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Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech
BRAC is the benchmark for a bottom-up NGO empowering peoples and collaborative networking. The community solutions it has scaled now make it the number 1 NGO in the world employing over 100000 peoples and impacting livelihoods that end poverty for families totaling over 100 million people. Since 1972 BRAC's win-win-win models have emerged to integrate the world's most purposeful organisation of partnerships that friends of The Economist's Entrepreneurial Revolution can value if they want to help the net generation race towards humanity's most life critical goals Its subsystems knowhow -including microfranchises, open value chains integrating bottom-up livelihoods, job creating models of banking, partners with youth's open tech wizards - offers the simplest curricula to understand how pro-youth economic maps have made millennium goal achievements by Bangladesh second to none, in ways that worthy of open replication wherever communities are racing to end poverty. |
..... Budapest June 2013 receiving Open Society Prize from George Soros |
10 Characteristics of DNA of Bottom UP NGO AS Most Purpose Sustaining Network in World
1 Enjoy the most local and extreme trusted relationships with those whose need is at the epicenre of your unique reason for existence. For example if you pursue the integenerational goal of eradicating extreme poverty out of every community then your co-workers need to be locally there in the very poorest communities. Compare this with a worthy international aid program which has to spend part of the funds identifying and earning the trust of the extreme poorest in each far away nation . And whose ability to contribute to intergenerational development is constrained by how look it is guaranteed to be there.
2 Establish a deepest basis for being the local collaboration partner of international choice. BRAC was born out of one the most disastrous situations ever experienced. About half a million people and infracstucture were wiped out by a local cyclone in 1972. Even famous global relief agencies could'nt get to the region without BRAC's help - so it was born a bottom-up relief agency. But BRAC also seized the opportunity to evolve from relief to development - compare this with some global relief agencies whose fund raising remits actually forbids them to contribute beyond immediacy of "the relief" stage
3 When you partber with international aid, be transparent in achievement of their specified goals but maximise local empowerment of local people in doing this and tranfer of knowhow. BRAC goes further and demonstrtaes through hi-trust research the win-win between the global good intent and the local empowermemt. This is one of the values of its own research division BRAC's founder Sir Fazle Abed discovered that the Brazilian Paulo Freire offered breakthrough processes in empowering the poorest to take charge. When BRAC started literacy and empowerment programs (including up to 100 modules based on Friere) were core in helping refugees who had started the 1970s by losing everything including confidence in self either in the war of independence or in natural disaster.
4 Also part of the research process in developing goal-solutions is the expectation that there will need to be several small scale trials to design effectiveness; then you work on the second e of efficiency; and then the 3rd e of expansion (scaling). This triple-e order of new product development is a basic truism in markets of the commercial world but its sad wgerever these innovation execution basics are not understood in parts of the NGO world.
5 Learning about the entrepreneurial revolution of microfranchise solutions is simplest if you study BRAC's cases first. Map how these suppport win-win clusters around key micro-up knowhow and networking structures. Characteristocs 6 and 7 review whether a microfranchise cluster is interdependent with a job creating village banking structure (sometimes called BRAC's microfinance plus plus)
6 What BRAC designs into its microfinance models (that cumulatively serve over 8 milion village members in Bangaldesh) is a local group formed typically around 45 village mothers . At each week's meeting circle, their local savings and credit needs are served by a brac vilage bank manager. Moreover the group's composition has been chosen so that to start up there is a balance of trades within the group - ie not excess supply of one need and lack of another. However through time BRAC analyses how to help different producers with productivity/quality that can extend the market beyond the group. With almost every kind of common crop and farm anima.l BRAC R&D has innovated output by sevral fold. Once BRAC knows how to empower villagers do this, it also takes charge of the whole sectors value chain so that the vilage producesr get a good market price for their sales beyond the group. In other words as long as brac microentrepreneur is a hard worker, the market risk is minimised by the way BRAC designs value chains integrating the smallest or poorest producers. This is all part of the bank's role in sustaining jobs and peoples and community devlopment through time
7 Example of brac that isnt directly connected to micrifinance are its schools now totaling over 40000 in Bangaldesh. This nation's constitution claims every child has a right to free primary education. But this did not mean that the new nation of Bangladesh in 1970s could afford this in all rural areas either in terms of the government providing the service or the families sending (especially girls) to school. BRAC's schools are a case of designing the most effective and efficient one room rural schools - helping government fill a gap it didnt have resources or locally skilled teachers to fill, in combination with international aid partners who care about child development as a basic human right
8 When opportunities come along to add to sustainability of a program (especially those still aid dependent for funding) brac is quite happy to invest in owning businesses whose profits are ploughed back into the overall BRAC NGO trust. An early examples was publishing school textbooks.
9 When technology changes ,its absolutely vital that a bootom-up NGO gets out there in the sectir to retain leadership of the value chain for pro-poor integration. So as information technology came to rural banglades,h BRAC opened up a nationwide banking system. This left its village banks largely unchanged , but helped BRAC sustain its value chain leadership or markets whose contonuing purpose it wanted designed round inclusion of the poorest. Today BRAC is also the benchmark for the global banks with values network - ie banks that care about investing in their customers productivity never in trapping them in debt
10 If you searching through BRAC partners, today they embrace almost any sector that could be relevant to eradicating poverty and they linkin the world's best open technology wizards from MIT and elsewhere. This also put BRAC in a good position to be the most collaborative force in open education by empowerng the net generation to achieve the most human goals that coilaboration technology empowering worldwide youth can design and loccally link in.
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10 characteristics of bottom-up ngo .where next? 9 minute test on bangladesh's 40 year development of poverty-ending bankingnotes from 42nd year of cataloguing social enterprises and microfra... 1.1 Differences and similarities between Bangladesh's 2 famous pro-youth networks: BRAC & Grameen 1.2 More on the pro-youth economic methods " microfranchise & Apps linking 1 with 2 through 7.. |
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These 3 slides condense 12 years of work by The Economist's pro-youth economist (aka dad of
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101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
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please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
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