dimensions of interlinkages.
Describing the importance of addressing interlinkages in efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS, panelist Michel Sidibé, Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, called for clarity on how the HLPF can facilitate a move away from state-centric approaches to genuine multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Panelist Charles Arden-Clarke, UN Environment, identified the need to promote policy coherence through inter-ministerial coordination, and make use of integrated funding to achieve intersecting targets for sustainable consumption and production.
Discussant Michael Gerber, Special Envoy for Global Sustainable Development, Switzerland, stressed the integrated nature of the SDGs as an opportunity for policy coherence at all governance levels.
Discussant Irene Khan, International Development Law Organization, underscored the importance of transparent, rule-based processes and mechanisms that ensure appropriate, inclusive, and equitable arrangements for SDG implementation.
In the discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: national systems to promote an interlinked approach for implementation of the SDGs; the need to incorporate non-quantitative indicators; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Policy Coherence for Development framework; interlinkages in the new European Consensus for Development; a “mutual gains approach” that can help to bring together multiple interests and move beyond trade-offs; elimination of systemic and structural barriers; and integration of human rights in follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda.
Panelists further raised, inter alia: the need to avoid confusion between processes and outcomes; the importance of addressing stigma, exclusion, and prejudice; the need for high-level coordination of sustainable development efforts at the national level; inclusion of non-state actors in SDG coordination; and persisting confusion about whether interlinkages should be merely aspirational or also measurable.
DATA AND STATISTICS: Debapriya Bhattacharya moderated this panel.
Roberto Olinto, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, said data disaggregation is necessary to find the “no one” in the goal of “leaving no one behind.”
Judith Randel, Development Initiatives, said disaggregated data sheds light on the different aspects of people’s identities and what holds them back.
Anil Arora, Statistics Canada, said national statistics offices bring the statistical rigor that is necessary to generate useful information and called for greater statistical literacy.
From the floor, participants addressed, inter alia: the need for international organizations to share best practices on use of disaggregated data; challenges of inter-ministerial coordination and data collection; and the need for detailed methodological standards that can be harmonized across countries.
Panelists further raised, inter alia: the need to ensure that “no national statistics office is left behind”; the importance of investment in data, and of data comparability; and the need to complement big data with “soft” measures such as privacy regulations.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
The session, on Friday, 14 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Melet. William Colglazier, American Association for the Advancement of Science, moderated.
Panelist Endah Murniningtyas, National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia, underscored that the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) aims to provide an evidence-based instrument to support policymakers in poverty eradication.
Panelist Peter Messerli, University of Bern, recommended: better use of available knowledge; mobilization and innovation of science; and institutionalization of science-policy interfaces at the international level.
Panelist Wang Ruijun, UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development, underscored the need to identify STI capacity gaps for SDGs, especially in developing countries.
Discussant Tolu Oni, University of Cape Town, urged close interaction between academia and policymakers to bridge competing interests and incentives.
Discussant Stuart Taberner, Research Councils UK, recommended mobilizing national research systems to steer science towards generating impact, and towards promoting new skill sets to engage with societal changes.
In the discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: evidence-based education policies; the need for greater engagement in, and transparency from, the GSDR process; recommendations from UN Environment’s first Science-Policy Forum; learning from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s approach; community-based monitoring and information services as complementary sources of data; and institutionalized spaces for stakeholder engagement in the GSDR.
Panelists also raised, inter alia: the interface between traditional and modern knowledge, and science; the generalization and aggregation of knowledge as necessary for implementation of the SDGs; the widening gap between developed and developing countries with regard to new and emerging technologies; and the need for the GSDR process to engage with all UN agencies.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
On Friday evening, 14 July, ECOSOC President Shava and Under-Secretary-General Wu provided an overview of the first week of HLPF 2017.
Shava noted signs of progress and said that while the week had focused on a limited number of Goals, the indivisible, integrated, and interlinked nature of the SDGs highlights the need for collaborative implementation.
Calling the HLPF “the right platform on the right track” for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, Wu said the Forum was able to analyze gaps, go beyond sectoral boundaries, and encourage transformative actions.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Opening the Ministerial Segment on Monday morning, 17 July, ECOSOC President Shava called for solidarity and cooperation to address key global challenges such as extreme poverty, inequality, conflicts and terrorism, and climate change.
Stressing the 2030 Agenda is “the pathway that will guide humankind to a sustainable way of life,” UNGA President Peter Thomson highlighted the importance of awareness-raising, and a focus on implementation on the ground.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres said the 2030 Agenda could make globalization fair, and outlined key proposals for reform of the UN development system, including: empowerment of resident coordinators; gender mainstreaming in 2030 Agenda implementation; and coherent and accountable funding.
Noting the presence of immense wealth but major inequality in the world, Jeffery Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia University, identified obstacles to progress, including: vested interests, for instance of the oil, coal, and gas lobbies; “belligerent leaders” that perpetuate conflict; and an absence of “big, bold thinking.”
Shava, along with the ECOSOC Vice Presidents, presented main messages from the previous week. He highlighted: the increasing role of regional cooperation; improvements in inter-sectoral coordination and mainstreaming at the national level; and persistent inequality.
ECOSOC Vice President Chatardová highlighted the value of: multi-sectoral health interventions; legal provisions and institutional frameworks tied to human rights conventions for women’s empowerment; and reflection of interlinkages in budget allocations.
ECOSOC Vice President Melet called for more systemic and systematic cooperation between governments and communities to overcome barriers to financing.
ECOSOC Vice President Schulz encouraged governments to find ways to further incorporate other major stakeholders into the SDG implementation process, including the private sector, farmers, women’s groups, and youth.
ECOSOC Vice President Munir urged acceleration of national efforts and strengthening of international cooperation to support policies and programmes for implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Lahcen Daoudi, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of General Affairs and Governance, Morocco, highlighted poverty eradication, good governance, and equality as priorities for sustainability in the Western Asian region.
Francisco Guzmán Ortiz, Office of the President, Mexico, highlighted key messages from the Latin American and Caribbean region, including on the importance of: poverty eradication; multilateralism; gender equality; and developing indicators for progress on sustainable development that go beyond per capita income.
Rosemarie Edillon, National Economic and Development Authority, the Philippines, noted two key outcomes adopted by the Asia-Pacific region: a regional roadmap for implementing the 2030 Agenda; and a document on the form and function of the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development.
Noting the integrated nature of the 2030 Agenda and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, Gervais Meatchi, National Planning Authority, Togo, highlighted the following issues for the African region: integrated approaches; harmonization with national plans; resilient infrastructure; and sustainable use of oceans.
Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea, France, said the key issues for the UNECE countries include: adapting the SDGs to the national level; building statistical capacity; and high-level political engagement to integrate the SDGs into existing policies.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
VOLUNTARY NATIONAL REVIEWS: Forty-three countries presented their VNRs over thirteen sessions during the Ministerial Segment.
Voluntary National Reviews 1: This session, on Monday, 17 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava.
Presenting the VNR for Luxembourg, Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of Environment, and Romain Schneider, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, outlined the following national priority areas: social inclusion; quality education; decoupling the economy from carbon emissions; improved land use planning; and more effective environmental protection.
Presenting the VNR for Nepal, Min Bahadur Shrestha, National Planning Commission, highlighted: the enshrinement of all three dimensions of sustainable development in Nepal’s 2015 Constitution; three high-level committees established to promote SDG implementation; progress in promoting gender equality; and challenges related to financing and provincial- and local-level implementation.
Presenting the VNR for Brazil, José Antônio Marcondes de Carvalho, Ministry of Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, described the establishment of a 16-member National Commission for the SDGs, with eight members from government and eight from civil society. He welcomed efforts by Brazilian civil society to disseminate and localize the SDGs.
Lead discussant Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Minister for Environment and Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany, inquired about: multi-stakeholder engagement; how conflicts between different government departments are addressed in SDG implementation; and integration of SDGs into the national budget.
Lead discussant Adil Najam, Boston University, called for bridging the differences in the way donor and developing countries approach SDG 17 in their VNRs, and noted that the HLPF and UN have a key role in ensuring that crosscutting lessons are drawn from the VNRs of different countries.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 2: This session on Monday, 17 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Munir.
Presenting the VNR for Monaco, Serge Telle, Minister of State, described: the allocation of 1.1% of revenue to ODA, focused on LDCs; a focus on healthcare and education as part of his country’s global efforts; over-achievement on Kyoto Protocol mitigation targets and a national goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050; and national priority areas related to SDG 14.
Presenting the VNR for Japan, Fumio Kishida, Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighted: the establishment of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters; examples of “Public-Private Action for Partnership” projects; and efforts to promote international cooperation based on the notion of human security.
Presenting the VNR for Indonesia, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning, highlighted the adoption of a presidential decree on SDG implementation and the establishment of a National Coordination Team on the SDGs. He said Indonesia’s next medium-term development plan will incorporate all SDG targets.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 3: This session, on Monday, 17 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Melet.
Presenting the VNR for Costa Rica, Olga Marta Sánchez Oviedo, Minister of Planning, highlighted a national pact on the SDGs that brings together all three branches of government as well as civil society. She described specific actions taken on zero hunger, health, infrastructure, and marine life.
Presenting the VNR for the Netherlands, Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, said her country scores high on welfare, trust in institutions, education, and health but must address greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, and the gender pay gap. Martijn Visser, Youth Representative for Sustainable Development, called on his country to prioritize education, climate action, and equality. Eugene Rhuggenaath, Prime Minister of Curaçao, highlighted challenges of SIDS and the importance of SDG 17.
Presenting the VNR for Bangladesh, Abul Kalam Azad, Principal SDG Coordinator, noted efforts to mainstream the SDGs by establishing an office to oversee the exercise. Noting coherence between national policies and the SDGs, he said 14 out of the 17 SDGs are thematically aligned and three are partially aligned with his country’s 7th Five-Year Plan.
Presenting the VNR for Kenya, Irungu Nyakera, Ministry of Devolution and Planning, highlighted the establishment of an interagency technical committee that works with civil society organizations and the private sector, and an SDGs Liaison Office working with sub-national governments. He identified a lack of disaggregated data and inadequate funding as challenges.
Michele Brooks, Purposeful Journey Consulting Group, moderated the question and answer session.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 4: This session, on Monday, 17 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Melet.
Presenting the VNR for Chile, Marcos Barraza, Minister of Social Development, said that while only 11.7% of his country’s population are poor in terms of income, 29% of people are in multi-dimensional poverty. He described four priorities in his country’s efforts to achieve the SDGs: sustainable and inclusive economic development; reducing inequality; addressing climate change and environmental protection; and bolstering institutions and democracy.
Presenting the VNR for Malaysia, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, highlighted: the adoption of a multi-stakeholder participatory governance structure; the organization of a national SDG symposium; studies on data readiness and gaps; development planning mapping exercises involving NGOs and the private sector; and the formulation of a national SDG roadmap.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 5: This session, on Tuesday, 18 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava.
Presenting the VNR for Belgium, Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister, said the SDGs have led to the formulation of an umbrella national development strategy in his country, including a common reporting mechanism. He highlighted four lessons from the process, including the need to: incorporate SDG targets into internal and external policy frameworks; identify areas for further action, such as water and air quality; follow up on, and review, implementation; and invest in awareness raising.
Presenting the VNR for Benin, Abdoulaye Bio Tchané, Minister of State for Development and Planning, said his country has identified 49 of the 169 SDG targets as national priorities, and emphasized the importance of an enabling environment. He highlighted areas of progress, including: the drafting of a government action plan; a global survey on food security; and the creation of a “smart” city that allows education, research, and entrepreneurship to flourish.
Presenting the VNR for Peru, Javier Abugattás Fatule, President of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Strategic Planning, noted his country’s geographical, topographical, and cultural diversity, and stressed the importance of accounting for this diversity at the local level in implementing the SDGs. He said that while Peru is incorporating the 2030 Agenda into its national policies and plans, it is also projecting a holistic vision to go beyond 2030.
Lead discussant Gilbert Houngbo, International Fund for Agricultural Development, noted challenges in measuring progress against indicators where data is lacking, and underlined the need for resources to build statistical capacity.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 6: This session, on Tuesday, 18 July, was chaired by ECOSOC President Shava.
Presenting the VNR for Guatemala, Miguel Ángel Moir Sandoval, Minister of Planning, described his country’s efforts to create a participatory process, raise awareness, and identify priority SDGs. He highlighted the following national challenges: poverty, with 59.3% of the population living in poverty and 23% living in extreme poverty; food insecurity, with 16% of the population suffering malnutrition; gender-related challenges, including violence against women; and the exclusion of indigenous communities.
Presenting the VNR for Zimbabwe, Obert Mpofu, Minister of Micro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion, and Grasiano Nyaguse, from the same ministry, described efforts to: identify national priorities (poverty reduction, food and nutrition, gender, health, and public administration and governance); integrate the SDGs into national strategies; enhance multi-stakeholder participation at all levels; establish an institutional structure, including the identification of focal points in key ministries and oversight by Parliament; identify targets and indicators, with 2015 as the base year; agree on a development assistance framework with the UN; align budgetary processes; and enhance domestic revenue to implement the SDGs.
Presenting the VNR for Italy, Gian Luca Galleti, Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea, highlighted a forthcoming action plan containing quantified objectives for 2030 and said regions and local governments will also define sustainable development strategies. Luca Maestripieri, Directorate General for Development Cooperation, said Italy’s development cooperation goes beyond “traditional areas,” to also support better data, resource mobilization, and private sector involvement. Enrico Giovannini, Founder, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), highlighted ASviS’ efforts to bring together over 170 civil society organizations to: report on the state of the SDGs in Italy; make proposals; and organize outreach on the SDGs.
Underscoring “we don’t need resources, we need honesty,” lead discussant Andrés Mideros, National Secretary of Planning and Development, Ecuador, called for addressing tax evasion at bilateral and multilateral levels. He stressed the importance of participatory processes and mechanisms for follow-up of SDGs, and the importance of data.
Lead discussant Jessica Espey, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, provided five recommendations for VNRs: identifying the national stakeholders that have been consulted; setting out how local and regional governments will be engaged; quantifying objectives and thresholds for success; introducing national targets for data investments; and earlier publication, to allow for comments and engagement.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 7: This session, on Tuesday, 18 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Chatardová.
Presenting the VNR for the Czech Republic, Richard Brabec, First Deputy Prime Minister, said the VNR process involved stakeholders for ensuring factual accuracy and wider acceptance. He outlined progress on the 2030 Agenda, including low levels of unemployment, and the lowest number of people threatened by poverty and social exclusion in the EU. Among challenges, he listed climate change, structural barriers to the shift to a low-carbon economy, and the need to increase ODA.
Presenting the VNR for Jordan, Imad Fakhoury, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, said his country is under “economic siege” due to regional instability. He highlighted: the SDG Roadmap adopted by all stakeholders; integration of the SDGs and targets into the country’s three-year executive development plan; and pilot projects in two regions to inform sub-national planning.
Presenting the VNR for Thailand, Don Pramudwinai, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi, Thai Beverage Public Company, and youth delegate Potcharapol Prommatat, highlighted: the importance of localizing the SDGs; integration of the country’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and the SDGs into national development strategies and budgets; progress on SDG 4; partnerships with the private sector; and the importance of good education for all.
Presenting the VNR for Argentina, Gabriela Agosto, National Council of Coordination of Social Policies; with Mabel Bianco, Foundation of Women’s Study and Investigation, and Andrea Avila, Randstad, outlined two stages of work that preceded monitoring of the SDGs: internal prioritization of SDGs; and inter-institutional efforts to select the Goals and indicators. They highlighted the commitment of 10 provinces and the city of Buenos Aires to implement the SDGs, and said their country hopes to have specific data on implementation in 14 of the 23 provinces by 2018.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 8: This session, on Tuesday, 18 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Schulz.
Presenting the VNR for Belarus, Marianna Shchetkina, Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, highlighted several institutional and policy mechanisms, including: a national sustainable development strategy; a programme of socio-economic development; and sector- and region-based programmes. She noted progress in addressing poverty, food security, decent jobs, and women’s empowerment.
Presenting the VNR for Portugal, Teresa Ribeiro, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, highlighted: intra-governmental guidelines for the 2030 Agenda adopted in 2016; the crucial role of Portugal’s National Statistical Institute, and Agency for Development and Cohesion; a public consultation process led by civil society; and support for adapting the UN development system to follow up on, and improve effectiveness of, the 2030 Agenda. Mário Parra da Silva, UN Global Compact Network Portugal, introduced Alliance SDGs Portugal, a multi-stakeholder platform that seeks to bring the SDGs and targets “into the real world.”
Presenting the VNR for Uruguay, Álvaro García, Minister of Budget and Planning, highlighted: the special emphasis on growth and equity; good access to health services; low levels of corruption; and strong social protection systems in his country. He described efforts to: address child poverty; increase market share in agricultural products by further improving phytosanitary measures; reduce suicide rates in the 20-25 age group; pass a bill to reduce gender-based violence; close the infrastructure gap; and increase spending in STI.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 9: This session, on Tuesday, 18 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Schulz.
Presenting the VNR for Sweden, Ardalan Shekarabi, Minister for Public Administration, Carola Lemne, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor of Malmö, and Björn Fondén, Swedish Youth Delegate to the UN, highlighted: progress on 49 indicators, including on education, health, and infrastructure; peace and democracy as preconditions for progress; municipal-level efforts to implement the SDGs; the private sector as the bearer of solutions; and the need for young people to be given resources and space in decision-making.
Presenting the VNR for Nigeria, Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, Presidential Senior Special Advisor on the SDGs; Priscilla Achakpa, Civil Society Strategy Group; and Mories Atoki, Private Sector Advisory Group, said that their country’s progress on SDGs has been held back by: the economic crisis triggered by the decline in oil prices; the humanitarian crisis in the Northeast; and continued militancy in the Niger Delta. They highlighted progress towards implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including ongoing work on an SDGs needs assessment; and efforts to establish a baseline for tracking performance across national and sub-national government levels.
Presenting the VNR for Panama, Maria Luisa Navarro, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation, highlighted a sustained reduction in poverty levels, and in rates of malnutrition and hunger, but said that persistent inequality calls for targeted interventions in priority areas. She identified next steps in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including: closing institutional gaps in human rights-based policies; bolstering a multi-dimensional approach; and strengthening the national statistics system and non-governmental and private sector participation.
Lead discussant László Borbély, State Counsellor, Romania, posed questions to: Nigeria, on the global indicator framework; Panama, on challenges in promoting synergies in SDG implementation, at both the policy and financing levels; and Sweden, on recommendations for mapping and implementing the SDGs.
Reflecting on success factors across VNRs, lead discussant Claire Melamed, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, highlighted the importance of: robust institutional frameworks at the highest governmental levels as well as local levels; broad social policies, which support a range of people, together with narrow social policies that target individuals; effective economic policies that reduce inequality; and knowledge and data.
A more detailed summary of the discussion is available at:
Voluntary National Reviews 10: This session, on Wednesday, 19 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Melet.
Presenting the VNR for Ethiopia, Yinager Dessie Belay, Minister of the National Planning Commission, said rapid economic growth has led to a reduction in the poverty rate from 44% in 2000 to 22% in 2015. He highlighted progress towards achieving the SDGs, including: integrated measures to build quality infrastructure; investments in renewable energy; continued promotion of industrial development; soil conservation projects; and legislation ensuring land access for rural women.
Responding to questions from Norway, India, Denmark, Sudan, Colombia, the stakeholder group on Ageing, and Persons With Disabilities, Dessie said civil society contributed to a three-layered process of consultation at the local, regional, and national levels, and the Ethiopian Standards Agency has provided disaggregated and timely data.
Presenting the VNR for Honduras, Jorge Ramón Hernández Alcerro, Minister Coordinator of the Presidency, outlined criteria for inclusion of Goals in the national SDG agenda: the Goal must be relevant for Honduras, and linked to the country planning system; and the country must possess sufficient resources to implement it. Highlighting progress on SDG 2 and SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), he said that the adoption of the MPI had complemented income-based assessments.
In response to questions from the stakeholder group on Education and Academia and Colombia, Alcerro discussed: the approval of a new tax code and institution for tax collection; the third Honduras Open Government Partnership plan; and the recent submission of the 2013 MPI baseline.
Presenting the VNR for India, Arvind Panagariya, National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, said existing national programmes are aligned with the Goals, including those providing: subsidized grain to 800 million people; health coverage to poor households; maternity benefits; financial inclusion; improved infrastructure; and incentives for innovation. Highlighting India’s rapid growth as the key instrument for eradicating poverty, he described efforts to involve stakeholders, and identify measurable outcome indicators.
In response to questions from Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Belarus, Panagariya, with other members of his delegation, said India has reduced fossil fuel subsidies, but faces challenges in their elimination; sub-national governments are keenly involved in SDG implementation; and consultations with local bodies and states have been carried out to discuss indicators to monitor progress on SDGs.
Presenting the VNR for the Maldives, Abdullahi Majeed, Minister of State for Environment and Energy, noted commitments to mainstream sustainable development and highlighted: the formation of a technical committee for SDG implementation; the development of a monitoring framework, which needs further financial and technical support; and the need for additional efforts on good governance, justice, and economic disparity to consolidate gains.
Responding to questions raised by Singapore, Belize, the Comoros, Norway, and the Scientific and Technological Community, Majeed and his team noted, inter alia, the importance of human capital and ongoing efforts to prioritize the SDGs using a consultative process.
Voluntary National Reviews 11: This session, on Wednesday, 19 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Munir.
Presenting the VNR for Azerbaijan, Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister, described his country’s transformation as a transition from communism to democracy, misery to wealth, and outdated to modern infrastructure. He highlighted state strategies under execution or soon to be initiated, for: the education of women; employment; and improvement of maternal and child health. Among critical challenges to development in the region, he stressed “security, stability, and social cohesion.”
Responding to questions from Belarus, Armenia, Children and Youth, and Tajikistan, Ahmadov replied that the conflict in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh represents the greatest obstacle to his country’s continued development, and that his country remains a responsible actor in addressing global problems.
Presenting the VNR for Afghanistan, Abdul Sattar Murad, Minister of Economy, highlighted an ongoing process of prioritization, alignment, and localization of the SDGs, noting 109 indicators have been divided over eight social and economic sectors. Among challenges he identified a lack of professional and technical capacity, finance, and technology; and conflict and insecurity. Nahid Farid, Member of Parliament, called for gender equality and peace. Zahra Nadiri, Senior Advisor to the President on UN Affairs, underscored Afghanistan’s battle against terrorism “on behalf of humanity and UN values.”
Responding to the stakeholder group of Volunteers, Murad and his delegation emphasized Afghanistan’s women’s empowerment programme and highlighted a significant rise in the number of girls going to school.
Presenting the VNR for Belize, Omar Figueroa, Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, outlined his country’s process of SDG prioritization through its Horizon 2030 programme. He highlighted: interventions and constraints to addressing poverty; a determination to extend Belize’s national health insurance scheme from 35% to full coverage; the National Gender Equality Policy; and innovative programmes in marine ecosystem management.
Responding to questions from Jamaica, the Maldives, Singapore, and the stakeholder group of Volunteers, Figueroa and his delegation highlighted efforts to ensure a consultative process in development of their country’s monitoring and evaluation framework and stressed the importance of creating intra-governmental synergies to ensure efficient use of finances.
Presenting the VNR for Denmark, Kristian Jensen, Minister of Finance, discussed an action plan that identifies prosperity, people, planet, and peace as priorities, with partnerships as a crosscutting principle. He stressed the need for further action on sustainable consumption and production, and the integration of marginalized groups. Ida Klockmann, Danish Family Planning Association, called for a gap analysis on all the SDGs and targets, and the integration of human rights. Answering questions posed by Indonesia, Jamaica, Estonia, NGOs, and Ethiopia, Jensen and his team noted the need for: multi-stakeholder forums; data availability; specific actions to promote social mobility; and learning and evaluation.
Voluntary National Reviews 12: This session, on Wednesday, 19 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Munir.
Presenting the VNR for Togo, Prime Minister Komi Sélom Klassou said that the SDG targets are prioritized to align with national objectives, the Economic Community of West African States Vision 2020, and Agenda 2063. He outlined his country’s plans to: establish agricultural hubs to consolidate self-sufficiency and improve agricultural trade balance; become a logistics hub in the sub-region; and formulate a strategy for growth of the blue economy.
Presenting the VNR for Cyprus, Nikos Kuyalis, Minister of Agriculture, underscored that despite an unprecedented economic crisis, his country remains “on a good course” to meet the SDGs. He highlighted the introduction of a national healthcare system that will improve utilization of resources and quality of care, and reduce inequality. Sotiris Themistokleous, Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology, stressed that corporate social responsibility can be a medium for the private sector to engage with SDGs in Cyprus.
Lead discussant Risto Artjoki, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Finland, identified VNRs as key tools for stakeholder engagement, stressing the importance of involving youth, women, the scientific community, and parliamentarians in particular. He asked Togo about administrative reforms deemed necessary to implement the 2030 Agenda, and encouraged continued structural reforms in Cyprus.
Lead discussant Emele Duituturaga, Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, said leaving no one behind boils down to “space, voice and resources.” While welcoming efforts by Togo and Cyprus to engage stakeholders, she cautioned that marginalized groups may not have been reached. She called for ECOSOC guidelines for citizen engagement that draw on inputs from MGoS, and for publication of shadow NGO reports on the UN website.
On questions raised by Morocco and Volunteers, Prime Minister Klassou emphasized the importance of: making results visible; tackling cultural barriers; preventing gender equality; and the critical role of infrastructure.
On questions raised by the stakeholder group of Volunteers, Denmark, Indonesia, Slovenia, and Morocco, Kuyalis and his team described efforts to: increase the participation of women in public life; promote environment-friendly marine aquaculture; support SMEs; make results visible; tackle cultural barriers to gender equality; and address infrastructure needs.
Voluntary National Reviews 13: This session, on Wednesday, 19 July, was chaired by ECOSOC Vice President Munir.
Presenting the VNR for Botswana, Slumber Tsogwane, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, described three guiding principles for development of his country’s national roadmap: coordination, implementation, and data use. Highlighting the national poverty eradication programme, he stressed its focus on the poorest segment of the population, the 6.4% of people who live on less than US$1.25 per day. Tsogwane underscored that linkages between poverty eradication and other Goals and targets, such as those related to good health and nutrition, are necessary to facilitate his country’s development trajectory.
In response to a question from Workers and Trade Unions, Tsowagne said that his country’s national steering committee includes unions.
Presenting the VNR for Qatar, Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Nabit, Minister of Development Planning and Statistics, highlighted the Qatar National Vision 2030, adopted in 2008, which rests on the four pillars of human, social, economic, and environmental development. He noted less than 1% youth unemployment, high levels of internet access, and the government’s emphasis on quality education.
Responding to Children and Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Qatar highlighted: 20% of revenue set aside for the education sector; an “unshakable commitment” to SDGs 5 and 7 (affordable and clean energy); and a ministry that addresses persons with disabilities.
Presenting the VNR for Slovenia, Alenka Smerkolj, Minister for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion; Kamal Izidor Shaker, Member of Parliament; and Albin Keuc, Sloga Platform, noted: the decision to embed the SDGs into the country’s new development framework rather than design a separate parallel process; inclusion of the human right to water in the Constitution; and the need for policy coherence and civil society empowerment.
Responding to the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, and the stakeholder group on Ageing, Slovenia highlighted: a focus on women’s empowerment and children’s well-being in development assistance; and a consultative process to develop Slovenia’s development strategy. Sabina Carli, UN Youth Delegate of Slovenia, stressed the importance of ensuring the government’s doors remain open in the SDG implementation process, and urged citizens “to go knock on them as loud as you can” if they are closed.
Presenting the VNR for Tajikistan, Nematullo Hikmatullozoda, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, highlighted the synergies between the 2030 Agenda and national plans, including the National Development Strategy 2030 and the Mid-Term Development Plan 2020. He noted the need for greater financial investments in securing clean and safe water and called for international partnerships.
Responding to questions raised by Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan, Hikmatullozoda highlighted the role of inter-ministerial coordination in the achievement of the SDGs; and his country’s support for inclusivity and broad participation in SDG implementation.
Presenting the VNR for El Salvador, Jaime Miranda, Vice Minister for Development Cooperation, said the government has prioritized nine Goals and 117 targets. Among key elements of progress in implementation of the 2030 Agenda, he cited: political leadership at the highest level; establishment of a national sustainable development agenda; technical coordination among the implementation team; and alignment with national development priorities. Miranda stressed that adaptation of the 2030 Agenda to the national context is a “means, not an end.”
Responding to questions from Belgium and NGOs, Miranda underscored that inclusion is a fundamental principle in his country’s five-year education plan.