Bangladesh Royal AI Club link Intel Glasgow1758-Asia-Ed3dao390
Sir Fazle Abed -top 70 alumni networks & 5 scots curious about hi-trust hi-tech welcomes you - text +1 240 316 8157 facebook- queries norman macrae foundation of journalists and educators for sustainability
5 local to narionwide markets matching SDGs 1-5
5) Safety (100% lives matter
communities of 100000 people)
3) Health's last mile
4) Education for livelihoods
2) Food (human energy) security for all
1 Love-servant leaders/last mile Finance
5 factor version of 17 sdgs
1 end poverty- ie design world so each next child born has great chance at life
sdgs2-6 hunger health edu equality of gender, sanitation
sdgs7-12 infrastructure foe smes inclusion
sdgs 13-16 climate
goal 17 partnerships communities national corporate
5 markets of youthful nations
Sports & Arts
5 mid 20th century innovations
Engines for humanity
Satellite and other comms
Tech -computing power
Y youth can do moon races
Tech's moore exponential - 100 times moore ecery decade
0g 1970s
1g 1980s
2g 1990s
3g 2000s
4gs 20101
5gs 2020
5e's of microfranchising
5value chains
1 village
200k villages
3 national
4 transnational
5 worldwide
email to join BRACnet and help develop the MOOCs sustainability youth need to share with each other -
4 education &
17 Youth-public-private partnering
1 end poverty
2 zero hunger
3 good health wellbeing
5 gender equality
6 clean water sanitation
7 affordable clean energy
8 decent work
economic growth
9 industry, innovation, infrastructure
10 reduce inequality
11 sustainable cities communities
12 responsible consumption and production
13 climate action
14 life below water
15 life on land
16 peace & justice========
come co-blog with us at 30 Economist blogs eg
millennial reporters wanted at partners in GAMES & book of
B01 Bangladesh economical miracle of 15 million poorest village mothers grasssroots networking -good news reporting with and and unacknowledgedgiant
online library of norman macrae--
Pre-Digital Villages Bangladesh Curricula
1 Bottom Up Disaster Relief coordinator and bridge to development
2 POP Trainers network modelled on Paulo Freire and Action Learning Research
3 Transforming village culture and trust by building health service networking from scratch-prioritising maternal and infant nneeds so as t increase life expectancy and reduca family size
4 Microfranchise version of microfinance - credit for lowest cost livelihoods development and savings and other financial services for poorest; value chain transformation secures livelihoods and maximises BRAC's sustainability (ultimate goal 90% self-financing and 10% funding for egdgiest innovation)
5 Largest non-governmental schools network from primary up with particular impact on girl effect
6 World class agricultural epicentre of poorest crop science, poultry, dairy
Curricula of Post-Digital Bangladesh Villages and BRAC International
7 BRAC University -first in Bangladesh then as labs eg with Berkeley
8 BRAC Bank -rural to urban 2nd generation families including girl effect
9 Ladders prior to microcredit membership; ultra poor, and extreme challenges of open society (eg post genocide reconciliation),
10 Cashless banking completes end to end banking for poor system in Bangladesh
If you understand BRAC curricula as a benchmark easiest to naviage through all world record job creation networks
When I visit Sir Fazle Abed at the world's favorite social network of systems BRAC, I see maps emerging millennials next 3 billion jobs. Two question to you-how can we share this good news so that everyone can try it out, and if you know of any organisation youth could enjoy valuing more than BRAC please tell me-
6 Next half billion jobs of health
5 Next half billion jobs of land - food, water, energy, zero footprint commons/infrastructures, rural-urban harmony of futures
4 First half billion jobs of everyone's a life long learner and peer to peer teacher/mentor of flow
3 First half billion jobs of youth's open source tech wizards
2 ER's First half billion jobs of redesigning purposes of all other trillion dollar markets to joyfully frees entrepreneurial livelihood
;1 First half billion jobs of professionals under 35 who align professions and public service to end poverty and invest in millennials' goals of borderless "global village" world.
43 years after The Economist 1 2 declared open education as epicentre of youth's greatest Entrepreneurial Revolution:
planetmooc invites you to celebrate and map free education's greatest freedom enetrepreneurs: from how the world's most collaborative NGO BRAC spreads job creating edu everywhere it links to free universities such as blechers world first in 1999 to how youth most vauable use of the web moocs , khan-acs and OLA's!!!
rsvp Wash DC YouthCReativelab hotline 1 301 881 1655
microfranchises correspondence welcome - From Entrepreneurial Revolution's search for microfranchises started in The Economist in 1972:
Bangla Microbanks- Grameen and BRAC - the pro-youth economics significance of microbanks can systematically be audited to the extent that they turn value chains bottom-up. Born of the new nation of Bangladesh's extreme poverty in the 1970s, these banks lead the world of pro-youth economics through the the number of replicable microfranchises they innovate - catalogue of where to help develop this curriculum. Furthermore, since 1996 Bangladesh became the first place to attract partnerships in mobile village solutions to all the most vital needs youth and families have to be sustainable
help worldwide youth networks action learn how curriculum of BRAC makes one of top 10 networks for womens livelihoods
-------------in our searches is youth world's most valuable organization - other nominations welcome most valuable for community sustaining banking, most valuable for sustaining farmers, most valued for job creating education. most effective in flowing disaster relief through to development, most affordable healthcare, most vital connections with open source technologists ...
brac's home web 1 2 3 4
fan web of sir fazle abed
Government Alliances Corporate Alliances
Implementation Partners Knowledge Partners
Partnerships for BRAC International
please use this ning to discuss sustainability solutions that brac open sources
HAPPY 2013
Will you join collaboration entrepreneurs in pro-youth educational revolutions like MOOC (Massive Open Online Course/Curriculum) -and so linkin pro-youth economies all over the world of post 2015 millennium goals?
help urgently call for microeducationsummit so that post-2015 millennium goals converge win-wins (instead of being separated tasks) and leaders wholly invest in youth's extraordinary capability mobilising collaboration technology
We rely on a vast array of partners in our mission to serve the poorest communities around the world. It is important for us to look beyond our present role of mere service providers and invest in building a broad-based coalition of rights-based development partners capable of fighting the policies that drive neo-liberal urbanism, and pressing for collective bargaining rights of the poor and marginalized. By working in partnership, we improve our efficiency and effectiveness, and increase our impact on poverty. We collaborate with government agencies and other humanitarian organizations operating on the local, national and international level, who provide us with cash and in-kind donations, expertise, shared resources and other forms of support. All of these programs reflect the strengths and determination of BRAC, its employees, partners and supporters who, working hand in hand with the citizens of Bangladesh have demonstrated the power of ideas and local action.
2011 Annual Donor Consortium Meeting Presentation [PDF-2 MB] by Executive Director
2010 BRAC Annual Reports
Audit Reports:
Financial Information
BRAC uses every dollar efficiently
A naturally thrifty organisation, we keep our overhead low - always less than 7 percent - to make more money available for our programmes. With modestly-compensated staff members, who live in simple accommodations close to the people they serve, BRAC uses every dollar efficiently. When we enter a community, we do so with the idea of assisting the largest number of people possible, with the support and services they need most. Having honed our skills over three decades, we know how to start small and how to rapidly scale up effective, anti-poverty efforts. The growth of BRAC in Bangladesh over the past three decades is reflected in our solid financial performance. Our annual programme expenditures in 1980 were USD $780,000, which grew to USD $485 million in 2007. Underlying this staggering growth is our transformation from a small, local development organisation to a global movement fighting to end poverty.
Our Tax ID in the USA is: 20-8456741.
Our UK Registered Charity Number: 1115482
Financing BRAC International Programmes
Internationally, BRAC has built a solid financial base in Bangladesh, growing from a tiny start-up into the largest development organisation in the country. In 1980, programmes in Bangladesh were funded exclusively with donor money. However, over the years we have steadily reduced our dependence on donor contributions through growing microfinance, and developing social enterprises that have not only created employment for many poor people, but have also enabled us to generate income for our programmes. Similarly, when we first launched programmes in Afghanistan in 2002, we again found ourselves in a start-up mode, self-financing our budget in the first year. As we began to demonstrate success, we received donor funds to scale-up our programmes. As in Bangladesh, we have begun building a path to financial self-sustainability and as of 2007, 40% of annual expenditures were self-financed.
Financing BRAC Programmes in Africa
2006 marked the start of our programmes in Africa. In extending our reach to Africa, we must rely on private donors as donor countries make grants in Africa directly to national governments, rather than to organisations on the ground. Given that we are unable to access government grants on the scale needed for our programmes in Africa, we need sustained philanthropic support to continue expanding and launching new programmes, while we work toward financial self sustainability in every country where we operate.
BRAC won the CGAP Financial Transparency Award in 2005 & 2006
BRAC’s commitment to accountability and transparency has been recognised by CGAP, an independent policy and research centre dedicated to advancing financial access for the world’s poor.
Story at hod 390 of 21st c educariions ed3dao and elsewhere, we seek to redefine education (as uniting generaions brain power eg 4 bilion millennials and 4 billion elders). This is a different susyems world from examining kids. We seek collaboration spaces to empower intelligence multiplication, and celebrate agency matching experiential learning with great livelohhods..
Motivations of ths "deepseek" of Kings English LLM start with Adam Smith moral sentiments 1758. In English Artificial and Engineered are synonyms for systems made by man instead of by nature.
Moreover In Smith's time if you went to university you went to a local one to start your teens. He went to Glasgow U. It is not evident that modern schooling whoch puts teens in a classrrom away from real life apprenticeships has productive effets for many. We can surely seieze the 21st opportunity for digital to free tecahers to coach particularly where one on one human intention isoptimal.
Smith was already a graduate at Oxford by age 15. He did not approve of how higher ed was being siloised around hierarchies benefiting non-innovarive professors. They were distamced form what students most needed to innovate. Nor as a Scot did he like being colonised by London. That's how hos life's work included advising Scots as originatung engineering IP to go scale at continental levels with Irish frineds in USA. Scottish engneering knowledge invented physical power, transporation by rail and the manufacturing age but not telecoms and electricity advanced by cemtral eupean engineers who by 1865 appointed switzerland to be standard seeters of these engineering networks. Engineering also root caused revolutions. 1776 Americans telling London to stop desiging their new world's trade which had the consequence that the British Empire dpuble down on owning asian world trade in semi-partnership with the Dutsch and the Poruguese.. Late 1770s France ending Kings and coining entrepreneurial society. By 1843 a young queen Victoria asked Scot James Wislon to apply the Ec0onomist and other Royal Society newsletters to transform leadership of empire from ruling slavemaking waves to commonwealth.Wilson had some success (eg repealing the corn laws) to 1859 when Victoria sent him to Calutta to charer banking/taxation by and for the quarter of humans living on the India subcontient. Year 1 of the state of India's finances went well. In year 2 Wislon died of diarrrhea. (It took over 110 years to find the cure (oral dehydration) end diarrhea as being the biggest killer of infants and elderly in tropical humid climates. Back in 1860, the Britain and the world's worst corporation East India Company seizeded the opportunity to sale (wuth motorised engines) round Bay of Bengal and to impose opium as a currency on the Chinese who sensibly refused. The chinese continent closed down trade for 110 years leaving Brit Hong Kong as far east portal to Brotish trade. Soon Japan took over thye vacuum of far east coastlines down to Singapore. This by the start of world war 2 while the main mess was north-south europe including Germany's Hitler and Russia's Stalin; there was also the question of how trade could be win-win transformed all across the pacific ocean coastilines home to over two thirds of human (butas yet undeveloped) brainpower. My dad norman served as teenage navigator allied bomber command Burmain world war 2. Surviving he married daughter of Sir Kenneth Kemp. The Kemps wre Scottish Diaspora Pharmasciasts in India (Mumbai Kemps Corner) and Kenneth mediated with Gandhi what became the legalsese of India's Independence. Dad's one deep advantage from his teenage experience was mental maps in his head of the world coastilines; he returned to Cambridge for last class of keynes; was hired by Economist editor Geoffrey Crowther to go learn for year of 1951 on Princeto & NY what the brainworkers engineering revolution of Neumann-Einstein_Turing was all about. For dad and the NET uniting barinworkers stories around the world was always due to be an exciting intergenerational race of expoenetial opportunirty (win-win) trade versus zero-sum risks. Dad's 1955 opportunity as only journalist at Messina founding of EU was only a patchy good. While agreeing with Monet's purpose, brussels execution soon bueraucratised the opposite. Dad had more luck in celebrating the NET's with JFK and the Royal fanilies of UK and Japan. Hence Royal AI (comon welath english llm) is one way to deep seek.
The net had advised that 3 by one million tech waves would need to be integrated by 2025 in time for milennials to be brainworkers first renewable (borderless digoital as well as real community) generation; : roughly this means understanding the million-fild engineering gift of silicon chop makers form gordon moore's valley to chang's taiwan foundry. The legacy of Kennrdy's moon race as satellites mobilised data clouds linking in every communityy and gps on earth and in space. Redesigning accelerated computing 2.0 from IBM 1963 binary digits and linear central pro0cessing to Nvidia's 1993 onward non-linear and pizel inputted langiage co-designed with pixar from 2002 and the borth of health ai with scanning from 2006. Innovation is always hapening somewhere but tech is unevenly distributed. Ione of our fav enegineering stiries is how asian women empowerment emerged around fazle abed and soon unicef;s james grant. Abed escaped with his life as engoneer of shell while pahistan ran the bay of bengla's muslim terrorotiry to serving 100000 vilage communities of the new nation of bangladesh thrpugh which womens locak busiensses built the nations health servoce and its education susyste, BRAC's contribution o deep end poverty intellugece and valuing women as much as maen's brains has been recgnied in at lest 3 way- charles 2009 knoghthood to Fazle abed, qatar forst lady building the edication laureay6es wise and helath laureaste wish around abed as first intelligence designer from 2012. Hong Kong's Yidan proze from 2017
In 1859 Queen Vic and Economist James Wilson started banking for Commonwealth, 101 years after Adam Smith started lessons on moral sentiment market purposes. 113 years later one man Fazle Abed and 1 billion women start reconnecting - by 1984 the superbowl found its purpose steve jobs launch of personal computing... watch this space
TO 8 billion Beings- may your 2023 be kind & safe
ED: 2023 is 73rd year since my family and friends started applying von neumann's survey - what goods can privileged peoples unite who gain first access to 100 times more tech per decade? ; Dad, Norman Macrae, had survived serving as teen navigator allied bomber command Burma- so search for goods resonated with his life's purpose.
At year 25, dad at Economist published Xmas 1976 survey - to end poverty wherever next girl was born constitutions would need changing from top-down big orgs to integrate SMe networks celebrating every villages diversity.
1984 was first time I joined father co-authoring genre - if course dad norman macrae continued to mediate would elders make millennials first sustainability or extinction generation in line with Neumann's concerns- see biography of von neumann ,
Royal Automobile Club, 2008,Dads last public birthday party introduced 40 St James friends to the miracle of Bangladesh as pivotal in advancing lives of leading friends to 16 trips to Bangladesh. When we asked if we could MOOC- Sir Fazle Abed or Nobel Dr Yunus - they said only if C=Cooperation. We continue 2020s search - can Neumanns ArtsI maximise cooperations of 8 billion humans intels? Here is a whatsapp group connecting un, ny, geneva, HK and singapore africa - why not you. If you have ever played pelman
-please excuse next section -its like pelman snapping action solution of educators who inspire me most - all errors are mine alone -
in 2023 I will mainly be in DC NY and Glasgow though I miss ever one of my 60 trips to Asia started 1982 when Unilever kindly asked me to survey how they launched first national womens brand Maya Sutra - see story of next 15 years of mediating muslim womens self-confidence thanks to Unilever at brand chartering handbook
---Dad Norman would have been 100 in 2023. Lucky to survive world war 2 as teen navigator allied bomber command Burma, he probably found The Economist's most exciting scoop since founder James Wilsonwas sent by Queen Victoria 1859 to Charter Bank for India's people. Death by diarrhea after James' first state of the nation's taxation left a gap of 112 years before the people east of Calcutta ie Bangladesh got a chance to build their own nation.
The stories of Asian Village mothers building nations log Soon after dad died the Japan Ambassador to Dhaka staged 2 Remembrance parties at their embassy in Dhaka - roundtable dinners moderated by Fazle Abed. His first chosen subject what could the first quarter of a century of women cooperation universities do to changeteacher and Sustain Life . He had opened Brac U in 2001 to find out with what was now his 30 years of favorite partners and platformd designers in poverty alleviations. Abed died dec 2019 but not before planting a legacy round possibly the 7 most exciting agendas university graduates (and indeed a world of lifelong students and teachers) have ever been privileged to energise
1 AbedPlay aims to unite the world in celebrating play school teachers and kids 3-6. Under 6 year old human development accounts for half of all human development and its mind boggling that the UN and world bank took until 2016 before Abed alumni interacting with the new sdgoals saw their chance to demand worldwide community collaboration
coming soon Abed Entrepreneurial Revolutions 2 thru 7
=Glasgow Invites you to celebrate 265th Smithian Moral Sentiments Dialogue with -101 ways that education can save your children from extinction. Smithiands have chosen this name to honor Fazle Abed who advised us to clarify why in 1997 was a movement claiming to celebrate lessons from rural women ending poverty called microctreditsummit not microeducations summit; and why in 2015 didmations promise to achieve 17 Sustainability Development Goals instead of Cooperation Development Goals. In both cases the actions we needed to celebrate (the means) surely mattered if the end game was to advabce the human lot not destroy our species Abed's body of work can be looked at in two halves; 1970-1996 designing community and nation building solutions among vilage mothers who had no acess to electricity grids. Deisging cooperations platforms when partners brough solar and mobile so that all humans could celebrate the deepest leapfrog models out of rural advancement. In their time, both systemtransforamtions were controversial : changing the western model of aid, chnaging to what UN leader Antnios Gutterres calls digital Roadmapping UN2.0 (a benchmark for government transforamtion evetwhere) WHICH DO YOU WANT TO LEARN
Cooperations around the 5 interlocking subsystems : designing finace to end poverty , end startvation, end premature death, by designing education and empowering women to be as coommunally safe and productive as men | How those most inspired by Abed stood up and siad enough when year 1 review of the 17 sdgs showed their neithr resources nor solutions for edycatrion goal 4 to be attainable in 21st C let alonne the 2030 deadline which 200 nations leaders proclaimed. Relegating education to a goal when it is oir solution space is not smart. So the entrepreneurial revolutionaries set iff the next day to connect education with thiose inside the Un who practised tech chnage, health at the last mile, inclusinve trade mapping - all were in Geneva's twin of the policy making hq in NY. Initally called the Digital Cooperation movement , theirs is now the coirberstone to the 9 piece transformational jigsaw that UN leader Guterres sees as the once chnave we have to transform UN and and any sustainable partnrer including other ppace goverments to sustainability dutections not today;s current extinction directionbs |
It is interesting to assess Fazle Abed's 50 years cooperation platforms through which a billion rural Asian mothers did the most to end poverty with Keynes last chapter of General Theory of Employment Money & Interest.
Keynes said increasing the world's future will be expoenentially locked in by a handful of economic scribblers whose rules legislatures rule with. Abed's model is the last one to priorise human and natural development over paper money printing chasing money. More importntly it empowers practical solutions mappable across any and every community confronting life threatesing chalenges.
Abed's contributions can be studied in 2 parts. From 1970 to 1996- how to empower communit development and nation building in a nation or regions where 90% of peoples start with no access to electricity.
That is an educational study which necessarily depends on word on mouth cooperation netwotrking and once enough literacy is attained what printed resources are shared. Then partners brugh abned solar and mobile so that his quarter of the word's humans could entrepreneur leapfrog models as the 5 media worlds of no elctricity, tele but no web, web 1 and 2 and 3 crah into each other. Thye tele world began soon after the invention of electricity with the International telgraph Union out of Switzerland. Telegrapgh telephone telex radio television satellite telcoms all bring with them the educational opportunity of hsaruing life shaping kmowhow and the threat of spreading hatred, propaganda , wars.
help pilot unai guide and 2020s metagood - if Fazle Abed was alive today which 100 people would he most linkin to UN sdgs wherever educators liked his collabs to end poverty
50 years of Resources for 6 dimensional education - adult skilling pres school 6 to 11 1 to 17 college + everyone teaches & srudies; 6 contexts of education - goal 2 feed; goal 3 health goal serving 5 100k person live matters communities ; chnage to greeen worlds; humanise ai world; transparency of finance-goverance oceanic access to 80% of world trade (not PPP but PYP POP & PWP
Please type any of these links for corresponding case studies which it has taken us a decade to catlalogue in at attempt to honour Abed's 50 year quest to empower 1 billion poorest women to end poverty. livesmatter communities
Intergenerational collaboration entrepreneur platforms 5.1 metavillage sustainable community building - women empowered:15000 families at a time;5.2 billion asian women,5.3 brac net; 5.4 asian universities share sdg graduates 5.5 climate smart village exchanges,5.6 meta and zoom-me up scotty BANK FOR ALL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 celebrate 30 most human collaborations from developing world of last half-century - inspiring anyone valuing UN and youth as first sustainability generation EDUCATION adult village entrepreneurs 4.1; primary 4.2 ; teen 4.3; university4.4 ; pre-school4.5;tech multidisciplinary luminaries 4.6 HEALTH oral rehydration 3.1 ;para health "doordash" basic meds 3,2; scale vaccination3.3 ;tuberculosis & 3.4 Frugal processes eg wash sanitation, maternity3.5 ; James Grant School of public health 3.6 FOOD/land security 2.1 rice; 2.2 veggie 2.3 cash crops & village fair; 2.4 poultry;2.5 dairy, 2,6 14 nation leading supply chains financial opportunities to end poverty ; |
In General theory of money interest employment, Keynes concluded that there are 2 types of economists- those whose primary purpose is intergenerational sustainability and those whose short-termism or vested interests makes them extinction designers.Keynes lived long enough to see nuclear as the first man-made technology that could collapse civilisation on a worldwide scale not just regional destruction. Of course history shows that nature had her own risky experiments such as pandemics where the microbiology dynamics play out at smaller scales than man's science could measure. However the reason why extinction risks would multiply across the three post-war generations map round john von neumanns legacy. From 1955 he had gifted us 100 times more technology that made us ever more digitally connected than separated in all 3 dimensions - economically, socially and integrated sustainably with nature.I think I only found what my father was searching for at his last public birthday party - where 40 friends of Adam Smith's logics were briefed at London's Royal Automobile Club in February 2008 on how Bangladesh's women entrepreneurial revolution was taking its next leaps forward ever more dramatic as a post subprime multi-win game advancing into 2010s as 5th decade of resilient community and bottom-up nation building opposite to empire rule;s history and neo-colonial macroeconomics.
My father served as a teenage navigator in allied bomber command Burma campaign. As a diaapora scot between sorties he read Adam Smith's books. Thanks to the Americans, father survived the war was among the last class to be tutored by Keynes and during the first of 5 decades at The Economist father met and became the biographer of JJoh Von Neumann. The Economist had been founded in 1843 by a Scot who invited queen victoria to apply smithian morals to changing empire processes from slavemaking and genocide to commonwealth. Therefore father attempted to linkin the first network of stakeholders of a worldwide viewspaper with the pattern rules of smith, keynes, von neumann. 15 years into sub-editing the economist, dad was freed from total anonimity to sign one annual survey. His 1960's surveys mainly focused on nations/regions that had most concerned him - starting with maps of the world from viewpoints of peoples of Japan 1962, USSR 1963, Latin America 1964 (dads 1950s unsigned editorials included being the only journalist at the birth of the EU and a years internship at New York's leading weekly). By 1970 father judged that macroeconomists who had excluded modeling of exponential risk from their profession had taken over designing globalisation. He therefore started series of surveys called future histories (debating one generation ahead billion times more tech consequences of von neumann) and entrepreneurial revolution which called for triangulairising big get bigger corporations and governements with entrepreneurial sme start ups blended with local community's deepest diversity concerns. In 1984 , i co-authored with father- he continued to customise updates up to sweden's new vikings in 1993 duting his last yeras at teh economist and his first yeaes completing von neumann's biography. During the last 25 years of dad's life and the first 25 years of the 2025 report- the tech forms we predicted from worldwide web to mocilisation to the clouds of data needed to converge neumann's artificial inteligences have spun through the generation timelines we had mapped. But societies got behind the 10 greatest risk (sustainability challenges that we had rehearsed). So when father died the Japanese ambassdor to bangladesh invited me to attend brainstorming sessions with fazle abed, who more than any other engineer had empoweted a billion asian village mothers to invite worldwide collaborations in the 5 primary societal dimensions - 1 end poverty; 2 end starvation and infant malnutrition; 3 end unnecessary deadly diseases, 4 celebrate smarter youth livelihoods in line with blending digital worlds and artificial brainpower, 5 designing 100000 people communities that include everyone's productivity and respect as well as love of each other's children's safe and happy development. That's what this ning seeks to rewind over the 50 years since 1971 that bangladesh was built bottom up and collaboratively across Asian women empowerment networks by the Bangladeshi and leading young Asian smithian engineer Fazle Abed. At we have filed cases from 13 years of visiting bangladesh -we welcome ever more detailed contributions than the millennial journalists which I shepa'd have so far understood. The 50 years connects networking games of two halves- by definition of asian villages during 1971-1996 all womens networking was person to person - there was no access to electricity grids in villages. From 1996 solar and mobile partners gravitating towards economics deepest goal (end poverty) which is why Abed's design of goal 5 collaboration platforms started to catch up with the 21sr C and APPs millennials enjoy linking in trillion times more tech both locally and worldwide than the 1960s moon race decade.
From 1962 my father (the Economist Consider Japan) started reporting 2 economic models capable of celebrating Asia Rising among the 65% of humans who are Asian and over 90% of whom had until world war 2 been left out of access to engines due to how the colonial empire era spun. Within 10 days of publication President Kennedy was asking his advisers to see how USA could celebrate this good news - a quest that was not competed due to his assassination - a sad turnng point for USA in many ways. The Asian rising model of 100% village employment my father termed rural keynesianism. South from Japan the far east coast of Asia was celebrating a coastal supercity model through which 1960s leaps in engineering quality and advances in electronics integrated win-win sme supply chains across selected nations. This was the beginning of the 3rd Industrial Revolution defined by above zero sum knowhow exchanges opposite to past zero-sum consumption models. In 1962 these extraordinary new lives matter opportunities proceeded down far east coast - Japan, Korea South, Taiwan - soon the superport variant of this model reached hong kong and singapore along what was becoming the fastest growing world trade coastline. The 1950s saw the world recovering from world war 2 so each of Japan, Korea, Taiwan had needed to rely at least briefly on rural keysnesianism (particularly rice science of Boralaug's green revolution) until their supercity economies advanced. However rural Keynesianism was most needed on the main continent of Asia mainly left out of 200 years of engineering infrastructure .
That is where a billion people's mapping of ending poverty 2020-1970 more correctly became womens rural keynesianism -up to a billion village mothers have made it the core model to ending starvation and extreme poverty. Countries like China needed this model totally until the Japanese (circa 1980 read Ezra Vogel) started transfering engineering tech through Tsinghua University and to Chinese coastal cities from which time the rapid wealth production multiplied around supercities but with nearly a quarter of the world's people starting from poverty the Chinese advance was rooted in deep rural keynsianism and the energy of women holding up half the sky (see eg Economist survey on China 1977).
The model presented below is how Bangladesh women empowerment built that nation which started 90% rural and to this day does not have a supercity coastal belt of infrastructure to advance round - as of 2020 Bangladesh is 70% rural but from 1996 with partners bringing mobile and solar, Bangladesh is collaboration home to some of the most extraordinary leapfrog models such as that have been designed by partners BRAC found and which village women app'd.
2025=1984 Report's Final Edition
Chapter 1 3 Last chances of humans & machines
1.1 Glasgow starts up machines 1760-1945
Stories of 10 white empires -from 1776
-what did usa & canada do (new world north of tropics including new world's arctic roof)
-what happened to what portugal & Spain did - ie tropical-centre america & souther hemisphere america delineated by suez canal (also where east coast and west coast meet)
-what did eg britain france netherlands do to the old world's tri-continent- land bridg and med seae : west asia, west europe, n africa
-mainly britain takes over the whole of south asia coastline (while circumnavigated -all change when suez canal built
-without a colonies to fuel its engineers germany becomes main warrior against euro neighbors made complex by russia's continental roof (and up to world war 1other central euro players, austrian hungarian, ottoman..the seas inside eurasi north of istanbul)
textbooks celebrated by scotland the non-nation; the non-colony
adam smith's 2 books footnote 1.1 geo maps
the economist 1843-1995 (150 years of a weekly newspaper reporting smith and then von neumann exponential multipliers)
keynes general theory - final chapter we can see that increasingly only economists design what futures are exponenitallf possible - expect 2 segemnts : valuing sustainability graviating the core communiyu goals - end poverty, feed all, health-all, livelihood-edu all; community where all lives productivity/safety matter
those who measure 90 days sales of things
footnote 1.1 Smith's moral economics: last book before machines 1758 moral sentiments; first book of man and machines- written 1760-1776 - advantages of nations- which nations will apply mahines as if all lives matter - not london can usa (only if every state that gets machines both ends slavery and designs lives matter with its uiwu market sectors): the ne states; south east stats; lousisan purchase centre south-north states; the texas purchase the south west coat meets the russian purchase of nw coast
1.2 Birth of UN 1945-2020 - from world war 2
to triple whammy of covid lockdown & climate's last cjnace directions to lives matter out of every community
list of chalenges beyond world war 2
reboot major economies - unlike world war 1 let peoples in losing nations grow but without military
-stalin is the madman out of the major economies - how to outlast him
-up to 75% of people (in the colonised world) still have no cacess to electricity (viillage workd has barely seen any applications of engines)- how will colonies pay forward - nb of the 75% - nearly 25% are chinese; 25% live of india south asia subconinent ; 5% asean; 5% west or central asian
- other colonised areas african continent; islands (quarter of all indpendent nations),
-semi-developed areas : latin america; greece m turkey, yugoslavia; parts of europe or asia directly controlled by ussr; and mainly controled by ussr
=economist reports some good news from dirst 17 yeras of Un 1945-1962
-miraculoiusly von neumann has connecetd new htech - his alumni promise 100 times more compuitation-communication every decade from 1955-2025
it makes sense to clssify win-win value opportuities as post industrial (or industrial revolution 3, 4); those before von neumann industrial revolution 1 and 2 - 1 =power of engines physically, 2 =power of communications/media emotionally- nb world war 2 shows that to date both of those machine uses have been zero-sum (ie we will need new economic models to sustain worldwide peopels)
miraculously so far usa has prevented stalin from nuclear war; it gave japan and korea south peace umbrellea- together with taiwan those 3 mid-north east asta asian countries have developed 2 new economic models
100% ptoductive vilages (local agriculturalm leaps mainly of borlaug alumni)
-win-win trade between supercoties wiyth engineering/tech goods intengrating sme supply chains- connecetd by containerised superports and supertrains (both bullet trains where needed and city undergrounds)
in 1962 kennedy accepted asia new models calling for worldwide interdependence but within a year his and megar evers assiaaination ended american potential to joyfull map interdependence; brought new urgency to us integration of white black , latin adn asian; while kennedys mon race decade gave next generation hope;nowhere has since decalred decadr long goals valuing youth's next 100 time moore
-- from around 1970 the economist coims 2 ways of question futures sustainability in addition to asking what ir3,4 timelines will be to 2025
-future hostories - which market scetirs need leaps with tech first - the economist suggest 5 that turn out to match the ro[ 5 sdgs - and global village modeling - ie fntech food/agr/nature tech, helath-teck, edu-jovs tech, communities of lieves matetr/reseiliemcy----this model extends to wmens rural keunsianism through continetal asia that hasnt prevously been conecetd by engines
-entrepreneurial revolution - this looks at how multi-win tech connecets sme start ups and suoercities and the bodreless nature of erath data modelled for ssuatainble goverance
we can oropose ir4 needs to be about humanising artificial intel - neumans 2 first alumni labs stanford/mit
-meanwheile the 100 times more tech of ir3 conecrns all multi-win models- for example netwroking apps of life shaping knowghow multiply vlue in use unlike consuming up thinsg--- ng this means that paper money economies of consuming up things are not the major value multipliers most needed by granparent, parents youth of the united jnations of huamns and machines and nature- see 1972 as future hostory discussion of the fintech chalelnge - and the need to clarify which economists are sustainability and which are extinction modellers (short-term cash and grab building bigger not better orgs and non translarent media)
1.3Birth of UN2.1 in 2020
2humaneconomics.docx download 2 page doc click through guide to world's most applied sustainability networks
1 financial services to end poverty - goal 1
2 food last mile services to end famine
3 health last mile services to end unnecessary deaths of children a...
4 lifelong livelihood teaching and learning
5 inclusive and resilient communities - prepped for disaster and re...
download 50 year report of sir fazle abed on university & developing nation 2020 -safe 2021 to you -please click here first- we want to share 2021 calendar with those excited by the view: only radical educators/community builders can save post covid youth -use reply button to add in nominations or tell to edit in your vote -coming up collaboarations year 38 of 1984' why our species will be won or lost by how we apply tech and humans to transform education- we need to all be lifelong students and teachers- through 2020s half of most valuable global new knowhow will change every 3 years while last mile service will depend on ever greater love and emotional intel as well as societal deep data apps
For those who value 260 years of adam smith scholarship- the good news is 50 years of work by sir fazle abed has proven that if you are trusted in communities facing extreme sustainbility challenges actionable knowhow multiplies value in use - so who are the 70 local to global leaders who multiplied their actionable knowhow with alumni of sir fazle- your votes our welcome- here's our current
TOP 71 to Connect sustainability goals with by 2030
50 Gates Melinda & 49 Gates Bill & 48 ban ki-moon & 47 Guterres & 46 Schwarzman 46a Rhodes 46b Mandela 46c Gandhi & 46 d Maria Montessori 45 Smith & 44 Watt
The royal families of 43 UK & 42 Netherlands & 41 Japan-& 40 Kennedy & 39 Moore & 38 Keiretsu and 37 Chaebol the two leading engineering networks that celebrated united engineering were Japan's keirestu (eg Toyota) , and S Korea's Chaebol (eg Samsung) chinese conglomerates (not sure if they have a term) but eg see founders of shanghai 36 Fosun for empowering world trade out of world's benchmark superport location 36bis India's Tata 36c Nilekani
35 Lee Kuan Yew (now represented by mahbubani ,34 Ka-Shing 33 Deng 1978 levering 33bis Roosevelts kindness in early 1900s
32 Deming, 31 Von Neumann, 30 Korolev & 29 paulo freire 28 saint francis & 27 marco polo 27bis Yo Yo Ma bbc broadcasting 26 attenborough nature 25 palin cultures, ny-tokyo's own 24 Yoko Ono,
World Economic Forum and global youth shapers hubs-builder 23 Schwab and global medicine man & pop agent 22 Larry Brilliant. : 21 James Wilson & 20 Bagehot 20 bis Keynes 19 James Grant 18 soros new economics 17 Jim Y Kim 17bis widodo 17c kagame 16 Bloomberg-16 bis schwarzenneger:
15 mayor of tokyo & 14 gordon brown & sweden's 13 solberg
12 mayor of beijing chen jining & 11 mayor of paris & 10 mayor of milan & japan's richest man founder of 9 uniqlo
8 Jack ma & 7 pony ma scholars -6 Masa Son and 5 stanford's Jerry Yang the world would not have 5G without 4 Nordica and 3 Ren Zhengfen; the world's 4G would be different without 2 serge brin and 1 kai fu-lee the commercials world's 3G was changed by 51 bezos as well as jack ma : the world's 2G and 1G should not forget 52 berners lee 53 torvaulds 54 jobs 55 case mit beyond borders 56 quadirs 56a Reeta Roy 57 negropronte 58 joi ito and 59 rosalind picard 60 olsen
the 61 Jin and Jin family duo 62 Yue 63 musk 64 harrison owen 65 soros 66 gorbachev 67 sheikha moza and 68 queen rania 69 founder dubai and 70 varkey ,,,millennial reporters wanted at partners in GAMES & book of a project of Family Foundation
welcome to the most inspirational youth 1 around the world and the elders (eg alumni/partners of fazle abed) who guide them safely as well at the speed of consciousness 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0 My family and friends at The Economist have also argued for Entrepreneurial Revolution (aka 4+ Industrial Revolutions-each decades of #digitalcooperation knowhow leaping ahead of all past shared knowhow) that the 1960s with its moon race , new satellite communications, moores laws promise of 100 times more tech per decade ought to have been a time when we started asking what new curriculum will youth need to explore. Peoples everywhere had the chance to enjoy/map new views of how our world and peoples were connected streaming down from space- perhaps 3rd grade teachers could have been celebrated for making a quiz out of that in the 1970s, then a quiz anticipating 1G (80s how do we design the first universal coding language to do what: 2G 1990s how do we use ecommerce to redesign any value chains that are not transparent and moral in the sense adam smith and james watt hoped for in 1760's Glasgow: 3G as we increasingly value the goals of millnnials - new scholarships of 2000s what startups will connect/groound the smartest first apps of there being no technical cost to sharing any codable solution" 4G quiz to launch the 2010s around how does our species start analysisng a whole new world of big data so that it make life better locally out of every community. G-Whiz! I am sure you can find better ways of identifying each decades missing curriculum- but those of us over in the older half of the world -over 30 will destroy our children and species if we do not admit we have failed to accelerate change in what and how youth most needed to study lifelong skills for newly sustainable economic hemisphere's . And there is another issue- I am not sure any of us even have a common map of what mother earth sees herself being/ All these issues came up in ways far more urgent and nuanced than i can report in sir fazle's Japanj Embassy Rounundatges with 50 fellow Bangladesh microentrepreneurs and women empowerment fans in 2012 - see for example how the exponential partners of bkash have multiplied
Abed Bhai's main brainstorming to unite the world is one cooperation university of global poverty- where the solutions communities most "Ultra" needed to replicate are catalogued free to adapt on what becomes the number 1 knowhow web. (I realise commerce webs will always have larger volumes of eyeballs than knowhow webs- but can you tell me today what do you see as the number 1 action learning web or family of apps- how can we unite cultures and nations around sdgs if we dont have a first reference space? Let's call this - and the world's largest open partnerships BRAC University for now. Let's assume AI training assistants will help translate and search every idea sir fazle would linkin if he were here to make the 2020s the most exciting decade to be alive for every girl, and boy, Who are the top 50 world record job creators whose knowhow could be weaved alongside sir fazles to make this vaut le voyage - at least virtually - for any peoples or place facing the most ultra deep sdgs challenge?
since 2015 the lancet has advocated teenage peer to peer health as sdg world's missing curriculum- we agree except that's also where quarter billion girls started ending poverty 50 years ago in bangladesh we need to help launch the fazle scholars -the most loving under 25s 80% girls - you already have the master mentor in vincent but not the open space invitation so the optimal youth come first starting 1 jan 2020
e a program for eg 6 months in dhaka at brac university where 20 scholars come from beijing or hangzhou, 20 come from hong kong (this first 40 cultural cocktail critical timing) - by all means soros can nominate 20 from what used to be his budapest university , qatar or the uae with its expo coming can nominate 20 women if everyone likes and include eg bracs top 10 villagers under 30 ; maybe india can send 20 too; maybe japan can nominate 20 who also become scholars of olympics/arts in every city
during the 6 months each scholar finds how to start up one mission for next 5 years of life and all the connections in dhaka needed to mentor that mission as well as top person in her country who will keep an eye on the ball
both yidan (ie ten cent) and jack ma alibaba need to send at least one tech staff to connect with the training too
if soros wont put up the funds to start fazle scholars at least we have a written concept we can send to gates schwarzman bloomberg ... and viralise on youtube-
this needs doing in october and also announcing at wise before hong kong december week celebrations- sdg action education is the 21st c economy if there are to be any people left
do you have the team to do this or not?
technical note - soros was lead funder in 1996 of mobile village bangladesh including grameen phone and later bkash with quadirs mit legatum (dubai is also home open space itu-unctad) - the fazle scholars just the next leap to start up so it can be exponentially multiplied by all sdg partners including my 60-year long friend bbc david attenborough for climate scholars -he should be given first opportunity- timing is so urgent as any whistleblower knows, (trump is mentally ill - he prefers world wars to being thrown out)
related Dares 1 what is world largest ngo market about brac1 vilage somen markets sdgs 1-6 when you have no electricity- 25 yeras work begun 1972 - chnaged aid mixing funds disstare releif and development maximising local capability- first new currency beyond gov paper money (manualk microcredit0 2 first village experiments with 2g mobile tech and solar- both linked in places wi9th no electricity- while many experiments were fast burn brac did something different - it used better communications to establish national leading positions in total value chains 1 finance 2 key foods crop science poultry diary enterprises it also planted a university and open a global headquarters for remittances and finding partners in eg africa hiti afghanistan where a national partner wanted to design at least 1 of bracs 10 best solutions from bangladesh women 3by around 2009 most of the world examples of manual microcredit had failed to find tech partners who permitted then to keep ownership for poor- brac became last survivor and so where bottom billion digital finance partners linked in now called bkash w by 2012 brac as a livelihood education partnership had sustaine over quarter a billion of livelihpoods always linked to very poorest families but now passing through generations - eg daughters of poorest vilage moet6hers afre often city leading garmen t workers-sir fazle abed was right;y recieving all the greatest education laureates but none understaoiod the whiole of brac was based on pedgaogy of oppressed fro fen 2019 brac university now has finds and ability to search out partnerships to connect all of fazle abeds life work for the futire and all teh deepst sdg partners - this could be one ov varios celebrations hong kong dec 2 hosted by co-foudner of ten cent - yidan prize sir fazle abed i found 4 deep new details at new york--maybe each best by email -if any of these interets you or team #1 eight annual meeting started by a turkey hub now have undp support- 40 markets around world mapped by small enterprises -eg nepals largest private employer social business leading world market for hazlenuts! #2 lots of news on africas new universities- south africa's benchmark of this idea started with mandela and branson and blecher has lost its way but ghana now has lead model and its supported at hi levels in new york offices of both facebook and google; #3 updates on wise qatar womens universkitoies- hub of 40 countrues education for refugees- although fazle abed first wise laureate they still dont understand brac; #4 training on how several hundred corporations are linking ERM ( fiduciary risk reporting) with ESG environmental social governance- while 5 years of work at price waterhouse helps me understand why this is being done, i dont really feel its getting to bottom up in time but hey the corporations connecting this are most of top western names and some from rest of world help us link the world best news on girls webs creating jobs by being best at racing to sustainability gioals out of every community on mother earth why do we celebrate alumni of brac and sir fazle abed as essential to world best news brac can be explored for many different achievements- because understanding the 82 years of knowledge pof sir fazle abed is one of the most urgent assignents imaginable - the world's largest and most colaborative ngo partnership - ie the networks who seign oransiations to achieve hiuanity's most exciting goals over a geneneration not quarterly profit as the only objective because even 22 years of annual microcreditsummit were not enough for america's leading philanthropoists and academics to make4 an updating education curriculum out of the story of how the world poorest ghilrs built the largest new mation of the last 50 years in a way that could have changed education and technology among womens world record jobs creators because brac partners have some of the most exciting enetrepreneurial revolutions to share thorough each of the G decades - in many copuntries beig a mobile enetrepreneur was quite costly- uniquely bangladesh, china and parts of kenya bucked the trend - see how the quadirs brough mobile vilage phones to bangladesh for about one hundredeth lof the spectrum licence fee than most other places, how kenya's ibrahim while in control of celenet started points mobile cash, how china saw mobile as thedigital entrepreneuriual revolution of all the peoples - eg see wrjc jack ma 5g 2020s AI SCI FI no longer existe- anything imaginable can be designed; 5G nobody is left out; VR- use all 5 senses to ecplore the globe or your local community; 3d printing- anything can be prototyped- even rebuolding motre dame if you had 3d scanned it; IOT- lifeless things no ,longer exust- if needed anythingcanhave a computer (robot) brain in it toi serve you; bitech a most valuable segment of IOT as well as revolution in healthservice accessibility; cyber -study the risks noting big organsiations are the most risky if they are not locally partnered in trist; 4g 2010s 3g 2000s 2g 1990s please lote that until 1995 vilage girls had no access to electricity - so by being the most rpodictive [people on the planet woith 0g - they have become the world's most exciting partners to leapfrog with every new g - to get references on this ask bill gates since 2011 , jack ma since 2018, leaders of mastercard foundation in canada from about 2013, leaders of mit- dubai-kenya mobile tech for the poorest from 1996 - eg the quadir family or any of their investment partners since 1996 APRIL 2019 breaking news: china telecom and the intercontinetal hotel in shenzen is the first 5g hotel in the world- its hub shows business women and men things they cant imagine millennials doing unless they live Back from Future Herstory in 5g- clearly this is a much more effective way of going beyond trump than spending billions of dollars on lawyers or centuries of congress's man hours
this idea connects with 20 other education revolution ideas that have multiplied since Bangladesh girls empowered by sir fazle abed became the first WISE laureate and chinas' 21st C learning hosted wise@beijing nov 2016 - tell me if we can meet or whatsapp or we chat to see if your alumni see this as good news
some more geopolitical realities from huawei's annual tech summit in shenzhen
diversity of huawei 5g's worldwide experiments: none of huawei's first 20 place contracts are in china- you can confirm this by seeing where huawei universitry trains local 5g infarstructure builders
when big investors do 5g computing - none of the most innovative SDG solutions are created on your computer's cpu- its all on the cloud and AI spaces smartest clouds are linkedin to - this sort of AI teaching assistance is also extremely important for sustainability mba students and the un's deepest fieldworkers to design- it also matters wherever big data is going to be used to empower women in the commuity - see eg 5g alumni of nilekani's billion persons digital id in india- last weeks western good news: from nyu its medical college has gone tuition free- will it or other smart city's leading universities dare to make its 5g tech lab tuition free for other women world record jobs creators next?
friends of huawei are expected to map how to linkin majority of womens world record jobs creators by 2025 -
huawei alumni are not just 5g wizards - partners are 3 years ahead of apple on handset that make best use of 5g and foldable screens will be what billionaires want to use in their personal AI; poorest developing countries so far excluded from leading edge mobile will start leaping to 4G and 5G wherever they modernise infrstructure, - by 2022 nobody will be putting any more investment into 3g infrastructure (or it will be far more costly to add than 5g)
nations that most cooperate in mapping world trade will also helps women co-create 5g sustainability goals- what will happen to trump's big brothers networks is not something worth wasting any smart (or truth) media (let alone girls schools) time on - all optimistically in line with alumni of Entrepreneurual Revolution in The Economist and our friends 1984 storylines of edutech's tipping points during the first quarter of century 21
paris will only achieve its objective of reopening notre dame in time for paris olympics if it makes itself a 5g cmart city- Japan's Reiwa era will invite 196 national leaders to join in a league table of 5g womens smartest cities in november and invites early demonstrations of whats possible at tokyo olympics 2020 - check out the smart reunion of stanford taiwan hangzhou tokyo geneva linked by world record jobs creator Japan's Masa-Son and his visionary AI partners
updates at
from friday sub-editors of norman macrae foundation and the blog back at +1 240 316 8157 washington dc
notes from 2016 celebrations of sir fazle abed 80th birthday party So now that Massive Online Open Curriculum has come full circle - we invite everyone to link in to BRAC to call for microeducationsummit and to design 7 MOOCs most needed for youth economics to free the net generation to be the most communally productive and and purposefully collaborative tome on the planet MOOC ....
1 new coperation university as platform for transformative education for every age group to prevent half of all milennials time being wasted50 years of lessons from bottom billion womens develoment …Continue
Started by chris macrae Jun 21, 2023.
ED: Graduate students and I travelled to bangladesh 16 times during…Continue
Started by chris macrae Feb 2, 2023.
click pic for brac 2014 story of bkash 2012-4…Continue
Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae Aug 4, 2022.
unaiwho.docx version queens 70th 6/6 help pilot unai guide and 2020s…Continue
Started by chris macrae May 12, 2022.
BRAC has been working in the agriculture sector since 1972. The objective is to enhance food and nutritional security by ensuring the consistent supply of quality agricultural inputs including resilient varieties, promoting sustainable production technologies and appropriate…
Posted by chris macrae on May 9, 2018 at 1:02pm
Free order #506533559 of 1 Ticket on April 4, 2016…
Posted by chris macrae on April 6, 2016 at 10:40am
Free order #506533559 of 1 Ticket on April 4, 2016…
Posted by chris macrae on April 6, 2016 at 10:40am
2015.9 in scaling jobs-related curriculum moocs and khan academies are likely to continue to disappoint until china versions them in much same way that yahoo and ebay and paypal missed the big pic jack ma rejigged them ;
Posted by chris macrae on September 5, 2015 at 11:46am
Added by chris macrae
101ways-generation.docx 101 ways education can save the world WHAT IF WE DESIGNED LIFELONG LIVELIHOOD LOEARNING SO THAT so that teachers & students, parent & communities were empowered to be ahead of 100 times more tech rather than the remnants of a system that puts macihnes and their exhausts ahead of human life and nature's renewal 2016 is arguably the first time thet educatirs became front and centre to the question that Von neummn asked journalist to mediate back in 1951- what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade? It appears that while multilaterals like the Un got used in soundbite and twittering ages to claim they valued rifghts & inclusion, pubblic goods & safety, they fotgot theirUN tech twin in Genva has been practising global connectivity since 1865, that dellow Goats of V neumnn has chiared Intellectual Cooperation in the 1920s which pervesrely became the quasi trade union Unesco- it took Abedian inspired educations in 2016 ro reunite ed and tecah as well as health and trade ; 7 decades of the UN not valuing Numenn's question at its core is quite late, but if we dare graviate UN2 aeound this digital coperation question now we give the younger half if the world a chnace especially as a billion poorest women have been synchronised to deep community human development since 1970
2021 afore ye go to glasgow cop26-
please map how and why - more than 3 in 4 scots earn their livelihoods worldwide not in our homeland- that requires hi-trust as well as hi-tech to try to love all cultures and nature's diversity- until mcdonalds you could use MAC OR MC TO identify our community engaging networks THAT SCALED ROUND STARTING UP THE AGE OF HUMANS AND MACHINES OF GKASGOW UNI 1760 1 2 3 - and the microfranchises they aimed to sustain locally around each next child born - these days scots hall of fame started in 1760s around adam smith and james watt and 195 years later glasgow engineering BA fazle abed - we hope biden unites his irish community building though cop26 -ditto we hope kamalA values gandhi- public service - but understand if he or she is too busy iN DC 2021 with covid or finding which democrats or republicans or american people speak bottom-up sustainable goals teachers and enrrepreneurs -zoom with if you are curious - fanily foundation of the economist's norman macrae- explorer of whether 100 times more tehc every decade since 1945 would end poverty or prove orwell's-big brother trumps -fears correct est1984 or the economist's entreprenerialrevolutionstarted up 1976 with italy/franciscan romano prodi
help assemble card pack 1in time for games at cop26 glasgow nov 2021 - 260th year of machines and humans started up by smith and watt- co-author, networker foundation of The Economist's Norman Macrae - 60s curricula telecommuting andjapan's capitalist belt roaders; 70s curricula entreprenurial revolution and poverty-ending rural keynesianism - library of 40 annual surveys loving win-wins between nations youth biographer john von neumann
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