Bangladesh Royal AI Club link Intel Glasgow1758-Asia-Ed3dao390

Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech

Breaking News 15 May- 2 earth moving meets this week- in washington DC with founder of ICAF largest/happiest youth summit process in world - in dubai with Hiro one of Japan's greatest partners in youth futures

Breaking Spring 2015 Stanford ONdemand

links DC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Boston 0  1  2  3  4 SanF 1  2

Americas : H Pa Co Pe Ch

Asia BRAC  Grameen Lucknow

Africa Kenya 1 2 S.Africa 1

Yazmi could be the best news in 44 yearsof celebrating every way that elearning media can be the opposite of mass tv

 Breaking news from 43rd year of net generation search for open elearnng started in The Economist in 1972

world bank open learning campus searcheds for cousrea partners who dont see certificates as main end game of education

coursera segments on demand

khan academy organises peer to peer competitions of health training

summary of maharishi uni.doc summary of maharishi uni.doc, 556 KB - summary of the most exciting entrepreneur curriculum in 43 years since my father at The Economist encouraged coming net generation to search for open education' "Entrepreneurial Revolution" -please tell us if you know of other job creating curricula

We (elders and youth of the net generation) could now be valuing a wholly different planet  

 if top 11 who's Free Education who knew how to collaborate with each other  -job creation dairy- job creation maps from world bank 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, 40 KB













since 1972 alumni of The Economist's Entrepreneurial Revolution have become convinced that education entrepreneurs models benefit most from collaboration and that open education is the key to the door of the net generation being 10 times more (or if we mess it up in next decade less ) productive and exponentially sustainable

we hope our guided tour of these 11 helps you  help youth celebrate the above conclusion - of course we are delighted to hear of nominations of other education collaboration entrepreneurs -rsvp but note our 11 are also chosen to complement each other


for example: Sal Khan's online academy demonstrates the most economic way to viralise any action learning that millions of youth could most gain from action networking, while


Sir Fazle Abed  has spent the last 43 years developing the ngo network that can claim all of these accolades:

biggest in terms of co-workers having served north of 100 million poorest mothers and children in Bangladesh and in the last decade or so replicating the model to many of the most seriously oppressed peoples on the planet

most collaborative

most educational driven in the action learning and job creating sense

the most value multiplying in terms of human livelihoods

consequently the curriculum of BRAC is worth more than any other curriculum that isnt yet available

BRAC is a curriculum replicator unlike any the real world 1 2 has ever seen. It now operates close to 50000 educational facilities -many no larger than a one room village school. Its metric has been to end generations of illiteracy among 15 million parents and 60 million children in rural Bangladesh. Paulo Freire was the first source Sir Fazle consulted on this part of BRAC's journey. Today BRAC also runs a city university one of whose unique features is every student spend an action learning term interning on a village innovation project


can you help norman macrae foundation call for a microeducationsummit before we lose the lifetime knowledge of these great educators (many way over 70) ?



  • what would a million youth most wish to see in a 6 weeks mooc guided tour to -if you can help our research please email  washington dc 1 301 881 1655


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Abstract:  The iDiscoveri case provides a background for discussion of several issues encountered by many start-ups and early stage companies:  learning from early mistakes, the importance of a competent and committed team, scaling up to service a huge market, possibilities of technology to enhance the product/service, and the challenge an entrepreneur faces in redefining his role as the business grows.

Since its founding in 2002, iDiscoveri had developed a progressive system of teaching methods and classroom materials that was markedly improving elementary school education for children in India.  By mid-2012, more than 650 public and private schools had adopted the system; some 400,000 K-7 students were using iDiscoveri’s materials.  Equally important, the fast-growing business had demonstrated scalability, was cash-flow positive, and was nearly profitable.

Looking forward, founder Ashish Rajpal saw no impediment to his intermediate goal of reaching one million students.  But one million was a tiny fraction of India’s 300 million elementary school students. There were millions more in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Could the company scale up to the point of meeting the needs of these larger populations? 

Rajpal also wondered about his future role at iDiscoveri.  He had been deeply involved in every aspect of the business since its founding.  He knew this would have to change, but who had the ability and sense of mission to carry the company to a higher level?


Case # 1-13-001
Publication date:  July 1, 2012
17 pages
Teaching note and videos available
We are currently building a platform to host the Legatum Case Studies library, to be launched in Spring 2014.  Until then, kindly contact Anna Omura,, if you are interested in obtaining our current cases.
  1. XSEED - Improve Education in Schools, Quality Teaching ...

    XSEED is a complete academic solution for schools to improve quality of education. It helps schools build quality in teaching and learning. Improvement in ...
  2. Who we are - iDiscoveri Leadership
    Ashish Rajpal (Founder and CEO) quit an international corporate career to startiDiscoveri. Apart from managing iDiscoveri's growing organization, he creates ...
  3. Ashish Rajpal, CEO iDiscoveri | MIT Legatum Center
    Massachusetts Institute of...
    Abstract: The iDiscoveri case provides a background for discussion of several issues encountered by many ...
  4. idiscoveri - XSEED
    A DREAM TO UNLEASH EVERY MIND iDiscoveri is an audacious idea about utilizing education to awaken our society. Our schools. Our workplaces. A journey ...
  5. XSEED Education | LinkedIn
    The iDiscoveri Leadership business focuses on creating sustainable leadership in organizations through receptive learning and change to drive business ...
  6. iDiscoveri Leadership | LinkedIn
    iDiscoveri Leadership enables organizations develop sustainable leadership in individuals and teams through learning driven interventions aligned to business ...
  7. Xseed education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Xseed education is an educational approach in India, developed by iDiscoveri, India. XSEED is a complete academic solution for schools. It raises student ...
  8. Tedx Talk by Ashish Rajpal, iDiscoveri Education - YouTube

    Dec 15, 2011 - Uploaded by XSEED iDiscoveri
    Tedx Talk by Ashish Rajpal, iDiscoveri Education ... Ashish Rajpal, iDiscoveri on CNBC India's `Young ...
  9. iDiscoveri XSEED Program (2010) - YouTube

    Oct 26, 2010 - Uploaded by XSEED iDiscoveri
    XSEED is a Practical, Proven & Complete School Solution that improves both Quality & Returns.
  10. iDiscoveri: An Innovative Startup That is Reviving Education in India ...
    Feb 27, 2012 - As an innovative education company with a mission to unleash the potential of every mind, iDiscoveri has a dual focus on learning and ...

Bernardo wrote Yes as soon as I get to Miami i will move very fast, In march i will be in South Africa, Cote d`Ivory and R. of Congo. I will also have a back to office report (BTOR) to you


Bernardo good luck -however if any brainstorm comes to you as to what poorest hispanic women first need to connect across the entire american continent on free mobile - eg safety line against abuse please tell naila as her march journey through ireland switzerland, LA and kenya is about signing up such a franchise and testing if carlos slim will lay on poorest womens terms


If you are passing through johannesburg tell us and we'll see if we can linkin taddy-by the way mostofa has just finished a week in lucknow understanding how they are redesigning entrepreneur and sustainability curriculum for 50000 children citymontessori   Jgandhi   globaledu


they are proposing taddy and they meet in august? to swap notes- I guess that is phase 1 of many phases at which youth summits swaps notes on entrepreneurship


I am desperately trying to involve china, korea, and japan in similar note swapping , and ultimately notes are effectively swapped when they are up in 9 minute modules like khan's



I sort of feel that when yunus sees this page of khans he will see how far he's got behind with nursing college even as that becomes the first card for millions of youth to viralise; similarly millions of youth are now viralising jim kims knowhow on what  youth's most collaborative social movements really do below the radar


Also between now and june its essential to share short transcripts on how the real microcredits work; if jim kim gets to the annual results conference and find they are still spamming the whole world bank with fund microcredits no matter what they are do there will be an unhappy ending to everything micro financial



Jeroo Bilimoria founded as founder of india orphanage she developed financial literacy curriculum now franchised out of amsterdam to 100 nation's primary schools in poor area; she also founded also run out of amsterdam

good time to map what university partnering networks connect what eg -glad to see 2 of my norther england alma maters centrally involved 

Also in this section

WUN Governance


WUN is managed by a Secretariat, which is responsible for the operations, communications and strategy implementation of the network.

Company Secretarial and financial management services are currently provided by specialists from the University of Leeds.

Executive Director: Professor John Hearn

General Manager: Nicholas Haskins

Company Secretary: Helena Smith

Partnership Board

The Partnership Board provides entrepreneurial leadership of the company within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed. The Board sets the strategic direction and vision of the company, its culture, its values and the behaviours it wishes to promote in conducting its business. 

The Board comprises the Presidents, Vice-Chancellors or Rectors of the member universities and the WUN Executive Director. Collectively, the Board has considerable international influence and ensures that WUN is recognised as a leading global higher education network.

Chair: Dr Indira Samarasekera, President, The University of Alberta

Steering Group

  • Sir Keith Burnett, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Sheffield
  • Dr Rodney Erickson, President, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Professor John Hearn, WUN Executive Director
  • Professor Stuart McCutcheon, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Auckland
  • Professor Don Nutbeam, The University of Southampton
  • Dr Max Price, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Cape Town (Vice-Chair)
  • President Joseph Sung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Chancellor Rebecca Blank, The University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Sir Keith Burnett, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Sheffield
  • Professor Koen Lamberts, Vice-Chancellor, The University of York
  • Professor Paul Johnson, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Western Australia
  • Sir Alan Langlands, The University of Leeds
  • Professor Jianhua Lin, President, Zhejiang University
  • Professor Dag Rune Olsen, Rector, The University of Bergen
  • Professor Dr Martin Paul, President, Maastricht University
  • President Joel Seligman, President, The University of Rochester
  • Professor Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Sydney
  • Sir Eric Thomas, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Bristol


Academic Advisory Group

The Academic Advisory Group is responsible for overseeing the academic portfolio of the Network and advising the Partnership Board on strategic direction. It is made up senior administrators, usually at the level of Vice-President or Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for the research or internationalisation priorities of the member universities.  It is the task of this group to draw the threads from individual member universities together so as to nurture high impact communities tackling issues of global importance.

Chair: Professor Robyn Owens, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Western Australia

Steering Group

  • Professor Murray Gray, Vice-Provost (Academic) and Associate Vice-President (Research), The University of Alberta
  • Professor Sian Griffiths, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Peter Lennie, Provost, The University of Rochester (Deputy Chair)
  • Professor Tom van Veen, Dean, Internationalisation of Education, Maastricht University
  • Professor Danie Visser, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Cape Town


  • Professor Jane Harding, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Auckland
  • Professor David Hogg, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Innovation, The University of Leeds
  • Professor Rebecca Hughes, Pro Vice‐Chancellor for International, The University of Sheffield
  • Professor Anne Christine Johannessen, Vice‐Rector for International Relations, The University of Bergen
  • Professor Nick Lieven, Pro‐Vice‐Chancellor, The University of Bristol
  • Professor Deborah Smith, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, The University of York
  • Professor Guido Podestá, Vice-Provost for Globalization, The University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Professor Yonghua Song, Executive Vice President for International Relations, Zhejiang University
  • Professor Mark Spearing, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), The University of Southampton
  • Professor Martin Trethewey, WUN AAG representative, The Pennsylvania State University


Institutional Coordinators

Each WUN member university appoints an administrator to manage the implementation of the WUN strategies and programs on campus and to serve as the main contact point for network initiatives. This group shares information on collaborative opportunities and develops WUN’s research programs. Your local WUN Coordinator should be your first point of contact for information on WUN. Contact details for your WUN Coordinator can be found on the WUN member pages.

Associated research groups

here is version of wiki of 50000 alumni of chnage the world as at 31 march 2014 - for updates live at coursera you will need an alumni login -25000 live youth are invited to take this benchmark and re-edited it on Road to Atlanta Nov 2015


Please remember that anyone with a Coursera ID may edit this page. Therefore, respect and courtesy toward your fellow students is advised.



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Energy University offered by the main global corporate partner of Energy Social Business of Muhammad Yunus

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  • Dark Money Who funds climate change deniers?
  • How to talk to an ostrich Know any folks who stick their heads in the sand about climate change or clean energy? How about your skeptical brother-in-law, or know-it-all aunt? Here’s how you could answer if they try to speak ostrich to you!
  • [Mechants of Doubt] ( The troubling story of how a cadre of influential scientists have clouded public understanding of scientific facts to advance a political and economic agenda.

Disease and Global Health Care

Women, Education and Social Change

  • Room to Read For people interested in education and literacy in developing and impoverished countries, check out Room to Read. Room to Read is doing great work for underprivileged children around the world and has already, in just 14 years, helped 8 million children become literate, given scholarships to over 18,000 girls, built over 2,000 libraries, and created over 450 schools. What they have accomplished is amazing, but with our help, they can do even more. Check them out at These guys know how to change the world!

  • Malala Yousafzai address to UN Youth Assembly Education activist Malala Yousafzai marks her 16th birthday, on Friday, 12 July 2013 at the United Nations by giving her first high-level public appearance and statement on the importance of education. Additional updates in a blog post here and in a video here.

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I set up 3 separate links below to organize information in this course that can't be effectively maintained by the Course Forums. What is missing a well-organized class notes from the video lectures. Is there any notes taker willing to put out his/her work?

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KERRY GLASGOWIS HUMANITY'S LAST BEST CHANCE - Join search for Sustainaabilty's Curricula

101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970

Dear Robert - you kindly asked for a short email so that you could see if there is a CGTN anchor in east coast who might confidentially share views with my expectation of how only Asian young women cultural movements (parenting and community depth but amplified by transparent tech in life shaping markets eg health, food, nature..) can return sustainability to all of us
three of my father's main surveys in The Economist 1962-1977 explain imo where future history will take us (and so why younger half of world need friendship/sustainable adaptation with Chinese youth -both on mainland and diaspora)
 1962 consider japan approved by JF Kennedy: argued good news - 2 new economic models were emerging through japan korea south and taiwan relevant to all Asia Rising (nrxt to link the whole trading/supply chains of the far east coast down through hong kong and cross-seas at singapore)
1 rural keynsianism ie 100% productivity in village first of all food security- borlaug alumni ending starvation
2 supercity costal trade models which designed hi-tech borderless sme value chains- to build a 20 million person capital or an 8 million person superport you needed the same advances in engineering - partly why this second economic model was win-win for first time since engines begun Glasgow 1760 ; potentially able to leverage tech giant leaps 100 times ahead; the big opportunity von neumann had gifted us - knowhow action networking multiply value application unlike consuming up things
1976 entrepreneurial revolution -translated into italian by prodi - argued that future globalisation big politics big corporate would need to be triangularised by community scaled sme networks- this was both how innovation advancing human lot begins and also the only way to end poverty in the sense of 21st C being such that next girl born can thrive because every community taps in diversity/safety/ valuing child and health as conditions out of which intergenerational economic growth can spring
in 1977 fathers survey of china - argued that there was now great hope that china had found the system designs that would empower a billion people to escape from extreme poverty but ultimately education of the one child generation (its tech for human capabilities) would be pivotal ( parallel 1977 survey looked at the futures of half the world's people ie east of iran)
best chris macrae + 1 240 316 8157 washington DC
 - we are in midst of unprecedented exponential change (dad from 1960s called death of distance) the  tech legacy of von neumann (dad was his biographer due to luckily meeting him in his final years including neumann's scoping of brain science (ie ai and human i) research which he asked yale to continue in his last lecture series). Exponential risks of extinction track to  mainly western top-down errors at crossroads of tech  over last 60 years (as well as non transparent geonomic mapping of how to reconcile what mainly 10 white empires had monopoly done with machines 1760-1945 and embedded in finance - see eg keynes last chapter of general theory of money); so our 2020s destiny is conditioned by quite simple local time-stamped details but ones that have compounded so that root cause and consequence need exact opposite of academic silos- so I hope there are some simple mapping points we can agree sustainability and chinese anchors in particular are now urgently in the middle of
Both my father at the economist and I (eg co-authoring 1984 book 2025 report, retranslated to 1993 sweden's new vikings) have argued sustainability in early 21st c will depend mostly on how asians as 65% of humans advance and how von neumann (or moores law) 100 times more tech every decade from 1960s is valued by society and business.
My father (awarded Japan's Order of Rising Sun and one time scriptwriter for Prince Charles trips to Japan) had served as teen allied bomber command burma campaign - he therefore had google maps in his head 50 years ahead of most media people, and also believed the world needed peace (dad was only journalist at messina birth of EU ) ; from 1960 his Asian inclusion arguments were almost coincidental to Ezra Vogel who knew much more about Japan=China last 2000 years ( additionally  cultural consciousness of silk road's eastern dynamics not golden rule of Western Whites) and peter drucker's view of organisational systems
(none of the 10 people at the economist my father had mentored continued his work past 1993- 2 key friends died early; then the web turned against education-journalism when west coast ventures got taken over by advertising/commerce instead of permitting 2 webs - one hi-trust educational; the other blah blah. sell sell .sex sell. viral trivial and hate politicking)
although i had worked mainly in the far east eg with unilever because of family responsibilities I never got to china until i started bumping into chinese female graduates at un launch of sdgs in 2015- I got in 8 visits to beijing -guided by them around tsinghua, china centre of globalisation, a chinese elder Ying Lowrey who had worked on smes in usa for 25 years but was not jack ma's biographer in 2015 just as his fintech models (taobao not alibaba) were empowering villagers integration into supply chains; there was a fantastic global edutech conference dec 2016 in Tsinghua region (also 3 briefings by Romano Prodi to students) that I attended connected with  great womens education hero bangladesh's fazle abed;  Abed spent much of hs last decade hosting events with chinese and other asian ambassadors; unite university graduates around sdg projects the world needed in every community but which had first been massively demonstrated in asia - if you like a version of schwarzman scholars but inclusive of places linking all deepest sustainability goals challenges 
and i personally feel learnt a lot from 3 people broadcasting from cgtn you and the 2 ladies liu xin and  tian wei (they always seemed to do balanced interviews even in the middle of trump's hatred campaigns), through them I also became a fan of father and daughter Jin at AIIB ; i attended korea's annual general meet 2017 of aiib; it was fascinating watching bankers for 60 countries each coming up with excuses as to why they would not lead on infrastructure investments (even though the supercity economic model depends on that)
Being a diaspora scot and a mathematician borders (managers who maximise externalisation of risks) scare me; especially rise of nationalist ones ;   it is pretty clear historically that london trapped most of asia in colomisdation ; then bankrupted by world war 2 rushed to independence without the un or anyone helping redesign top-down systems ; this all crashed into bangladesh the first bottom up collaboration women lab ; ironically on health, food security, education bangladesh and chinese village women empowerment depended on sharing almost every village microfranchise between 1972 and 2000 especially on last mile health networking
in dads editing of 2025 from 1984 he had called for massive human awareness by 2001 of mans biggest risk being discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations; he suggested that eg public broadcast media could host a reality tv end poverty entrepreneur competition just as digital media was scaling to be as impactful as mass media
that didnt happen and pretty much every mess - reactions to 9/11, failure to do ai of epidemics as priority from 2005 instead of autonomous cars, failure to end long-term carbon investments, subprime has been rooted in the west not having either government nor big corporate systems necessary to collaboratively value Asian SDG innovations especially with 5g
I am not smart enough to understand how to thread all the politics now going on but in the event that any cgtn journalist wants to chat especially in dc where we could meet I do not see humans preventing extinction without maximising chinese youth (particularly womens dreams); due to covid we lost plans japan had to relaunch value of female athletes - so this and other ways japan and china and korea might have regained joint consciousness look as if they are being lost- in other words both cultural and education networks (not correctly valued by gdp news headlines) may still be our best chance at asian women empowerment saving us all from extinction but that needs off the record brainstorming as I have no idea what a cgtn journalist is free to cover now that trump has turned 75% of americans into seeing china as the enemy instead of looking at what asian policies of usa hurt humans (eg afghanistan is surely a human wrong caused mostly by usa); a; being a diaspora scot i have this naive idea that we need to celebrate happiness of all peoples an stop using media to spiral hatred across nations but I expect that isnt something an anchor can host generally but for example if an anchor really loves ending covid everywhere then at least in that market she needs to want to help united peoples, transparency of deep data etc

2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-

please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain  locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around   adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi

help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann


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